Being a home professional is an incredibly rewarding career. From a professional home builder to a professional home stager to everything in between, they all have something in common, the desire to be successful.

Marketing and home professionals

The moment to discover what marketing strategies you should concentrate on to receive the best return on your time is now, especially when technological advancements make promoting your business more attainable.

As a business owner, you can access various marketing strategies and options, but not all will suit your business. Businesses need to be careful with the time spent on marketing efforts, given the variety of hats that entrepreneurs wear. These are just some of the many marketing channels and strategies to choose from:

  • Referral marketing. Use word-of-mouth and satisfied customers to build your positive reputation in the community, earn new business, and further engage existing clients. For small businesses, tools like Giftbit and a stellar CRM make referral marketing easy.
  • Events and sponsorships. Boost your presence in the industry and community by representing your business at conferences and community events. Promoting your presence at events through digital channels is important, but remember that physical collateral like scannable QR codes for online materials, booth decor, and giveaways are also important for engagement.
  • SEO. Leading SEO agencies like X3 Digital can optimize your website, digital presence, and online content to improve your visibility in Google and other search engines, earning high-quality local traffic to convert leads and sales.
  • Email. Use email list building strategies to grow your contact list and convert and retain leads using platforms like MailChimp and Hubspot.
  • Social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn build brand awareness, allow you to engage with customers, and promote products and services.
  • Direct mail. Small businesses use direct mail marketing, such as postcards and flyers, to promote products and services to targeted audiences.
  • Go-to-market strategy. A go-to-market strategy presentation template is a great way to prepare for the launch of your business or product.

From collecting data via customer surveys to reaching your marketing goals, we collected advice from our experts who will guide you through the different options and marketing tools that will work to find success as a home professional.

Home professionals can also seek out a coach with expertise in the home services industry who can provide an objective, outside perspective to assess a company’s current marketing mix, identify areas for improvement, and develop a customized action plan. Through regular coaching sessions, the home service professional can learn proven marketing techniques, get guidance on implementing new strategies, and have a dedicated thought partner to hold them accountable. Just as a Chief Operational Officer can benefit from working with an experienced COO coach to optimize their leadership skills and strategic decision-making, home service professionals can also leverage marketing coaching to take their promotional efforts to the next level.

What the experts say

What are marketing strategies? Why are they important for home professionals?

A marketing strategy is a roadmap that details your business’ promotional plan, objectives, and goals so you can choose the right tactics to increase brand awareness and interest. Most strategies include ongoing projects like content creation, email marketing, advertising, and social media outreach.

As a home professional, you have a lot of opposition in the market, ranging from competitors or “cost-effective” DIY alternatives. A marketing strategy helps you stay focused on the actionable steps you need to take to grow despite what holds the highest share of your market. By following through with your marketing strategy, you can build a loyal audience of repeat customers — but consistency is key. Where most people go wrong is giving up simply because they don’t gain traction or recognition early on. It can take months for the pieces of your marketing strategy to fall into place, but if you practice the right behaviors and attitudes, you’ll discover the winning tactics.

– Vito Vishnepolsky, Director at Martal Group

How can home professionals combine offline and online marketing to promote their businesses?

There are several methods to combine both words to get more results.

From offline to online:

  • QR codes in the building or local business place. Linking to a landing page or to a link three with all the important links of the company.
  • Sharable Wifi password upon a social media post or social media accounts following.
  • Encouraging customers to post pictures of their packages with a custom hashtag or tagging the company @.
  • Asking for reviews in Google my Business, Facebook, or other places like TrustPilot

From online to offline:

  • Adding a map of the location on the site contact us page
  • Adding the local business address to the Google my Business page
  • If you are an eCommerce that will deliver a product, Delivering Bonus t-shirts and any other branded materials


How can business owners decide which marketing channels are the right ones for their business?

Whether you’re a new business figuring out your marketing or your established business needs a refresh, deciding which channels to prioritize can be a challenge.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, there are channels that work well for certain needs. The size of your organization, plus whether you are business-to-business or business-to-consumer, can dictate the best marketing channels. Your budget, target audience, and marketing goals will also be a factor.

