Today we’re so excited to chat with Jen from Migonis Home on the front porch. This coastal town, Massachusetts blogger shares everything from her biggest DIY fail, to her (husband’s) growing light plates collection. Head on over to Jen’s blog for some home inspiration, and to read the rest of these quirky questions!

What’s your DIY weapon of choice? Definitely just simple paint and wood filler. We live in a town in Massachusetts where a number of people have money to spare, so I find some great furniture on the side of the road or in thrift stores. It’s incredible what an updated color scheme and some new knobs or pulls will do for a piece.

One tip for preparing your home for the holidays? Make it comfortable for your family… you have to live with your decorations for a month so keep them simple and easy to live your daily life with.


What are 3 words to describe your blog? The same three words I’ll use to describe my signature style: Cozy Beachy Chic. We live a mile from the ocean so our home reflects our love for the beach, but we attempt to do it in a classy comfortable way.


Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!) I’ve had a million… I’m not even sure where to start. Maybe with the chair I painted for my son, Drew’s room. The article said it wouldn’t feel like a painted chair. My chair definitely feels like I painted it. But… it needed reupholstering even if painting the fabric didn’t work so it’s not a big loss and it still looks great in his room, it’s just not a cuddly chair. It’s more of a “time out” chair. 🙂

How did you become interested in blogging? Shortly after AJ and I got married, I decided to blog occasionally because we were decorating our own condo and flipping a house and I had a lot I wanted to say about what I was doing… I’m not that great with change, so to have an outlet to talk about the change in a constructive way was great.


Strangest decoration in your house? AJ, my husband, inherited from his grandmother a small replica, about a foot tall, of the statue of the David. It sits in our entryway right in front of where I’m currently hanging our Christmas cards. So yes, we have a nearly naked statue sitting in front of people’s Christmas photos… it’s a little bizarre but it’s a classic piece, right? ☺ You’ll see this pop up in our Christmas house tour on Friday.

Hardest part about blogging? I don’t think I’ve ever invested so many hours into something with so little financial gain.

Best part about blogging? Definitely finding a community of people who have the same thoughts on running a business (your brand) and creating a hospitable home. I love that some of my blogging friends have turned into real friends. Also, having the blog as a creative outlet after having my son and leaving a very creative job was a God-send. I think I would have gone crazy if I didn’t have the structure of doing something creative regularly.

Want to see more from Migonis Home? Check out her blog, and be sure to follow her on twitter @MigonisHome


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