Working from home has become a more regular work model, and the concept of home-based income has taken on a whole new meaning. According to a Bankrate survey of 2,500 adults, 53% of Gen Zers and 40% of Gen Xers have a side hustle.

Whether you’re looking for extra income, pursuing your passions, or starting your own business, side hustles have become the go-to avenue for making money from the comfort of your home. Here are some tips and insights from different people in the business about exploring the world of home-based entrepreneurship and how to do it successfully.

Benefits and motivations

Flexibility and work-life balance. One of the main motivations behind the side hustles is the flexible lifestyle. You get to decide when and where you work. It’s all about achieving that work-life balance that with a traditional 9-to-5 job isn’t always be possible.

Additional income. A side hustle can compensate for the gap between expenses and income. It’s an opportunity to reach your financial goals faster, whether that’s paying off debt, saving for a vacation, or investing in your future.

Doing what you love. Side hustles aren’t always just about money, they’re about fulfillment too. You can turn your hobbies and creative talents into income streams, allowing you to do what you love while earning a living.

Becoming an entrepreneur. If you dream of starting your own business but are unsure where to start, a side hustle is your testing ground. Experiment with business ideas, learn new skills and build a foundation for future entrepreneurial success.

What’s your advice for becoming a successful virtual assistant?

My advice for becoming a successful virtual assistant today has changed slightly from what I would have said not long ago. While the basic core competencies are still required and the standard advice of identifying in-demand skills, diversifying your client base, and building a personal brand still apply, for better or worse, we’re living in a new era.

Today, the most important skill a VA can learn to succeed is using AI (artificial intelligence) effectively.  

As productivity software like Word and Excel and tools like Notion and Canva introduce AI features into their products, they have the potential to level the playing field. AI will play a significant role in skills and tasks like data entry, social media marketing, spreadsheet management, content creation, document formatting, website maintenance, bookkeeping, and so on.

While specific knowledge, skills, and experience are still advantageous, they can also be an Achilles heel for those unable or unwilling to adapt.

AI enables some VAs (clients) to do tasks they previously could not do. That’s not good for those relying on their skills and experience to stand out. 

In some cases, AI will allow unskilled VAs to do tasks faster and more accurately than skilled VAs struggling to change their existing workflows. Habits can be hard to break. 

So, in addition to leveraging AI yourself, your soft skills will play a more important role when landing and keeping clients.

For example, typing 120 wpm or expertly creating PowerPoint presentations are no longer game-changing skills. Custom GPTs expertly prompted can write faster than any human, and Microsoft’s AI Copilot will whip together a PowerPoint presentation. 

Therefore, skills like client relations, time management, efficient workflow production, and attention to detail will still set you apart and provide significant value to your client’s team.

Building a professional brand is another way to stand above the crowd and establish your reputation, as well as focusing on specialized skills that require certifications, like bookkeeping, accounting, and project management.

AI talk is getting old for some, and there’s also a lot of hype. But it can’t be ignored as a virtual assistant who operates primarily in the digital world. 

Jay from Gig Hustlers

What are the main benefits of becoming a virtual assistant and managing your agency?

A career as a virtual assistant and managing your agency offers many benefits if you do it the right way. The autonomy and flexibility of managing your own VA agency allow you to take control of your work-life balance. As a virtual assistant, you have the freedom to set your schedule, choose your clients, and decide the type of work you want to undertake.

As your skills and client base grow, you can expand your operations, potentially hiring a team of skilled virtual assistants to handle a broader range of tasks. This scalability opens the door to increased income potential and the ability to build a thriving business.

With the right tools and help, you can set up your agency that offers personal and financial fulfillment.

Fully Booked VA

What’s your best advice for hiring virtual assistants?

Hiring virtual assistants (VAs) can be improve your business’s efficiency and scalability. To get those benefits, you’ll need to know how to effectively hire VAs.

Here are some tips:

  • Define your needs: Identify tasks or processes you can delegate to a VA, such as administrative support, customer service, or social media management.
  • Create clear job descriptions: Clearly outline the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the position. Be specific about the skills, experience, and availability you’re looking for.
  • Screen candidates: Review candidates’ profiles or resumes, looking for relevant experience, skills, and client feedback. Conduct interviews to assess communication skills, work ethic, and cultural fit.
  • Provide clear instructions: Once you’ve hired a VA, provide detailed instructions, guidelines, and expectations for the tasks assigned. Establish communication channels and schedules for updates and feedback.
  • Start with a trial period: A probationary period allows you to evaluate the VA’s performance and suitability for the role before committing to a long-term contract.

At The Virtual Hub, we train the best virtual assistants and bring them to the global market. With a rigorous recruitment process and a much-praised training program, The Virtual Hub brings together all the best parts to help their clients achieve success. Our model ensures that both clients and VAs are surrounded by an ecosystem that takes care of client onboarding, support, and a collaborative culture that truly simplifies the offshore outsourcing experience. With The Virtual Hub, we make sure you don’t just hire a virtual assistant; you hire an entire team.

Barbara Turley from The Virtual Hub

Best way to make money online

This is the best time to make money online. With the rise of remote work, there are now more opportunities than ever to contribute to your family budget without leaving your house. But figuring out how to make money from home is not always easy.

As a momtrepreneur, I’ve tried many different things for almost ten years. Surveys, Amazon KDP, affiliate marketing, creating courses and digital products, and many more.

The most successful business I’ve started is working as a virtual assistant. This is by far the best way to make money online. It took off within two months of launching and has been successful ever since. Starting a virtual assistant business is the best way to take the skills you already have and turn them into a money-making business that is all online.

This is also a business you can start with little to no overhead. You need a computer and a place to sit. That’s it. A virtual assistant business is one of the easiest to start, and you can start making money quickly.