Websites and blogs, email marketing, video marketing, and social media are four of the most popular marketing channels, but you should prioritize using these based on your goals.

For example, B2C content often focuses on delivering enjoyable, easy-to-read content. Social media and email marketing are often the best channels for this because messages can be personalized. On the other hand, B2B companies often prioritize informative content and forming long-lasting relationships. Strengthening blog posts and your website can help you earn authority in your space and reach your goals.

Email marketing is often popular because it’s an owned media channel, which is a great resource for growing businesses that may have a smaller marketing budget. Similarly, video marketing can boost conversions, improve ROI, and build customer relationships. It’s beneficial because customers can connect your business with a face or personality. Influencer marketing takes this a step further by combining video, social media, and word-of-mouth marketing.

There are plenty of marketing channels to choose from, but it’s up to you to decide which options make sense for your business. Find those that are most suitable for your budget, goals, and audience. Thinking about your business’s needs will put you on the right track, but don’t be afraid to make changes as needed.

– Kimberly Zhang, Editor in Chief at Under30CEO

What is market research, and why is it important?

Market Research can be divided into two categories – quantitative and qualitative research. In summary, quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data, whereas qualitative research is understanding the intent behind consumer decision making. Each type of market research can serve a beneficial purpose. But when it comes to standing out in a competitive market, qualitative research will be the most effective method for profitable results.

It is important to remember that market research isn’t just about marketing; it directly affects the types of business decisions you should make. Speaking with potential customers that fit your target audience will provide you with the insights you need to save time, money, and frustration.
Market research will effectively answer these pivotal questions:
  • Who is your customer?
  • What does your customer want?
  • Do customers like your product or service the way it is?
  • Would they consider taking their business elsewhere to fit their needs?

Knowing the answers to these questions will guide you in making the right decisions with confidence. Today’s data shows that customers want to be heard. Taking the time to discover these preferences through focus groups or one-on-one interviews will give you the critical information you need to create a more accommodating business structure.

– Elizabeth Zuponcic, Director of Marketing at Focus Insite

What factors affect a Marketing Plan?

The business resources is the biggest factor that will affect a marketing plan. Since a marketing plan is funded by the business, the overall marketing plan will depend on the fund available from the business. Other resources like staff, technology, and facilities will also come into play. So ultimately, a marketing plan should take into account the available resources of the business.

Market trends are another important factor that can affect a marketing plan. There is a need for an understanding of the current market conditions, consumer behaviors, and trending technology. For example, during a major pandemic, there are bound to be market changes and changes in consumer behaviors, so a marketing plan must consider the time. Spending more on digital ads will definitely make more sense than spending more on highway billboards during a lockdown.

Competitors are a very big factor when drafting a market plan. When there is significant competition, the goal of a marketing plan must capture elements that will help appeal to consumers more than competitors. There is a big need for competitor analysis to find weaknesses that you can capitalize on. Find their strength that you can neutralize. Also, it’s important to understand the marketing strategies and tactics of competitors in order to differentiate your offering and position your product or service effectively in the market.

– Mfon at

What are some general marketing tips for home service professionals?

One often overlooked tip when marketing your home service business is to focus on a specific niche or target market. By focusing on a specific niche or target market, you can better tailor your marketing efforts and messaging to appeal to a specific group of customers. For example, if you are a plumbing company, you might target homeowners with older homes, or if you are a landscaping company, you might target homeowners in a certain neighborhood or with a certain type of property.

After you’ve found your niche, use online marketing to reach potential customers more efficiently. In today’s digital age, it’s important to have an online presence. This can include creating a website, maintaining social media accounts, and using online directories like Google My Business and Yelp. These platforms can help potential customers find your business and learn more about the services you offer.

Lastly, I would recommend investing in local SEO. Local SEO involves optimizing your online presence so that you rank highly in search results when people search for local home service providers. This can include claiming your Google My Business listing, getting listed in online directories, and optimizing your website for local search terms with keyword targeted blogs, videos, or service area pages.

These three techniques can dramatically improve your lead quality and quantity and provide a solid foundation to build upon with additional marketing tools.

