How Much Does It Cost To Power Wash Fence?

Typical range: $130-$160

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cost to power wash fence Calculator

For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to power wash fence starts at $0.65-$0.80 per square foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Square Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per square foot:$0.65$0.80
Range for this type of project:$130$160
Estimate: $145
Basic Labor for Fence Power Washing
Labor costs for the complete project, given favorable site conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the sequence, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, power-washing and cleanup. After clearing the surface of debris, they will apply cleaner with light brushing, and power-wash and power-rinse one side of the fence surface.
Job Supplies for Fence Power Washing
square feet
Standard supplies and materials used in the power-washing process, such as masking tape and paper, surface repair material, solvents, and cleanup supplies.
Equipment Allowance for Fence Power Washing
An additional fee that covers our overhead costs for the maintenance of heavy equipment, such as the 3,000-plus PSI, 4-gpm power washer. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, with single-use equipment incurring separate charges.
Standard services
Basic Labor for Fence Power Washing
$73 -$89
Labor costs for the complete project, given favorable site conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the sequence, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, power-washing and cleanup. After clearing the surface of debris, they will apply cleaner with light brushing, and power-wash and power-rinse one side of the fence surface.
Job Supplies for Fence Power Washing
$10 -$10
square feet
Standard supplies and materials used in the power-washing process, such as masking tape and paper, surface repair material, solvents, and cleanup supplies.
Equipment Allowance for Fence Power Washing
$46 -$61
An additional fee that covers our overhead costs for the maintenance of heavy equipment, such as the 3,000-plus PSI, 4-gpm power washer. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, with single-use equipment incurring separate charges.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per square foot:
$1 - $1
Range for this type of project:
$130 - $160
Cost Comparison

$135 -$166

Power wash fence: national average cost

The national average materials cost to power wash fence is $0.05 per square foot, with a range between $0.05 to $0.05. The total price for labor and materials per square foot is $0.54, coming in between $0.49 to $0.59. A typical 500 square foot project costs $271.41, with a range of $245.44 to $297.37. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to power wash fence
National Avg. Materials Cost per square foot$0.05
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 500 square foot$271.41
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 500 square foot$245.44 - $297.37
Last updated
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