It is possible to break free from the 9-5, be your own boss, raise your kids, and enjoy your life. All on your terms.

Jodie from Life Unboxed

Benefits of side hustles for single moms

Single moms building a side hustle are tough. They have grit and are determined to create a better life despite all odds of being a single-income earner while caring for every family’s needs. 

After personally mentoring hundreds of single moms over the past 16 years in my mentoring career, there were many benefits those single moms saw. I’ll share with you the top 3.

  1. Create a Better Lifestyle. Even though kids don’t always show their respect and admiration for your extra hustle on the side, in time, they’ll show it in their way as you help them enjoy a nicer lifestyle. Every single mom I’ve worked with had the drive to take their family on fun vacations and buy that shiny bike or those extra shoes they’ve always wanted. And let’s face it, the real payment of a single mom’s efforts comes from that genuine smile, hug, kiss, written note, or drawing from your child expressing their appreciation as best they can.
  2. Mastering a Success Mindset. Building a side hustle for most divorced single moms helps take their minds off negative thoughts and instead develop a successful mindset of focusing on building the dream lifestyle. You learn to focus on uplifting thoughts that make you feel like a hero. This, in turn, decreases daily stress to live life more joyfully as you build new skills and talents.
  3. Unlimited Earning Potential. It feels amazing to start making money in your side hustle, but knowing you don’t have to wait for your boss to give you a raise to earn more money is an even greater feeling. You can continue investing in yourself and watch your cash flow climb to a level that matches your ambition. Remember that many side hustles can become your primary source of income.

Trent Jessee from  Watchman Advisors


Identifying the right side hustle

Before you dive into a home-based side hustle, make sure you know what it takes and what you’ll need.

Identify personal skills. Start by recognizing your unique talents, skills, and areas of expertise. Your side hustle should be an extension of what you’re good at or passionate about so it’s enjoyable and you can pursue it for a long time.

Research market demand. Not all side hustle ideas are created equal. Research the market to understand what services or products that align with your talent are in need. What are people looking for? What problems can you solve? The more you understand your target audience, the better you can serve them.

Evaluate competition. Competition is a reality, but it’s not bad. Study your competitors to identify gaps and opportunities and strive to differentiate yourself by offering unique value.

Feasibility and profitability. Consider the resources you have available and the potential ROI. Your side hustle should make financial sense while being manageable within your current activities.

How to find the correct side hustle or remote work

Finding a side hustle or remote work requires a systematic approach and a thoughtful plan. All the nuances are very individual since a lot depends on your previous experience and the specifics of the labor market in your country. What tips could I give on where to start:

  • Review your experience and skills. Every profession has skills that can be used for side hustle or getting online work. Indicate for yourself what area you are an expert in and how you can monetize this expertise. Analyze your workload to understand how much time you can provide a side hustle and whether you have conditions at home to work remotely.
  • Explore the labor market. Understanding what kind of work is in demand now will help you understand which side hustle is right for you. Job search sites and different articles will help you. Side hustle and remote work often exist in digital marketing, copywriting, translation services, website layouts, various call centers, content specialists, and more.
  • Use all your sources. To search for side hustle and remote work, you can use job search sites and professional networks such as LinkedIn, social networks, sites for finding freelancers, and even thematic blogs on the profession. Be proactive and not wait for offers, but actively look for job offers yourself.

A side hustle can often develop into work that brings pleasure in its freedom and functionality. Whatever you choose for yourself, always study and improve yourself in this profession to be competitive. I recommend choosing work that you enjoy. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day.

Victoria Potapenko, General Recruiter at Jooble

How to choose the right side hustle

To find your best side hustle, ask yourself three important questions.

Question #1: What is your goal for your side hustle? Is it just a short-term gig to help you make extra money? Or is it a side business you want to grow over time and eventually lets you quit your job?

Question #2: How much time can you spend on your side hustle daily and weekly? Are you only free to work on the weekends? Or are you free to work throughout the day? Some side hustles give you a lot of flexibility in terms of time.

However, others might demand more of your time and require you to be available at a specific time.

Examples of such side hustles include online teaching jobs and remote customer service jobs.

Question #3: How much money do you want to make from your side hustle?

Are you trying to earn an extra $1000 dollars?

Or are you looking to ramp it up to replace your salary?

Some side hustles have limited earning potential, while others allow you to earn much more because you can scale it over time.

So, depending on your situation, you can choose the side hustle that best suits you.

Gladice Gong, Personal Finance Writer, Earn More Live Freely

How do you find the correct side hustle or remote work?

Anytime I want to follow a new idea, whether a side hustle or a career pivot into something that makes it more possible to work remotely, I always start with a brain dump. 

It starts with drawing two columns on a piece of paper or via Google Sheets and then dumping all of my ideas in the right column. Then, I go through and highlight the ones that make me excited and narrow those down in the left column. Then, I dive into research online and social media to see which one really fits me, my lifestyle, and my personality. 

Sometimes, trying out a side hustle for a short time is necessary to see if I even like it. I did with pet sitting on Rover, freelance writing, blogging, reselling, and other side hustles. 

I created a free online quiz based on my experience choosing side hustles that helps people find their perfect side hustle: And a remote work quiz as well:

Daniella Flores, Founder & CEO at

Ways artists can make money online in 2023

In 2023 and beyond, artists will have many exciting opportunities to leverage their creativity and skills to make money online. These include:

  • Print on Demand: Selling prints and other merchandise via Print on Demand marketplaces like Redbubble, Zazzle, and Society6 is an easy way for artists to generate income without investing in inventory.
  • Subscriptions and Memberships: Artists can generate income by offering exclusive content and perks to patrons on platforms like Patreon. Subscribers pay a regular fee to access premium content and support their favorite artists.
  • Teaching Art Classes Online: Artists can share their skills and knowledge by creating courses for platforms like Skillshare and Udemy. This allows them to monetize their expertise while helping others.
  • YouTube Tutorials: By sharing tutorials and art-related videos on YouTube, artists can earn money via YouTube’s Partner program once they’ve met the minimum threshold for subscribers and watch hours.
  • Digital Products: Artists can sell digital products like printable art prints, brushes, templates, and design assets on marketplaces like Gumroad and Creative Market or even via their websites.
  • Social Media Art Sales: Artists can harness the power of social media to sell their original artworks directly to a global audience by showcasing their art through time-lapses, viral videos, and scroll-stopping images.