– Jarrod Mason, Founder at YouWho Digital

What are the key elements of a successful brand strategy?

Every successful brand has strong core values, cohesive strategies, and room for optimization. Your core values are the pillars that support your brand strategy, the driving force behind our products or services that keep customers coming back. Taking your core values and cohesively integrating them into your brand strategy across multiple platforms is the key to success for branding in any industry. Having a signature look and feel or experience for current or potential customers and employees will engage their interest and, better yet, keep them engaged. With a cohesive brand, your materials and content will be recognized easily – positioning your brand as a leader among the competition.

A stagnant brand will not be successful, and being able to optimize your brand strategy over time will ensure you stay at the top of your industry and market for years to come. Your customers and employees are constantly changing and evolving, and an easily optimized brand will be well equipped to keep up with the changes. The key elements of a successful brand strategy lie in creativity, organization, and being able to think outside the box. Bringing strong, cohesive materials and values to the table will ensure your brand strategy has a stable foundation to grow and evolve upon.

– Linda A. Fanaras, CEO & Strategist at Millennium Agency

Digital Marketing

How Can Home Professionals Excel Online?

In the fast-paced digital era, home professionals can significantly enhance their online presence and client engagement through effective social media strategies. Drawing insights from experts in the field, the key to success lies in a multifaceted approach that combines authenticity, consistency, and strategic content dissemination.

Experts recommend that home professionals leverage the services of social media marketing companies in the UK to navigate the intricacies of online platforms effectively. These specialized agencies possess a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, enabling them to tailor strategies that resonate with the target audience. From creating compelling content that showcases the expertise of home professionals to implementing targeted advertising campaigns, these agencies play a pivotal role in optimizing social media efforts.

Consistency is paramount in the realm of social media, and experts stress the importance of maintaining a regular posting schedule. By engaging with followers consistently, home professionals can build a loyal audience and establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields. Authenticity also remains a cornerstone, with experts emphasizing the need for genuine interactions and transparent communication to foster trust among the audience.

Home professionals can amplify their online impact by embracing a comprehensive social media strategy guided by the expertise of social media marketing companies in the UK. Through a blend of authenticity, consistency, and strategic collaboration, professionals can harness the full potential of social media to grow their businesses and connect with clients on a meaningful level.

– Ninja Promo

How can home service professionals develop an effective digital marketing strategy?

As a home service professional, you may find yourself having to exhibit skills outside your comfort zone.  The task of marketing your business online can be daunting, but there are key steps in order to have an effective digital marketing strategy.

The following tips can help you develop a successful digital marketing strategy and reach potential customers:

1. Identify your target audience: Understanding who your potential customers are and what they need will help you tailor your marketing efforts to their specific interests and needs. This can be done through market research, customer surveys, and analyzing data on your current customer base.

2. Define your goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts. This could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. Having clear goals will help you stay focused and measure the success of your marketing efforts.

3. Research your competition: Understanding what your competitors are doing can help you identify areas where you can differentiate your business and target your marketing efforts. This can be done through online research, social media monitoring, and analyzing industry trends.

4. Choose the right channels: Decide which channels will be most effective for reaching your target audience. Some examples include social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Consider factors such as your target audience, budget, and marketing goals when selecting channels.

5. Develop a content marketing strategy: Create high-quality, valuable content that will appeal to your target audience and help you achieve your marketing goals. Some key tools you can use could include blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts. Focus on creating content that is informative, relevant, and engaging to your target audience.

6. Implement and track your marketing efforts: Put your marketing plan into action and track the results to see what is working and what needs to be improved. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic and conversions and social media analytics to track engagement and reach.

By following these steps, you can develop an effective digital marketing strategy that helps you reach your target audience and grow your home service business.

– Elita Torres at Lead Grow Develop

What are some general digital marketing tips for home service professionals?

Being able to rank well in search results can make or break a local business. The good news is home service professionals have control of one of the most important aspects of local ranking – a consistent NAP (name, address, phone).

First, visit Type in your business name and address. The US postal service will return the official address for the location. This official address should be used for ALL local profiles and anywhere the business location is referenced across the web.

