If you’ve wanted to change your mindset, the power of positive thinking can have a significant impact on your spiritual and mental well-being. While the idea of using positive affirmations isn’t new, it’s something that more people are learning how to put into practice. Your morning routine has the power to make or break your day’s productivity. Getting into a productive mindset early in the day can greatly increase the amount of work you can accomplish.
If you’re ready to create the life you want, read on to discover some ways that you can incorporate these mantras into your own life at home. The more you use them, the more positive change you’ll start to see in your life and relationships (even attracting a soulmate). You can even use positive thinking to attract abundance, money, and success to your life.
Tips for creating a positive home
The first and most important step toward leading a positive life is creating a positive environment at home. And decorating your home with items that emit positive energy helps create a climate where you may live in peace and pleasure in the secure sensation of belonging.
Your home’s design affects its energy. Layout, organization, and wall decor affect your home’s mood and energy. Minor house improvements might boost your attitude. Here are some home design recommendations for bringing positive energy into your house and life.
Decluttered home
Clutter adds tension and dampens home energy. Cleaning and eliminating stress-inducing clutter might help you bring in positive energy. Whether your home is large or tiny, it’s important to maintain everything organized and neat. It’s easy to let things pile up around the house after a hard day. Taking one weekend to get rid of stuff you don’t need and putting the rest away may amaze you with how much you can reduce to create a peaceful living space. Keeping your space organized makes cleaning easier over time.
Create bright spaces
Natural light may boost good energy in your home simply and affordably. For example, open blinds or windows while cooking or watching TV. Add lamps and lighting to dark rooms that lack natural light. Mirrors reflect light and make areas look bigger and more open. Simple changes can boost your attitude and vitality.
Invite nature in your home
You can use a variety of plants and flowers to adorn your home to foster a sense of connection with the outside world. Indoor plants can improve your mood and the energy that flows through your environment. Additionally, it cleans the air and reduces your stress.
You can also put a bird feeder in your backyard or porch near a large window to attract birds to eat or drink, watching birds would give you a sense of being in touch with nature in a very relaxing way.
Include an aquarium if you like. Your life will be brightened, and the mood of any onlooker will be lifted by the presence of your aquarium’s fish. The sight of the clean water and the vivid fish will not only lift your spirits but also assist calm your mind.
Spread the good vibes
Your mind is deceptive, and you can use it to produce desired results, such as a more optimistic outlook. It’s true that constantly reminding yourself of positive thoughts is a terrific method to attract positive energy into your life. Still, it’s much simpler when you’re surrounded by such energy daily at home. Posters with motivational quotes and phrases are a fun way to decorate with positive energy and add aesthetic value to your home! You can use a poster maker to create visually appealing designs, print them out, and decorate your home. Sticking post-it notes about the house with inspirational quotations or affirmations are a cheap alternative to buying or printing up motivating posters. Constant exposure will help these cues lodge in your mind without conscious effort. Another benefit is that you can tailor the notes to your current state of mind by swapping them out periodically.
Positive thinking

The concept of positive thinking begins with how you talk to yourself and others. If you have negative self-talk, you can sabotage your dreams and goals. Working on thinking positively will change your outlook, and likely, it will change your outcome, too. Start working on your internal dialogue and try to change it from a negative to a positive mindset whenever and as much as possible. While positive thinking is great for your mental health, it doesn’t mean that you should hide from your problems. The mental practice of positive psychology simply means that you’re learning how to look at things from a more optimistic perspective instead of a negative one.
What are positive affirmations?
Positive affirmations are simply statements or short phrases that are used to challenge negative or hurtful thoughts. Practicing these self-affirmations can help to improve your self-esteem, encourage you to make positive changes, and motivate yourself. Whenever you feel like being hard on yourself, using some positive meditation or saying these affirmations can help you turn things around. While this isn’t necessarily a cure-all for feeling downtrodden or unmotivated, it can help you slowly change your mindset.
Benefits of positive affirmations
Integrating affirmations into your life can have a wide range of fantastic health and mental benefits of positive thinking:
- A longer lifespan thanks to lower stress levels, which can also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of other health-threatening conditions like cardiovascular disease
- Lower rates and frequencies of depression and/or depressive episodes
- Higher self-esteem, more motivation, and greater odds of meeting one’s unique goals or challenges
- A stronger, healthier immune system and less risk of certain viruses such as the common cold
- Improved resilience and better able to cope with difficulties in life, including hardships and stressful times
- Improved odds of following a healthy diet and practicing regular exercise, which offers improved physical health
- Through the use of positive affirmations, discouraged students may alter their attitude, learn to employ words of encouragement, and rekindle a love of learning.
- Affirmation cards for homeschool kids are excellent tools for encouraging your children to develop and practice positive self-talk and behaviors.
Positive affirmations: the science behind them
The theory of self-affirmation
The psychological theory of self-affirmation developed by Claude Steele in 1988 is arguably the most fascinating.
According to the self-affirmation theory, when our overall self-image is in jeopardy, we are motivated to affirm our personal integrity. By promoting an equally significant but unrelated aspect of the self, we can improve our self-image.