These are just a few ways that artists can use their creativity to make an income online from their art, either as a side hustle or a full-time living!

Julie Erin from Julie Erin Designs

Legit side hustles people can do from home

One of my favorite legit side hustles you can do from home is website testing. What makes it a favorite? You don’t need any special skills or a college degree. All you need is a good internet connection and the ability to speak your thoughts out loud. You generally earn $10 per 20-minute test, or about $30 an hour. The tests are done online, usually from home. (Although a few companies will pay more if you’re willing to do a test in person.)

When you sign up as a website tester, you’ll be asked about your background, hobbies, and family status. That’s mainly because they’ll want to match you with a website that suits your interests. A baby-gear site, for instance, would prefer testers to have small children. A sporting goods store is likely to prefer athletes. And remodeling sites are looking for people doing- or recently completed- home construction.

When matched with a test, the site will explain how long it will take, what it pays, and what you’re expected to do. Usually, this will involve finding specific things on the site, accomplishing certain tasks, or comparing one website to another to see which the tester prefers and why.

Generally speaking, the testing sites want testers to talk their thoughts out loud as they navigate the site. This process should help the website operator understand when a consumer would need help finding something, understanding something, or if they find elements of the site jarring or confusing. 

Most of the time, website tests record the tester’s voice, cursor, and screen movements. However, some tests also use webcams to record the tester’s expressions while they navigate. Ultimately, the goal of website testing is to make sites more user-friendly. That’s why they’re not looking for experts — just regular people with little free time.

You can sign up to participate in the sites of UserTesting, UserFeel, Userlytics, and PingPong.

Kathy Kristof, editor and CEO from  SideHusl 

Online freelancing

Embrace the gig economy by offering services like writing, editing, graphic design, virtual assistance, and transcription. Depending on your expertise, most of the freelance platforms offer virtual jobs for almost every task that can be done online.

Advice for becoming a freelance writer

My advice for freelancers is to know your worth and charge accordingly. Don’t do per-hour rates. Instead, do per-project or article rates. 

As your experience, speed, and knowledge grow, you’ll get faster and better at what you do, which means if you charge per hour, you’ll be doing more work for less income. 

Also, with rates, remember to accurately work out your true overheads and desired wage to ensure you earn what you should. Consider the number of days and hours you will work for pay, the hours it takes for non-paid work, e.g., doing emails and socials, and allocate money for tax, retirement, and other expenses. 

With proper rates set, review them regularly and increase them as you grow. 

Kylie Travers from The Thrifty Issue

How does freelancing work, and what are the benefits?

Freelancing work can be divided into four stages, following are them:

  1. Getting clients: The first step of freelancing is finding clients willing to hire or work with a freelancer. Some popular websites and apps freelancers use for finding clients are Upwork, Fiverr, and LinkedIn.
  2. Agreement/Contract: A freelancer and a client must set an agreement before starting. Here you will discuss your pay and the work you have to do. For example, a freelancer video editor will get $50 for each 5-minute video editing.
  3. Starting work: Your contract has begun, and you must submit the work within the given deadlines. For example, ten videos were edited in this month.
  4. Getting paid: You will get paid as per the agreement. For example, ten edited videos will get you $500, and like this, you can work with multiple clients as well.

What are the benefits?

It depends on person to person; freelancing will give you the following:

  1. Freedom: You don’t have to go to the office, wear formal or ask for leave. You can work on the beach, mountains, or at home; you only need an internet connection and a laptop.
  2. Income: On the job, you will get a fixed monthly salary; even if you work extra-ordinary, you will get the same salary (or a promotion after months.) But here you will get paid according to your work.
  3. Flexible Working Hours: You can work any time if you meet deadlines.

Read More on How to Start Freelancing With No Experience (Real Life Examples)

Read more about How freelancing works and its benefits.


Writing ads or reviews for classified websites as a side hustle

Writing ads or product reviews for classified websites is great for earning passive income

It doesn’t matter the topic. The rules for writing an effective product review remain the same: ensure it’s well-structured, thoroughly researched, and covers all the important details.

There are several reasons why it can be a good side hustle:

  • You can set your hours and work from anywhere. 
  • The skills required to write ads or reviews are relatively basic so you can start quickly.
  • If you enjoy writing and have a knack for marketing, you can find this type of work enjoyable.
  • Benefits:
  • The pay can vary depending on the website and the quality of your work. However, it is possible to earn a decent income.
  • It can help you to build your portfolio and demonstrate your writing skills to potential clients. 
  • You will learn about various products and services. This can be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and find new things you are interested in.
  • You can help people find the products and services they seek.
  • How to get started:
  • Take some time to research other websites and find ones that are a good fit for your skills and interests.
  • You must have strong writing skills to succeed at ads or reviews. Practice writing clear, concise, and persuasive copy.
  • Once you have written a few ads or reviews, create a portfolio to showcase your work. 
  • Get involved in online writing communities and connect with other writers. This way, you learn new things and get feedback on your work.

If you are interested in this type of work, get started today!

Emily Allard from Socialbuzzhive

How much money can people earn as virtual assistants?