Given the rise in Google Maps spam, a second important facet to remember is search engines (Google specifically) are looking for ‘proof of life’ – meaning you are a real business and you are located where you say you are. This can be accomplished, in part, simply through images uploaded to your Google My Business profile.

Consider adding a photo of your business card (including address), front door (that lists your logo and/or address), various angles of the front of your building, lobby, waiting area, etc. While these may not be the most interesting to a prospective customer, they are very important for search engines.

– Jon Clark at Moving Traffic Media

How can home professionals use Hubspot Workflows to increase their sales?

Discover how Hubspot Workflows can revolutionize your home professional business and elevate your sales to new heights. As a comprehensive automation tool, Hubspot Workflows streamlines marketing, sales, and customer service freeing up valuable time to focus on what you do best – finding and maintaining client relationships in your home professional business!

Transform your lead nurturing with personalized, timely content that engages prospects and moves them down the sales funnel. Hubspot Workflows caters to your leads’ interests and interactions, ensuring you’re always top-of-mind.

Supercharge your sales strategy with intelligent lead scoring. Workflows automatically assign scores to leads based on website, email, and social engagement, and potential value, empowering you to prioritize high-quality prospects and allocate resources for maximum impact.

Stay ahead of the game with automated task management. Let Hubspot Workflows take care of routine tasks like assigning leads to sales representatives or sending follow-up emails. With more time on your hands, you can focus on closing deals and expanding your business.

Experience seamless sales pipeline management as Workflows updates deal stages based on specific triggers. Keep your pipeline organized, identify opportunities, and address bottlenecks before they become problems.

Delight new clients with an automated onboarding experience. Hubspot Workflows welcomes your customers with personalized emails and schedules kickoff calls by including meeting links, setting the stage for a lasting, satisfying relationship. Find time without going between you and your new customer quickly with meeting links.

Finally, solidify customer loyalty and retention with automated check-ins, satisfaction surveys, and prompt issue and ticket resolution. Hubspot Workflows helps you maintain strong relationships, promoting repeat business and valuable referrals.

– Islin Munisteri, Chief Revenue Officer at Theia Strategies

What is Local Search Engine Optimization, and how can home service professionals benefit from it?

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on optimizing a business’s online presence to appear more prominently in local search results. This form of optimization is different from organic search engine optimization because the ranking factors for organic SEO tend to favor large companies with established legacies and massive customer bases. Local Search allows small businesses with loyal customers and strong value propositions to gain competitive visibility through ranking factors such as reviews, citations, and business profile optimization through services like Google Business.

Home service professionals are some of the best companies to leverage Local SEO. The goal for these companies is to show up when their local potential customers search for their services. When these professionals appear at the top of the results, it will result in increased website traffic, more phone calls, and ultimately more business.

– Josiah Bussing, CEO at Mountaintop Web Design

Why is it important for home professionals to optimize their online presence?

In the home professional business, your typical customer base is local, making it critical to optimize your online presence to be found in local searches.

For this reason, it becomes important to take steps to optimize your website to appear in local search results.

Make sure your address and contact details are correct and make sure you strategically add your location throughout your website. You’ll also want to add location-specific keywords on your web pages and blog articles. But make sure you do so naturally.

Another thing you’ll want to do is fully optimize your Google Business profile. You can do this using Google Business directly or via Google Maps. Either way, the important thing is to ensure you have high-quality photos, accurate, detailed information about your business, and regularly updated content.

Finally, trust is key. If you have no reviews online, or worse, you have bad reviews, and prospective customers are going to completely overlook your business in favor of those with five-star reviews.

Ask your happy customers for reviews. Grab each customer’s email address so you can send them a thank you message with a link to your reviews page. Ask for a favorable review, and watch your stats rise. As your five-star reviews rise, so does your credibility and, along with it, your business.

– Anthony Gaenzle, CEO of Gaenzle Marketing, founder of

How can home service professionals start a blog? What are some of the benefits of starting one?