Finally, the self-affirmation theory states that we uphold our self-integrity by acting in a way that is deserving of recognition and praise. We don’t brag about ourselves because we want compliments, though. We say it instead because we want to earn that praise through our deeds.
What about research?
As the self-affirmation theory has grown, neuroscientific research has been conducted to see if positive self-affirmation causes any changes in the brain.
There is MRI evidence that suggests when people practice self-affirmation tasks, certain neural pathways are increased (Cascio et al., 2016). To be more precise, when we think about our values, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex—which is involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing—becomes more active (Falk et al., 2015; Cascio et al., 2016).
According to a study by Falk and colleagues, we appear to be more capable of seeing “otherwise-threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable” when we choose to use positive affirmations (2015: 1979). This has a number of advantages because it relates to how we take in information about ourselves.
How to use positive affirmations

There are many ways that you can use positive affirmations at home, work, school, or any other environment. Here are a few examples of how you can use positive affirmations in your life:
- Write down several positive sentences or short phrases so you can refer to them every day or as needed.
- Use a vision board to help you see your goals and your plans more clearly and encourage you to meet those goals.
- Repeat positive mantras throughout the day and before bedtime.
- Practice positive meditation to help you feel calm and grounded.
- Write down things that bother you, then determine how you can turn those negatives thoughts into a positive.
- Writing positive affirmations on post-its and putting them around the house in places where you will see them on a daily basis. Ex: In the kitchen, on the bathroom mirror, in your car, etc. You can also set your cell phone background as a positive or uplifting quote or affirmation.
How to write positive affirmations
You are free to create your own positive affirmations or use any that feel authentic to you. However, make an effort to keep these hints in mind:
- Keep them short.
- Say them as if they are true, not as if they are a possibility.
- Avoid using negatives.
- Use the present tense.
- Be persistent.
Here are some examples of positive affirmations that you can use at home or anywhere:
- What I love about myself is that I (fill in the blank).
- I do everything with honesty in my life and work.
- I am a kind and generous person.
- I got this! I can do this!
- I am grateful for (fill in the blank).
- I always trust myself to make the right decisions.
- My mind is creative and full of amazing, smart ideas.
- I make a difference in this world.
- I’m thankful to have people in my life like (fill in the blank).
- I get inspiration from the people, places, and things around me.
- I fully trust that I am on the right path in life.
- I will follow my intuition and listen to my inner voice at all times.
- I can see the good in all people.
- I am in complete control of my destiny.
- The people in my life respect me and value my opinions.
- I am a happy person.
- I am a leader, and I am great at what I do.
- I can be myself without judgment.
- I am able to accept my emotions and allow them to serve their purpose to help me grow.
- I’m always ready and willing to learn something new.
Positive affirmations for women and moms
- I love and accept my body completely.
- I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.
- I make time for myself every day.
- My ideas are powerful.
- I am allowed to change my mind.
- This is my time.
- I am confident.
- I am patient. I am present. I am positive.
- I stand up for myself.
- I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.
- Today I will notice the positive aspects of motherhood.
- My baby is safe and loved.
- I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don’t need to compare myself to others.
Positive affirmations for men
- I fight for my highest values and beliefs.
I am handsome, confident, and valuable. - I always fight for my beliefs.
- I am getting more confident about myself with every new challenge.
- I am sexy and attractive and I radiate good vibes.
- I don’t fake my identity to impress people.
- I am performing well in my career and will continue to learn how to do even better.
- I see myself as a strong and confident man.
- I embrace my masculinity.
- I am a magnet for new opportunities.
- I am generous and I help those who need my help.
Positive affirmations for Kkds and teens
- There is no one better to be than myself.
- I am enough.
- I get better every single day.
- I am an amazing person.
- I stand up for what I believe in.
- I believe in my goals and dreams.
- It’s okay not to know everything.
- Today I choose to think positively.
- I believe in myself.
- I am proud of myself.
- I deserve to be happy.
- I matter.
- It’s okay to make mistakes.
- I am enough, I do not have to change myself to be enough.
- I believe in myself and in what I am capable of doing.
- I am smart and clever and am willing to learn when needed.
- I am strong and steadfast and can overcome adversity.
- It is ok to be scared, hurt, or angry, I do not have to be strong all the time.
- My emotions and feelings are valid and should be heard and listened to.
Vision boards: motivation and positive thinking

If you still need a little motivation, consider a vision board. This is an effective way to help promote positive thinking and help you reach your goals.
What is a vision board? A vision board is an assortment of images, quotes, and other things that make you happy or help you see your goals in “real life.” This technique can be helpful in several scenarios, whether you’re aiming to lose weight, buy a new home, or get a big promotion at work. You can combine various images with powerful words and phrases to encourage you to stay motivated and think positively. The power of visualization is an effective tool that can help you stay on target and feel encouraged to keep pushing forward regardless of adversity.