Being a virtual assistant can be a great way to make money as it gives flexibility and usually allows you to earn from anywhere. However, before you decide to go this route, it is important to know the earning potential so you do it with the right expectations. The earning potential for virtual assistants can vary significantly based on, for example, your experience, skill set, and your geographical location. However, virtual assistants in the US and Canada can earn anywhere from $15 to $60 per hour. Entry-level VAs typically make on the lower end of the spectrum, while experienced VAs with specialized skills such as SEO, digital marketing, or project management will earn more. As a VA, you can get package deals or retainer agreements that provide a more stable income and create long-term client relationships.

Additionally, self-employed virtual assistants can set their rates and choose their clientele, offering the potential for higher earnings, albeit at the cost of the stability that comes with traditional employment. One thing to consider when setting your rates is that since VA jobs can be done from anywhere, you will likely compete against other VAs worldwide to get jobs. So when you start out and until you have built a reputation, you might have to settle for lower rates to land jobs. Notably, these rates are gross earnings; self-employed VAs must also account for taxes, health insurance, and other overhead costs. Despite these costs, the earning potential can be great, especially considering that the job often offers the flexibility to work from home, set your schedule, and build a portfolio that can increase your marketability and, consequently, your earning potential.

Mikael from Paid From Surveys

How to become a virtual assistant

My advice for becoming a virtual assistant is to focus on three key pillars: skills, professionalism, and networking. First, use relevant software tools to hone your communication, time management, organization, and proficiency skills. Strong multitasking abilities and adaptability are also crucial.

Second, maintain a high level of professionalism. This includes setting up a dedicated workspace, adhering to deadlines, maintaining clear communication with clients, and presenting yourself polishedly. A professional attitude builds trust and credibility, which is essential for long-term success.

Lastly, actively network within your target industry. Join online platforms, social media groups, and forums related to virtual assistance. Engage in conversations, share insights, and showcase your expertise. Networking can lead to referrals, collaborations, and a deeper understanding of client needs.

Starting as a virtual assistant might involve small tasks, but your responsibilities and income can grow with persistence. Continuously learn, adapt, and stay updated on industry trends to provide the best possible service. By blending these pillars – skills, professionalism, and networking – you’ll be on the right path to thriving as a virtual assistant.

Kit Elliot from I Love Making Money

How to find virtual assistant jobs to do from home

If you want to find virtual assistant jobs from home, you need to:

  • Leverage Your Network: Let friends, family, and acquaintances know you’re available. Many people find VAs through recommendations.
  • Try Virtual Assistant Companies: Platforms like hire VAs and handle the administrative side for you. Similar platforms include Time Etc, Prialto, Belay, and Magic.
  • Visit Freelance Websites: Sites like and allow you to list your services. Others include Craigslist, Fiverr, Toptal, Freelancer, and People Per Hour. Another way is to list your services on Thumbtack, where you connect with customers directly.
  • Join Virtual Assistant Networks: Engage with networks like Virtual Assistant Forums, VA Networking, International Virtual Assistants Association, and Administrative Consultants Association. They offer directories and job boards specific to VAs.
  • Have Your Website: Presenting a professional front, showcasing your skills, and offering a contact point can attract more clients.
  • Take Specialized Courses: Courses like Kayla Sloan’s 10K VA train you and add you to a directory where potential clients can find you.
  • Utilize Job Boards: Websites like ZipRecruiter allow job seekers to browse through VA job listings and even receive daily notifications for new job postings.
  • Join Paid Registries: Platforms like AssistU Registry, though paid, connect trained VAs with potential clients.

Remember, it’s essential to be proactive, keep updating your skills, and consistently network to land the best virtual assistant jobs.

Philip Taylor from Part-Time Money 

E-Commerce and online selling

Venture into online retail through dropshipping or print-on-demand services. If you are crafty, you can sell your own handmade products or sell your clothes second-hand and get an extra income from what you don’t use anymore. Utilize popular e-commerce platforms and streamline your selling process. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces, secure payment options, and robust customer support, making it easier for you to manage your online store and grow your business.

What is a dropshipping supplier?

“A dropshipping supplier is a business that provides products to online retailers without the retailer needing to stock or handle the inventory. When a retailer makes a sale, the supplier ships the product directly to the customer. This approach eliminates the need for retailers to invest in and manage inventory, making it a convenient way to run an online store with lower upfront costs and to sell more products. In 2024, choosing from the many dropshipping suppliers available can vary depending on your niche and needs, as there are numerous reliable options available. To find the ideal one for your business, you can take advantage of dropshipping supplier directories, a valuable resource that lists and verifies trusted suppliers across various categories. It’s like a one-stop shop for discovering reputable partners tailored to your specific products and preferences.”

Simon Slade from SaleHoo

Benefits of creating an online store for selling products online

Creating an online store offers several benefits, including:

  1. Global Reach: You can reach customers worldwide, expanding your market significantly.
  2. Lower Costs: Operating online reduces overhead costs associated with physical stores.
  3. 24/7 Availability: Your store is open round the clock, allowing customers to shop conveniently.
  4. Convenience: Both buyers and sellers enjoy the convenience of online transactions and shopping.
  5. Data Insights: Online platforms provide valuable customer data for targeted marketing and product improvements.
  6. Increased Sales: Access to a larger audience often leads to higher sales potential.
  7. Brand Visibility: An online presence boosts brand visibility and credibility.
  8. Flexible Payment Options: Customers can choose various payment methods to enhance their shopping experience.
  9. Easy Expansion: Expanding product offerings and diversifying your business online is easier.
  10. Customer Engagement: Online platforms enable direct customer communication, fostering better relationships.

David Akinfenwa from Selar

Best practices for maximizing customer spend

To really amp up customer spending in e-commerce, you’ve got to add post-purchase upsells. Let’s talk about two awesome techniques: one-click upsells right after checkout and thank-you page upsells.