Starting a blog can be an effective way for home service professionals to market their businesses and reach out to new customers. Here are 5 essential tips on how to get started:

1. Choose your niche: Determine what type of content you’re going to focus on in your blog – topics related to home services, customer testimonials, tips for homeowners, etc. This will help you create content that resonates with your target audience.

2. Brainstorm ideas: Make a list of ideas for topics to blog about related to your niche. Consider everything from DIY projects to customer reviews and industry news.

3. Do the research and make your content SEO-friendly: Research topics thoroughly before you start writing to ensure your content is accurate, up-to-date, and also optimized for SEO so you can get organic traffic from Google.

4. Make a plan: Create an editorial calendar for yourself so you can stay organized and know what topics to write about each week, month or quarter.

5. Promote your blog: Once your blog is up and running, promote your content on social media and through other marketing channels to reach new potential customers.

By following these steps, home service professionals can create a successful blog that helps them grow their business and reach out to more customers. There are many benefits to starting a blog. Starting a blog for home service professionals is an excellent way to promote your business, establish yourself as an industry expert, and stay connected with your customers. A blog can also help you generate more leads by targeting potential customers who are searching for related services in their area.

Additionally, blogging allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and build relationships with them, which can be very beneficial. You may also find that blogging helps you to develop creative skills such as writing, research, and design. Lastly, blogging can be a great way to generate income by monetizing your blog or selling products and services related to the topics you write about.

– Amira Irfan at A Self Guru

Why do home service professionals need to invest in web design and development?

For today’s business owners, a smart web presence is one of the most significant factors contributing to demonstrating professionalism and inspiring confidence in potential customers. We’ve all seen websites that don’t do the job—out-of-date designs, difficult navigation, and a lack of the information you came to find can all send you searching for someone else’s help. The same is true for the web users you want to reach.

A well-placed investment in web design and development does more than help you present a polished brand to the public—it also helps you reach the public. Fast load times, in-depth content, and regular blog posts can send your site to the top of the search engine results pages. Using a design approach that considers the importance of search engine optimization, or SEO, your website contributes to much of the heavy lifting in today’s marketing campaigns.

The combination of good branding and the power to reach readers makes an investment in the web a smart move for today’s home service professionals. It’s not always easy to differentiate the quality of your service from the competition for leads high up in the funnel, so let top-tier web design make that difference clear from the first click.

– Ryan Levin, President at Digital Lion

What are some simple steps home service professionals can take to improve their position on google searches?

Focusing on your Google My Business (GMB) Profile is one of the best ways to improve your position in the Google Search results. Think about it like “free” real estate on the Google platform! The more robust your profile, the more organic connections you are creating to local search results. This profile enables you to validate your company address, update the products and services you offer, announce news or service updates, and answer questions most commonly asked by your customers via the Q&A feature. This content builds into the keywords connection and makes you more searchable.

This GMB profile is also where your Google Reviews are housed and is another sector building into the strength of your digital presence. Make it a habit to ask for reviews from your customers and direct them specifically to your Google Review page. More detailed reviews, from the specific type of work done to the names of the crew who worked on the job, improve your searchability score. When reviews are left, positive or not, be sure to acknowledge them with a response. Your responsiveness becomes a part of the overall equation as Google likes profiles, and websites, for that matter, that are most up-to-date and relevant.

The more time you spend building up your GMB profile and the quality content you add will not only improve your position in the Search but will be a springboard for any of the SEM (Google AdWords, PPC) work you are investing in.

– Molly Nolan, Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group

How Can Home Professionals Increase Their Organic Traffic?

The most effective way to increase organic traffic is by crafting content that answers your target audience’s questions. Another effective method to get traffic from Google is optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO). Basic search optimization starts with on-page elements like keyword research and content production and off-site strategies like link building and social media marketing.

Organic traffic can effectively expand your brand’s online visibility, but it requires significant time and energy. Professional assistance may be necessary if you lack the expertise or resources to execute an effective SEO & content strategy.

A reliable Digital Marketing Agency or specialist will have the tools and expertise necessary to help increase organic traffic. They’ll assist in selecting the appropriate keywords, crafting content, and crafting an effective marketing plan to drive more visitors to your website.