How to create a vision board: You can use a piece of poster board or a corkboard to serve as the “foundation” of your vision board. Cut out pictures from magazines, use personal photos, or find images online that you can print out and attach to the board. Next, surround these images with positive wording and quotes that will motivate and encourage you. Your vision board can focus on a single goal, or it can encompass several facets of your life. The key is to only fill it with positive images and words meant to promote a positive mindset.
Positive meditation

Meditation is a wonderful way to help you feel grounded and stay positive throughout your day. Here are some tips about this form of meditation and how you can practice and incorporate it into your life.
Practice positive meditation first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to start your day on the right foot and in the right frame of mind.
Start with short meditation sessions, then work your way to longer ones as you begin to feel more comfortable finding your “flow.”
When practicing positive meditation, repeat some of the positive affirmations you have written down.
Use soothing, gentle music to help calm your mind while you meditate.
Choose a quiet place free from distractions when meditating for the best results.
Try some grounding techniques to help you feel calm and have a grasp of your surroundings.
You can also meditate before bedtime to help you relax and promote more restful sleep.
Creating positive affirmations with your loved ones
Positive affirmations are especially important when creating solid and long-lasting relationships with loved ones. These encouraging statements help communicate your love and support, resulting in trust and intimacy.
To create consistency with your positive affirmations toward loved ones, find ways to build them into everyday interactions. Find activities or date night games that encourage positive interactions with your significant other. Create a weekly or monthly event with your children that brings joy to the whole family. Go out of your way to plan a dinner with all of your friends. These examples help reinforce positivity and use positive affirmations to help strengthen the relationships with those you love most.
Sometimes, being a mom can make you feel like you’re moving at a trillion miles per hour. You have a never-ending list of things to do and worry about your kids all the time. You spend so much time preparing your children for success in life that you don’t have time to think about your own struggles.
A simple self-help technique to handle the ups and downs of being a mom is to use affirmations. You’ll have a better experience if you swap out your limiting beliefs for empowering ones.
Tools to help you out
Here are some positive affirmation books and meditation apps that can help promote positive change in your life.
Positive affirmation books
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. This book shows you how to shape your world and your life through your thoughts and feelings for a positive outcome.
The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha. Filled with nine important secrets, this exciting book explores several ways to make yourself happier every day by changing your mindset.
Be a Work in Progress by John Cena. Written by famous actor and WWE superstar John Cena, this newly released book features words of wisdom about remaining open-minded, bold, embracing challenges, and learning how to make the most of each opportunity that comes your way.
Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King. Exploring ways to find your higher purpose, this book explores self-care methods and other ways to put your well-being first. It also discusses how to manifest your goals and overcome fear so that you can flow with the Universe.
Badass Affirmations by Becca Wilson. Learn how to practice daily positive self-affirmations, improve your self-esteem, and much more with this book written just for women.
Positive meditation apps
Headspace. This popular app is chock-full of guided meditations, sleep sounds, and even meditations for kids.
Calm. With guided sessions that range from as short as three minutes to as long as 25 minutes, the Calm app lets you choose your favorite type of meditation to help you calm anxiety, feel gratitude, or practice positive mindfulness.
Insight Timer. The Insight Timer app lets you choose your favorite type of meditation or mindfulness exercise to help you get the results you want. You can also decide how long you want each meditation session to be based on your schedule and needs.
Aura. Improve your aura with this meditation app featuring nature sounds, daily meditations, life coaching, music, and more. Choose your mood when you open the app to get tools that are tailored just for you.
Smiling Mind. Developed by psychologists, this meditation app encourages mindfulness practice as part of a healthy lifestyle. It features easy 10-minute daily meditations that are broken into categories.
Positive journaling
A positivity journal is a tool that helps you focus on the good things in your life and cultivate a positive outlook. Here are some tips on how to create and use a positivity journal:
- Choose a notebook or journal that you like. It can be any size or style, as long as it makes you happy to use.
- Start each day by writing down three things you are grateful for. These can be big or small things, such as a good cup of coffee, a loving friend, or a beautiful sunset.
- Write down positive affirmations or quotes that inspire you. These can be things that you come up with yourself, or quotes from your favorite authors, philosophers, or celebrities.
- Reflect on your achievements and successes, and write them down. This can help you build self-confidence and motivate you to continue striving for your goals.
- At the end of each day, write down any positive experiences you had, no matter how small. This can help you focus on the good things that happened, instead of dwelling on the negative.
- Review your journal regularly, and take time to reflect on what you have written. This can help you recognize patterns of positivity in your life and inspire you to continue cultivating a positive outlook.
Remember that the goal of a positivity journal is not to ignore or deny negative emotions, but to balance them with positive experiences and thoughts. By focusing on the good things in your life, you can improve your overall well-being and cultivate a more positive mindset.
Whether it’s a vision board, daily meditation, or writing down and repeating positive words of affirmation, use these tips to help you develop a positive mindset. When you practice a more positive outlook and encourage yourself, you’ll be amazed at what can happen. Keep these helpful tips, books, and apps in mind when you’re ready to start working on developing a healthy relationship with yourself and your mind. No matter what challenges come your way, you’ll find them much easier to overcome when you have a positive outlook. Here are 100 of the best positive quotes to kick start your day and uplift yourself.