Alright, so first up, we’ve got one-click upsells after checkout. Picture this: your customer has just made a purchase and feels good. Now, hit them with a killer offer they just can’t resist, and make it a breeze for them to say ‘yes’ with a single click. This super smooth experience reduces friction and encourages them to add more to their cart. Remember, make sure what you’re offering complements their initial purchase – that’s the secret sauce!

Next in line, we’ve got thank you page upsells. This is gold. Right after the sale, when they’re all warm and fuzzy, show them something they didn’t even know they needed. Whether it’s a related product or a sweet deal, ensure it’s front and center on that thank you page. Sprinkle in some social proof, like reviews or ratings, to seal the deal and build trust.

The key to getting maximum return on these two upselling strategies is personalization. Treat your customers like the unique individuals they are. Segment them based on their behavior and past purchases, and serve up upsells that are tailor-made for them. It’s like having a personal shopper right on your website!

Lastly, remember to keep it real. Be clear about the value they’re getting from this upsell. Focus on how it will make their life better, not just the features. And remember to test and tweak. A/B testing is your best friend here. Determine what tickles your audience’s fancy, and refine your approach.

Ariyeh Even Haim, Co-founder & CEO at ReConvert, The #1 Rated Shopify Upselling App

Importance of UX/UI design when creating your website for selling digital products online

UX/UI design is pivotal in influencing user behaviors, conversion rates, brand perception, and overall user satisfaction, especially for digital products – the type of product that normally does not have a lot of product images: 

  1. First Impressions: A well-designed UI provides a good first impression and a strong brand identity for captivating users.
  2. User Experience (UX): A seamless, user-friendly experience increases user satisfaction. Happy users are likelier to repeat purchasing, buy more products for each order, and recommend the site to others.
  3. Conversion Rates: Effective UX/UI design directs users to the desired action (purchase or sign up for more information).
  4. Responsiveness: a responsive design ensures stable accessibility, fast loading, and great usability across all devices.
  5. Competitive Advantage: In crowded marketplaces, a well-designed UX/UI sets you apart from competitors by communicating your digital products’ value proposition and benefits. Investing in UX/UI design is not just about making a site look good; it’s about creating a holistic and seamless user experience that aligns with user needs and expectations, fostering user satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. This, in turn, translates into higher conversion rates, customer retention, and, ultimately, increased revenue and brand value. Neglecting UX/UI design can lead to poor user engagement and lower conversion rates, severely impacting the success of an online business selling digital products.


How to choose a profitable niche for dropshipping

Choosing a profitable niche for dropshipping is crucial for the success of your business. To begin, research is key. Start by identifying popular trends and products in the market. Look for items that have a high demand but low competition. This will ensure you have a unique selling proposition and can stand out.

Consider your interests and passions when selecting a niche. It’s easier to market products you are genuinely interested in, as you will better understand your target audience and their needs. Additionally, being passionate about your niche will help you stay motivated during challenges.

Analyzing the profit potential of a niche is essential. Look for products with a reasonable profit margin and consider the average order value. High-priced items may yield higher profits but could also result in lower sales volume. Strike a balance between profitability and market demand.

Evaluate the target audience for your chosen niche. Ensure that your products cater to a specific demographic or solve a problem for a particular group. This will help you create targeted marketing campaigns and build a loyal customer base.

Lastly, stay updated with industry trends and adapt your niche accordingly. Monitor customer feedback, analyze sales data, and adjust to stay ahead of the competition.

Choosing a profitable niche requires thorough research, passion, and adaptability. With the right approach, you can build a successful dropshipping business.

Jenny Harris from Doba 

What are the benefits of selling digital downloads, and what does it mean?

Selling digital downloads online is one of the fastest and easiest ways to create a passive income stream without investing much money upfront. 

With little overhead and minimal supplies needed, it is the perfect online side hustle for anyone with a creative streak. 

What do we mean when we say digital download?

 Anything that a customer can download to their device and either print or use as-is.

This can mean anything from audio files to digital invitations or stock photos.

The main benefit of selling digital downloads compared to physical products is that you don’t need to worry about shipping or packaging your digital goods.

This eliminates all of the supply chain and inventory storage issues that come with a regular business.

On the customer’s end, this means that they receive their item as soon as payment is cleared – a huge benefit in today’s world of instant gratification.

Another major benefit of selling digital products in many cases is that you can sell the same item multiple times.

Barring any exclusivity agreements, you can create digital products, let’s say, a digital fitness planner, and then sell it hundreds or thousands of times. This means you can work once and get paid for years! 

Gemma from  This Work From Home Life

Is dropshipping profitable in 2023?

The short answer is yes. Absolutely. Dropshipping is just a form of selling online where someone else does the shipping for you. If selling online in 2023 is still profitable, then so is dropshipping.

With that said, the days when you could choose any product on AliExpress and sell it for four times the price you pay – are long gone. Now, you need to be more professional, which is great for all parties involved. You need to find excellent and unique products, ship them quickly, get paid a nice sum for your work, and make everyone happy.

Dropshipping was a bit black-hat or shady because of how things were done. Now, you must treat it as a serious business, and that’s how things will look.

It’s similar to a brick-and-mortar business when you think of it. Several businesses sell ‘on consignment’. This means they hold the merchandise in their store, don’t pay for it, and if they successfully sell, they will only pay the supplier.

This is very similar. If you find the right players to work with – you will be profitable.

Avi from Shopify Theme Detector

What are some examples of digital products that people can start selling online?