– Noah Watson at Watson Media

How can home professionals get started with influencer marketing strategies?

Influencer marketing can be a powerful strategy for home professionals to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Building a relationship with an influencer can take time, so be patient and persistent. It’s a long-term strategy.

Here’s how to start:

1. Develop a strategy: Develop a strategy for how to work with the influencer. Determine what kind of content you want them to create, how you want them to promote your brand
2. Research: Find influencers with a good following and fits your target customer, such as age, gender, etc
3. Evaluate engagement: Look for influencers with a good ratio of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, and not just followers
4. Reach out: Reach out to them to propose a partnership. Be prepared to offer them a clear value proposition
6. Tracking: Using tools such as UTM link to track the traffic from the influencer marketing campaign, monitor the mentions, hashtags, and keywords related to your campaign, and track the ROI.

– Aaron Lee at

What is content marketing, and why is it important for businesses?

Content Marketing, distilled to its simplest meaning, is your opportunity to convince and convert potential customers. The benefits are clear, as this is essential to build and sustaining any business. Content comes in many forms, both written and visual, and ultimately it is your method of building consumer trust.

– Chris London, Owner at Pixel Productions Inc.

What is SEO, and why is it important?

As a digital marketing professional, I can confidently say that SEO is an essential component of any online strategy. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is important because search engines like Google are a primary source of traffic for many websites. If a website ranks well in search engine results, it is more likely to receive organic or free traffic from users searching for specific keywords.

Optimizing a website involves a variety of tactics, including the use of relevant keywords, the creation of high-quality content, the improvement of website structure and navigation, and the use of social media and other off-site signals to improve visibility.

There are several reasons why SEO is essential for businesses and organizations:

  1. It can lead to an increase in traffic to a website. A well-optimized website will rank higher in search results, increasing organic traffic and potential customers.
  2. SEO is a cost-effective way to drive traffic to a website compared to paid advertising methods.
  3. Because SEO brings targeted traffic to a website, visitors are more likely to become customers, leading to higher conversion rates.
  4. A strong SEO strategy can give a business a competitive advantage by improving its visibility in search results.
  5. A high ranking in search results can improve a brand’s credibility and perceived value, leading to increased brand awareness.

In conclusion, SEO is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy and is essential for businesses and organizations looking to increase their online presence and reach potential customers through search engines. By investing in SEO, businesses can drive targeted website traffic, increase conversions, and gain a competitive advantage in the digital landscape.

– Shane Perry at Shane Perry Marketing

What is the difference between SEM and SEO?

SEM typically means pay-per-click – in Google, that’s using their AdWords product.

SEO (Search engine optimization) – is the process of creating content about a specific topic, building some links, and then having it rank higher in Google.
With SEM, once you stop paying, the traffic stops. With SEO, you typically do the work upfront and then reap the rewards for months or years to come.
– Greg Digneo at Content Guppy

How to create an effective SEO strategy?

To start creating an effective SEO strategy, you must first list topics.

The next step is for you to optimize your pages for specific keywords. For every keyword, you identify, use the keyword tool to find at least 5 to 10 long-tail keywords that go into more specifics of the original topic keyword. Then build pages for each topic. All you need to do is create separate pages for every topic you write about on your website

Another great way to get your keywords to rank well is to start blogging. Create a consistent blogging schedule. It’s also very important for you to stay consistent with it. Your customers will come looking for fresh new information, and you need to be able to deliver what they need.

Hire professionals. Asking for additional help should be encouraged, especially if you’re just starting out

Create a link-building plan: Lastly, you need to have a solid link-building plan. While the topic cluster may be your best shot at succeeding in SEO, it is not the only way to get your content to get great rankings.


How can a home service professional start their own website?

When you have plumbing issues, you hire a plumber. When you need your taxes done, many folks hire a tax accountant. When your car needs repair, you go to a mechanic. This is because while it may seem easy to “do it yourself,” hiring an expert service professional ensures the job is done correctly and saves you a great deal of time.

These professionals have spent years honing their skills and keeping up with the latest technologies, trends, and tax laws.

