How Much Does It Cost To Paint Window Trim?

Typical range: $172-$417

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to paint window trim starts at $1.38-$3.34 per linear foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Painting window trim can be an easy, affordable way to update the appearance of a room or entire house, whether the paint is applied to the house’s interior or exterior. A fresh coat of paint on window trim can draw the eye to windows or subtly adjust the feel or a room to something more modern, bright or elegant. When budgeting for this project, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Linear Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:$1.38$3.34
Range for this type of project:$172$417
Estimate: $295
Window Trim Painting Cost
linear feet
Cost of enamel paint for exterior surfaces including wood, vinyl, masonry, stucco, and brick. This latex-based coating is both paint and primer in one. Finish options include eggshell and semi-gloss, and all are mildew-resistant. Rate includes local delivery, and standard excess for perfect coverage and ongoing touch-ups. 15-Year Warranty guarantees exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Window Trim Painting
Labor costs for complete project under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. The layout will be planned, appropriate equipment acquired, materials transported, and all preparation, painting and cleanup carried out. Preparation will require up to 1 hours per 100' of length, and involves masking adjacent areas and repairing minor defects prior to painting. Molding will be sanded and spot-primed. Two complete coats of paint will ensure a perfect finish.
Job Supplies for Window Trim Painting
linear feet
All of the supplies and materials necessary for flawless execution of the painting job, such as masking tape and paper, materials to prepare and repair the surface, solvents, and cleanup supplies.
Optional Services
Removal of Trim Paint (Optional)
Need help preparing the surface? We'll use a chemical finish remover to strip existing finish without damaging adjacent surfaces. Surface, edges, and ridges will be scraped and sanded to remove final residue, and all waste will be responsibly disposed of. Option available for varnish, polyurethane, and paint finishes with the exception of lead-based paint removal, which will incur additional fees.
Standard services
Window Trim Painting Cost
$32 -$93
linear feet
Cost of enamel paint for exterior surfaces including wood, vinyl, masonry, stucco, and brick. This latex-based coating is both paint and primer in one. Finish options include eggshell and semi-gloss, and all are mildew-resistant. Rate includes local delivery, and standard excess for perfect coverage and ongoing touch-ups. 15-Year Warranty guarantees exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Window Trim Painting
$126 -$308
Labor costs for complete project under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. The layout will be planned, appropriate equipment acquired, materials transported, and all preparation, painting and cleanup carried out. Preparation will require up to 1 hours per 100' of length, and involves masking adjacent areas and repairing minor defects prior to painting. Molding will be sanded and spot-primed. Two complete coats of paint will ensure a perfect finish.
Job Supplies for Window Trim Painting
$14 -$17
linear feet
All of the supplies and materials necessary for flawless execution of the painting job, such as masking tape and paper, materials to prepare and repair the surface, solvents, and cleanup supplies.
Optional Services
Removal of Trim Paint (Optional)
$190 -$463
Need help preparing the surface? We'll use a chemical finish remover to strip existing finish without damaging adjacent surfaces. Surface, edges, and ridges will be scraped and sanded to remove final residue, and all waste will be responsibly disposed of. Option available for varnish, polyurethane, and paint finishes with the exception of lead-based paint removal, which will incur additional fees.
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:
$1 - $3
Range for this type of project:
$172 - $417
Cost Comparison

$179 -$433

Paint window trim: national average cost

The national average materials cost to paint window trim is $0.49 per linear foot, with a range between $0.25 to $0.73. The total price for labor and materials per linear foot is $2.45, coming in between $1.43 to $3.47. A typical 125 linear foot project costs $306.13, with a range of $178.88 to $433.38. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to paint window trim
National Avg. Materials Cost per linear foot$0.49
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 125 linear foot$306.13
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 125 linear foot$178.88 - $433.38


Painting window trim does not begin with the actual painting but rather with thorough preparation. Depending on the trim’s condition and material, this often involves a multi-step process that can include cleaning, sanding and taping. A professional painter will have the tools and skills to properly prepare and work with more detailed trim while ensuring the longevity of an attractive paint job.

Painting Exterior Window Trim

Often, people choose to paint exterior trim with a color that complements or contrasts with the primary paint color of the rest of the house. Classic white is also a popular option that, compared with darker colors, provides minimal heat absorption and in turn can reduce the risk of warping that can accompany painting vinyl trim. Whether painting over wood or vinyl window trim, beginning with an excellent primer, high-quality weather-resistant paint and favorable weather conditions is key.

Painting Interior Window Trim

A fresh coat of paint on interior window trim can brighten rooms and make windows look new. Higher gloss finishes can be easier to clean and provide a more contemporary look, while darker colors or a matte finish can complement existing decor or highlight a more unique style. Painting interior window trim black, for example, can create an elegant contrast against while walls and highlight a room’s architectural features while still remaining neutral in color.

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