Some digital products that can be sold are:

  1. Ebooks: digital books covering various topics, from fiction and non-fiction to specialized guides and how-to manuals. Authors and experts in various fields can create ebooks to share their knowledge and insights. Ebooks can be sold on platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, or your website.
  2. Planners and Journals: Digital planners and journals have gained popularity as people look for organized and customizable ways to manage their schedules, goals, and thoughts. 
  3. Spreadsheets: Digital spreadsheets can be designed as templates for specific purposes, such as budgeting, project management, or data analysis. 
  4. Workshops: Hosting digital workshops or webinars on topics you’re knowledgeable about can be a great way to share your expertise. 
  5. Courses: Digital courses are comprehensive learning programs that dive deep into a specific subject. They can be delivered through various formats, including video lectures, written materials, quizzes, and assignments. 
  6. Signature Courses: These are premium, in-depth courses, often with personalized support, coaching, or access to exclusive communities. Signature courses are typically more expensive and are designed to provide high value and results to participants.

Certain products work best for specific niches, but the most important element is to make sure that the product solves a problem for your intended audience. 

Jenny Melrose from Jenny Melrose

How to start a dropshipping business?

Starting a dropshipping business involves several key steps:

  • Choose a Niche: Select a niche market or product category for your dropshipping business. Research market demand, competition, and profitability to make an informed decision.
  • Find Reliable Suppliers: Identify reputable suppliers who offer dropshipping services. Look for suppliers with quality products, competitive prices, and reliable shipping methods.
  • Set Up an Online Store: Create an e-commerce website or use a platform like Shopify to set up your online store. Customize your store, add product listings, and ensure a user-friendly shopping experience.
  • Market Your Store: Develop a marketing strategy to attract customers to your store. Utilize social media, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid advertising to increase visibility and drive traffic to your website.
  • Handle Order Fulfillment: When customers place orders on your website, forward the order and shipping details to your supplier. They will handle packaging and shipping the products directly to the customers. Maintain communication with customers and provide tracking information. 
  • Provide Customer Support: Offer excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty. Respond to inquiries promptly, handle returns or exchanges efficiently, and address any issues or concerns that arise.

Starting a dropshipping business requires effort, dedication, and ongoing management. Researching and adapting to market trends is important, building strong supplier relationships and prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Chris from SourcinBox

Tasks virtual assistants do

A virtual assistant is essentially an office or administrative assistant who works remotely. Depending on the business they are working for, the everyday tasks of a virtual assistant could vary significantly from scheduling to answering emails, bookkeeping, data entry, and even social media management. There are even some virtual assistants who help with marketing! However, The overriding skill that almost all virtual assistants need is the ability to type and work on a computer.

Cara from Penny Polly

How to start a dropshipping business for free

Yes, starting a dropshipping business for free is possible, thanks to the inherent features of dropshipping and the availability of free dropshipping suppliers.

The key features of dropshipping that make it possible to start for free include:

  • No Inventory Costs: With dropshipping, you don’t need to invest in purchasing and storing inventory upfront. You only order products from suppliers when you make a sale, eliminating the need for inventory costs.
  • Low Overhead: There’s no need for a physical storefront or warehouse, significantly reducing overhead costs compared to traditional retail businesses.
  • Supplier Collaboration: Dropshipping suppliers offer free access to their product catalog, images, and descriptions, simplifying adding products to your store without additional costs.

EPROLO, in particular, is a free dropshipping supplier that provides several benefits:

  • Product Range: It offers various products in various categories, allowing people to choose products that align with their niche or market.
  • Product Data: provides product data, images, and descriptions for free, saving you the cost and effort of creating this content yourself.
  • Free Account: People can sign up for free, making it accessible for entrepreneurs who want to start a dropshipping business without initial costs.
  • Integration: It integrates seamlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, making it easy to manage your dropshipping business.

Echo from  Eprolo 

What’s a product research tool?

Product research tools help drop-shippers find products that have the potential for high demand and profit margins. Improving their chances of success in the dropshipping business model. Usually include:

  • Market Analysis: These tools often provide data and insights into product niches and market trends. This helps dropshippers identify niches that are currently popular or have growth potential.
  • Competition Analysis: Product research tools can also analyze the competitive landscape, showing which products are already sold by other drop shippers or e-commerce businesses. This information helps drop shippers assess competition in a particular niche.
  • Profitability Metrics: Product research tools may offer profitability calculators that estimate potential profit margins based on product costs, selling prices, and fees. This helps drop shippers decide which products to add to their catalogs.
  • Keyword Research: Some tools include keyword research features to help drop shippers optimize product listings for search engines and online marketplaces.


How to do the marketing of digital products

To effectively market your digital products, it starts with a good e-commerce site where you can accept payments. Harness the power of targeted content marketing through SEO-optimized blogs, videos, and whitepapers. Leverage email marketing by crafting segmented newsletters and drip campaigns to nurture leads progressively toward a purchase.

Create PPC campaigns for immediate traffic and retarget potential customers who have interacted with your site. Engage with communities on platforms like Reddit and Quora to subtly promote your product while offering genuine advice, perhaps even buying ads on those sites. Develop landing pages optimized for conversions and continually refine them through A/B testing.

Collaborate with social media influencers and craft social media campaigns using platforms where your target audience is most active. Offer bundle discounts and establish loyalty programs to encourage referrals and repeat business. Always prioritize customer feedback, showcasing testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility.

Make sure your site is mobile optimized for a seamless UI/UX and install analytics to keep track of performance and make data-driven decisions based on the channels that convert. Remember, the key to success lies in consistent efforts, testing strategies, and offering true value to your audience.

Neal Hoffman from PaymentCloud

How to start a blog, and how people can earn money from it

Starting a blog is straightforward. If you know what you’re doing, it shouldn’t take over half an hour to start.

However, the tricky part is creating a blog that achieves success. This, of course, requires careful planning and a proper strategy even before you start.