Starting your own website is no different from any other highly skilled service professional. A website requires not just a skilled designer but someone that understands how critical SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content are bringing leads to your website. SEO experts have years of training and must keep up with the ever-changing rules of the road.

So, when you are ready to start your own website and grow your business, look for web design agencies that have impeccable reputations. Schedule a consultation with them to make sure they are a good fit. Make sure you have a clear vision of the design for your site, have a business plan, and find websites in your profession that you like to share with the web design agency.

– Steve Crayne, Founder at Starting Gate Marketing

Social Media Marketing

What social media metrics are the most important to track?

The most important metrics depend on the campaign and the goal. For example, if you are trying to increase web traffic, then you would want to see how many clicks a post and or story gets. If you are working on brand exposure, you want to see the data for impressions, etc.

– Derek Lushbaugh, Co-Founder at

Offline Marketing

Which offline marketing strategies/tools should home professionals invest in?

Home professionals should invest in direct mail advertising. This involves sending postcards, brochures, or coupons directly to potential customers’ homes and is a highly effective way to educate customers about the services you offer.

Promotional emails can be ignored or miscategorized as spam but providing a piece of mail with a clear offer and call to action ensures your message gets seen and can help drive their purchasing decisions.

When thinking about direct mail, don’t forget about your existing customers. Direct mail is a highly effective and personalized way to stay connected with your customers.

Another strategy is to collaborate with local organizations, such as chambers of commerce or community groups, who may be able to promote your services through their networks. These collaborations can also help to cultivate relationships with local business owners.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth advertising. Ask satisfied customers to leave a positive review online and to spread the word about your services.

The right marketing platform can help you achieve all of this. Customer Lobby helps you target the right customers with personalized mailings, emails, and text messages that maximize your marketing ROI.

– Allison Bruce, Vice President of Customer Success at

What are the benefits of print media for businesses?

In the digital age, one might think print materials do little to further a business’ presence and profits. On the contrary, print media is here to stay. Tangible print media is successful because it provides a sensory experience. Physicality results in longevity. Look in your wallet or a drawer in your house. Chances are there is a brochure or business card of a local business you refer back to for information time and time again. Print media allows customers and employees to form relationships. Finally, print media is cost-effective. You run a business! When it comes to advertising and marketing, you want the best bang for your buck, and print media does just that. In a 2022 study, direct mail’s average response rate was 4.4% compared to email’s .6% response rate. With the right strategy and a touch of personalization, the response rate can increase substantially. The competition is stiff, but print media gives you the upper hand in your competition in local, regional, and national markets.

– Kurt Effertz, Co-Founder at CenterCityPrint

How can businesses get the most out of Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct Mail Marketing pieces provide your customers with something they can physically hold in their hands. The psychology is simple. Humans tend to notice and retain information much more quickly and much longer when it’s tactile. The combination of seeing with your eyes and feeling with your hands makes a huge difference. When a customer receives something in the mail, you make a connection to them. Each time they see that postcard, self-mailer, or envelope, it sparks a reminder to interact with your company, even if the interaction is merely looking up the website for more information.

Print marketing can function effectively on its own, unlike a digital marketing campaign. We recommend referencing your social media sites, website, or blog on your printed marketing piece. With QR codes and coupons, you can effectively drive your Direct Mail Marketing to your digital business.

An effective Direct Mail Marketing piece must 1) grab their attention, 2) elicit an emotional response with your message and graphics, 3) get your message across in as few words as possible, 4) create a call to action (CTA)

When executed correctly, all print marketing, including Direct Mail Marketing, is an effective form of marketing for many businesses. Craft a compelling message worth taking action over and tell customers what they should do next. The results may pleasantly surprise you.

– Marsha Nix, Sales Program Coordinator at Alexander Clark Printing

Final Thoughts

We know that thinking about marketing strategies is one of the most complicated aspects of a business. We hope we were able to answer some of the most important questions on your mind. At, we are always eager to help our Home Professionals, so we hope this article is helpful for you all. If you are a marketing expert and feel we are missing something, please reach out to us so we can add any information that would be helpful to our readers