How Much Does It Cost To Install A Replacement Patio Door?

Typical range: $675-$1,045

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a replacement patio door starts at $675.44-$1,044.82 per door. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Replacing a patio door can give an entrance a more aesthetic appeal and make it easier to use. A new door also corrects any sticking or failing mechanisms that stop it from opening and closing properly and may increase security with new locking options.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per door:$675.44$1,044.82
Range for this type of project:$675$1,045
Estimate: $860
Replacement Door Installation Cost
Cost of sliding patio door with fusion-welded frame. Highly efficient double-pane glass with Argon insulation layer, made with low-emissivity glass. Top energy-efficient rating ensures cost-effective insulation. Screen door not included. Limited lifetime warranty ensures exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Replacement Door Installation
Labor costs for thorough installation under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the layout, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, installation and cleanup. They will measure, trim, and plane the door to fit the existing door jamb, and prepare and install hinges, door handle set, and strike plate.
Job Supplies for Replacement Door Installation
Standard supplies used in the installation process. Fasteners, shims, flashing, drip cap, perimeter foam insulation, and exterior caulking are among the materials covered by this fee.
Removal of Replacement Door Installation Waste
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Standard services
Replacement Door Installation Cost
$374 -$571
Cost of sliding patio door with fusion-welded frame. Highly efficient double-pane glass with Argon insulation layer, made with low-emissivity glass. Top energy-efficient rating ensures cost-effective insulation. Screen door not included. Limited lifetime warranty ensures exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Replacement Door Installation
$269 -$437
Labor costs for thorough installation under standard conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the layout, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, installation and cleanup. They will measure, trim, and plane the door to fit the existing door jamb, and prepare and install hinges, door handle set, and strike plate.
Job Supplies for Replacement Door Installation
$17 -$19
Standard supplies used in the installation process. Fasteners, shims, flashing, drip cap, perimeter foam insulation, and exterior caulking are among the materials covered by this fee.
Removal of Replacement Door Installation Waste
$16 -$18
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per door:
$675 - $1,045
Range for this type of project:
$675 - $1,045
Cost Comparison

$701 -$1,085

Install a replacement patio door: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a replacement patio door is $490.14 per door, with a range between $387.85 to $592.43. The total price for labor and materials per door is $892.87, coming in between $701.15 to $1,084.59. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a replacement patio door
National Avg. Materials Cost per door$490.14
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 door$892.87
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 door$701.15 - $1,084.59

Patio doors costs by type

Your patio door replacement cost will depend on several factors - most importantly, the type of door you choose. Sliding doors are typically the most popular style, but other patio doors are available that open and close using different mechanisms. Other options include French doors, telescoping doors, and bi-fold doors. The total of your new patio doors cost will vary based on the type of doors you select and how they’re installed. Here are a few examples of different patio door types and their cost to help you determine which one is right for you.

Sliding doors

The cost to install a sliding door typically ranges between $1,000 to $3,000 or more. These beautiful doors are inspired by traditional Japanese bamboo room dividers. Many people choose this door style for easy access to an outdoor space like a deck or patio. Your sliding door replacement cost depends on whether you choose a two, three, or deluxe four-panel door.

For the materials, two-panel sliding patio doors are usually between $300 to $1,500. Three-panel doors come in at around $700 to $3,000. Deluxe four-panel sliding doors cost more, coming in at between $2,000 and $5,000. When you look at how much to install a sliding glass door, it breaks down to about $10 to $50 per square foot for materials and around $250 to $1,650 for labor.

French doors

French doors lend a sophisticated look to your home and create a symmetrical aesthetic. The cost to install new French doors costs around $400 on the low end and up to $4,000 for high-end designs that are larger in size, have more intricate and elegant details or are customized for your home.

Telescoping doors

Telescoping patio doors have multiple panels consisting of three or more sections based on your desired size. Each section of telescoping patio doors is able to move independently, providing a range of different configurations to meet your needs. This style of patio door costs between $1,500 to $5,000 on average.

Bi-fold doors

Bi-fold patio doors - also called accordion-style folding doors - are a less common choice. This is likely because they’re the costliest, but there are no other patio door styles that provide a wider opening than bi-fold doors. The patio door replacement cost for bi-fold doors ranges between $3,000 to $10,000.

Installation of patio doors cost factors

Some factors that may affect your patio door installation price include:

  • Size: Most contractors determine the cost to you based on the size of your new patio doors. This also affects the door style and materials that you’ll need.
  • Materials: Custom materials or delicate trim may require additional labor, which can increase the total cost. It’ll also cost more if an entryway needs additional reinforcement.
  • Trim: New trim molding will frame the interior and exterior of your patio doors. It can coordinate to match the door style or may be purchased as a casing kit to fit standard-sized doors.
  • Prep and installation: Your contractor will need to prep the site by moving furniture and protecting your floors. They’ll also charge for the installation, which can range from a few hours to a full day.
  • Cleanup: The average cost to dispose of debris and/or your old patio doors is between $100 to $600 per truckload.

Patio door replacement costs

A patio door replacement costs between $1,200 and $10,000. Much of the cost depends on the scope of the project and which components you’re replacing. Remember to factor in the disposal of old materials, which costs between $100 and $300 extra.

Full door replacement

If you’re replacing an entire patio door, it should cost you somewhere between $600 and $5,000, including labor. Your final cost will depend on the door size and the style you want. Find out if a local door installation contractor can reuse the existing door frame to help you save money.

Replacing the glass

If you just need to replace the glass in your patio door, it typically costs between $150 and $1,000, including labor. Single-pane glass costs $150 to $300, while low-e door glass costs $250 to $450. Energy-efficient glass is costlier at $350 to $600, and tempered glass costs approximately the same. If you need hurricane-rated glass, it costs $700 to $1,500, but it’s worth the investment if you live in a hurricane-prone area.

Sliding panel replacement

It costs between $450 and $700 to replace a single sliding panel on your patio door. This includes the cost of labor and the disposal of existing panels and other materials. If you need to replace additional panels in a three or four-panel door, it may be better to replace the entire thing with a brand-new door.

DIY or hire a pro

You may wonder if you should try to replace your patio doors DIY or if hiring a professional contractor is the right choice for you. While the door itself is the biggest cost factor, installing patio doors is a project that requires precision to ensure everything is done correctly. If a wall needs to be demolished, your labor cost will be higher, but it’s also something best left to the pros to handle.

Hiring a professional is definitely recommended if you need to remove a wall before installing new patio doors. There are many structural implications to removing part of a wall. The contractor will also be able to ensure that no electrical wiring or plumbing lines are damaged during the demolition process.

If you simply want to replace a knob or lock, you can probably do this small project yourself. Installing or replacing a completely new patio door takes much longer to do by yourself than if you were to hire a contractor. Most door installers can complete the project in three hours or less. Think about the size and scope of the job to determine whether it’s best to try it DIY or hire a door installation professional. 

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