The first crucial step in creating a blog is selecting a niche. Choosing the wrong niche that you’re not passionate about or one that’s too competitive is the number one reason most bloggers fail.

To see if a niche is right for you, read a few blogs in that niche. Check what content they cover and ask yourself if you can create better content for future generations. If you can, you’ve found your niche.

The next step is to get a domain name that fits your niche, secure web hosting, and install WordPress. This might sound technical, but even a non-technical person can easily do it with the famous 1-click WordPress installers.

Once you’ve installed WordPress, please spend some time designing it with a good theme and use WordPress plugins to add more functionality. Of course, the next step is to create top-notch, SEO-friendly content that can rank well on search engines.

As for monetizing your blog, you can do so by running ads, through affiliate marketing, brand-sponsored posts, or even by promoting your products and services. However, I recommend affiliate marketing over other monetization channels as it pays much better for your efforts to rank your articles on Google SERP.

Aquif Shaikh from Blogging Ocean

If you run a drop shipping business, having insurance coverage is a good idea. Home insurance can offer a protective shield by covering aspects of your business. It safeguards the home’s physical structure in case of unexpected events like fire, theft, or natural disasters, which could damage personal and business property. Liability coverage within home insurance can provide financial protection if a client or delivery person is injured on the property during business operations. 

Supplementing home insurance with a business property endorsement can extend coverage to business-related equipment, inventory, and liability risks specific to the dropshipping business. This coverage will guard against financial losses and alleviate personal stress by ensuring that homes and businesses are protected under a single policy, allowing you to focus on confidently growing your businesses.

Knowledge-based income streams

Share your expertise through online tutoring, consulting, creating and selling courses, or providing translation services. You could create your own master class and start your own community with a group of students.

Benefits of working from home translating documents

When working from home translating documents, the benefits are more than just a paycheck, although the paycheck is nice.

First, the pay is often better than most remote jobs because translation is a specialized skill that many freelancers need to gain. And it’s not an easy skill to acquire.

Second is the freedom. You can set your hours, work in your PJs, and even relocate to somewhere less expensive if you’re doing it full-time. No more long commutes, no more money wasted on gas or fast food, and an office wherever you want it to be.

Working from home also provides you with tax benefits, whether you’re doing it full-time or part-time. A portion of your home’s expenses, such as your internet, utilities, home office space, computer, and even online courses, could be tax-deductible.

So, you’re not only making money but also saving it. And being multilingual, you’re just leveraging a skill you already have.

With that said, my favorite benefit of working from home is always being close to loved ones. You’ll have more time for family dinners, bedtime stories, or whatever you love to do.

Finally, translating documents is a way to stay sharp and practice the languages you don’t have the chance to use daily. 

Jay from Gig Hustlers 

Kickstarting a Profitable Side-Hustle Selling Courses

Even with a regular 9-to-5 job, you can transform your expertise into a profitable side hustle by selling courses. Here’s how to begin:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Begin by pinpointing what you’re truly passionate about and where your expertise lies. This could be anything from photography to digital marketing. The more specific your niche, the less competition you’ll face.
  2. Test the Waters: Before diving deep, converse with peers, colleagues, or friends to gauge interest in your course topic. Use surveys or social media polls to refine your course content based on genuine demand.
  3. Structure Your Course: Break your knowledge down into modules or sessions. Make it a mix of videos, written content, quizzes, and interactive sessions. The aim should be a comprehensive yet digestible learning experience.
  4. Use Technology: Platforms like Xperiencify make course creation and selling simpler. They offer gamification, templates, hosting, and payment gateways, allowing you to focus solely on content.
  5. Market Strategically: Before completing your course, begin building an email list. Offer free webinars or e-books as lead magnets. Utilize your existing networks and social media to promote your upcoming course.
  6. Maintain Balance: As you’re still juggling a regular job, set specific times dedicated solely to your side hustle during the week. This ensures consistency and prevents burnout.
  7. Iterate & Improve: Gather feedback from initial students. Fine-tune your course based on their insights for better future iterations.

Remember, the key is to start small, focus on quality, and stay committed. With dedication and the right strategies, your expertise can soon translate into a thriving side business, all while your main gig keeps the light on.

Murray Gray from Xperiencify

How to build a website for starting an online translation business

Starting an online translation business in today’s digital era requires a robust online presence grounded in a well-structured website. Your primary focus should be pinpointing a niche within the vast translation market to carve out a unique space for your business. Cater to the specific needs of this niche with specialized translation services, which will set you apart in a saturated market.

Implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy from the inception of your website development is equally vital. In the language industry, SEO must be considered. Incorporating keyword research, SEO-friendly content, and metadata optimizations is critical to ensure higher visibility on search engines. Remember, your website is a dynamic tool; continually analyze and optimize your SEO strategies as per evolving market trends, and Google algorithm updates.

Also, adopting a robust International SEO strategy will help enhance your visibility across different regions and connect with a diverse clientele more effectively. Being multilingual, you can capitalize on this by creating content in various languages, adapting to regional search trends, and optimizing for local search engines, which can significantly enhance your reach and reputation globally. Moreover, a well-orchestrated International SEO strategy in real estate and project management could bridge language barriers and foster a global network of clients and partners, reinforcing your brand’s presence and authority in the international market.

Michael Bastin from  Be Translated 

How to create and sell an online course

Having a side hustle is becoming popular in the US, especially among Gen Z. This can be seen as another source of income, as a way to cultivate your passion in parallel with a full-time job but also to start creating a new path that one day can become the next step in your career. 

The global e-learning market will swell to $457.8 billion by 2026, ReportLinker projects. So, if you’re thinking of sharing your knowledge and starting an online course side hustle, know there hasn’t been a better time to do it. 

The first step is identifying your area of expertise and passion. There is, of course, a wide range of fields you can focus on, but it’s also great to bear in mind those industries where the interest is very high, such as health and wellness, self-improvement, personal finance, and financial services. Suppose you want to improve your knowledge in a specific field. In that case, Fiverr Learn offers online courses for freelancers and entrepreneurs where you can find highly practical & step-by-step online courses to kick off your online learning journey.

As a second step, define your target audience and create high-quality, well-structured, engaging, and valuable content through a series of videos. You can offer a step-by-step how-to guide delivered over a series of premium videos and use a free video sample to promote your course.

As a last step, remember to build a community around your course by engaging with your students through discussion forums or live Q&A sessions. And use these chats to continuously improve and update your course to keep it relevant and valuable. Fiverr offers various services to support your journey, from course creation to marketing.

Sveva Biocca from Fiverr

Become a conversation partner 

Becoming an online instructor or a conversation partner can be achieved by exploring the various platforms that facilitate it. Here are a few examples of online teaching platforms that are looking for teachers:

  • Cambly – This platform connects teachers to adult students worldwide seeking a conversation partner to improve their English. They also have a sister platform, Cambly Kids, for teachers who prefer to help younger students.
  • AmazingTalker – This platform involves creating a profile for adult language learners to select and pay you to be their teacher. Here, you can be a conversation partner for any language you know, not just English.
  • Twenix – Finally, this platform caters to adult students who are business professionals seeking conversation partners to improve their business English.

Once you get the hang of teaching online and being paid by the above platforms, you can branch out and create your own online teaching business. This can be achieved by using Zoom to teach and finding eager students on LinkedIn by connecting and advertising your online instruction services. To stand out, it is a good idea to find a niche, for example, ‘English Instruction for Accountants.’ This way, you have more chances to find your ideal student to be interested in your teaching services.


What qualifications do people need to work from home as a translator? Do they need credentials also?

Someone with a computer, internet connection, and knowledge of at least one foreign language can work from home as a translator. However, this is far from the truth. Translation is a specialized profession that requires years of education and training. To work from home as a translator, you need to hold a university degree in fields related to languages or linguistics. Another possibility is holding a degree in a specialized subject area (e.g., medical, financial, legal, etc.) and having undertaken additional translation training to be familiar with translation techniques, software, etc.

Moreover, you need to have a perfect command of your target language (the language you will translate into) and high proficiency in at least one source language (the language you will translate from). Even though clients will not normally ask you for language proficiency certificates, being fluent in both the source and target languages is crucial for accurate and effective translation. Furthermore, your job prospects will be enhanced if you keep your training up to date by regularly taking courses related to translation and specialization to help improve your skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

Manuel Herranz, CEO of Pangeanic 

Crafting your home-based income plan

Your side hustle success will depend on proper planning.

Tailor your approach. Align your side hustle idea with your personal and financial goals. Your approach should be customized to match your aspirations.

Create a business plan. Make sure what your goals are, and develop a clear business plan and financial strategy. This will serve as your roadmap to profitability and growth.

Scaling up. As your side hustle gains momentum, explore ways to transition it into your main income source. Scaling up is the ultimate goal for many side hustlers.

Resources and tools

These are some of the resources that can help support your home-based income journey.

The importance of time management when having a side hustle

Working a full-time job and having a side hustle is no small feat. It requires a balance between the two. It forces you to focus, prioritize tasks, and get clear on your goals. With managing time effectively, it can be easier to achieve these things.

A good technique for managing time effectively that I use is the Pomodoro technique. It involves working in focused bursts of time, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break. After completing four work intervals, I take a longer break. This technique helps me break tasks into manageable chunks and prevents burnout.

Through experience, Ineffective or disorganized workflow management leads to project failures, less work done, and unproductive days. However, effective time management helped me balance a full-time job and multiple side hustles. 

Alita Pacio from Share to Inspire

Online platforms. Explore platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Etsy to find gigs, clients, and customers.

Online tools. Use project management and finance tools to streamline your operations and stay organized.

Educational resources. Invest in your skills and knowledge through online courses, webinars, and books. There are plenty of free courses available on the internet.

Software for creating online courses

Creating courses is a great way to turn your knowledge into revenue. ThriveCart is a standout platform that allows creators to easily create online courses due to its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integration capabilities. It streamlines the entire process, making it an invaluable tool for course creators.

ThriveCart offers a straightforward and intuitive platform that allows users to quickly and easily build courses and designs with its simple drag-and-drop builder—allowing users to easily design appealing sales pages and checkout forms without needing technical expertise. This accessibility ensures that creators can focus on content creation rather than struggling with complex software.

Also, ThriveCart provides a wealth of features tailored specifically for online courses. It facilitates secure payment processing, subscription options, and the ability to offer both one-time purchases and installment plans. Along with flexible pricing models, discounts, and coupons, allowing creators multiple monetization strategies.

ThriveCart also supports multiple integrations with popular email marketing platforms, membership sites, and webinar tools. Ensuring a cohesive ecosystem for course creators, allowing them to automate marketing efforts, manage memberships, and engage with students effectively.

Measuring success is also easy in ThriveCart’s dashboard, keeping analytics and reporting capabilities at the user’s fingertips.

Creators can track sales, conversion rates, and customer behavior, enabling them to refine their strategies and optimize their offerings for maximum profitability.

With ThriveCart, creators can access all the tools they need to build and share courses with their audience. Leveraging simple and easy technology that allows their knowledge to take center stage instead of hard-to-use platforms, allowing them to scale and create a digital revenue stream. 

Tommy Incorvia from ThriveCart

In 2023, the world of home-based income offers plenty of opportunities for financial growth and personal fulfillment. As you embark on your side hustle journey, remember that success often comes to those who take action. Take the tips and advice from the experts, adapt them to your circumstances, and unleash your potential.