We asked Rhoda from Southern Hospitality 16 quirky questions! This Southern belle dishes on everything from her biggest DIY fail, to her moss wreath collection (yes, you read correctly). Head on over to Rhoda’s blog for some decorating tips, and DIY projects you can make on a budget!

What’s a home trend you hope doesn’t exist in 100 years?
Fake animal heads made out of all sorts of materials.

Rhoda headshot

Strangest decoration in your house?
I don’t really have anything strange, but an unusual piece on my back porch is an old chair that belonged to my paternal grandfather. It’s painted a pretty aqua color and has a cowhide seat, which is original. Very rustic and handmade. My dad passed it to me and I’ll treasure it as a family piece.

How did you name your blog?
When I decided on a whim to start a blog, I knew I wanted it to have a Southern feel and “Southern hospitality” is a well-known catchy phrase that embodies the South and that’s how I wanted my blog to feel too. It’s been a good fit for my blog, a Southern lifestyle that represents the best of the region I grew up in.


What’s your DIY weapon of choice?
Spray paint for sure!

If your walls could only be painted one color for the rest of your life, what color would they be?
This sounds really boring, but I’ve grown to love creamy white walls and woodwork as a backdrop to all my dark wood antiques and floors. That gives me the opportunity to bring in color in fabrics and accessories and that makes for an interesting room. I grew up with off-white walls and never thought I’d paint my main rooms that color, but I love it!

What are 3 words to describe your blog?
Southern, Classic, Inspiring

Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!)
This never got blogged about, but years ago when I lived in my other house, I was adding stain to a piece of furniture I had painted to age it. I kicked over the quart of stain all over the frieze carpet and it never came out. I covered it with a throw rug the whole time in that house.

Hardest part about blogging?
Keeping up with the social media demands and feeling like you are your own person. Feeling competition with the thousands of other fantastic blogs out there sometimes gets in the way of creativity, but I just put on my blinders and keep doing what I do best.

living room 5

Best part about blogging?
The blogging community and making friends in my niche group, that’s been such a rewarding part of blogging.

If your life were a song, what would it be?
“Happy” by Pharrell Williams

Pinterest or Facebook?
I do both, but I’m more engaged with my readers on Facebook. I sometimes have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest because it feels like I can never keep up over there.

Last thing you ordered on Amazon?
A portable charger for my new iPhone 5s


What are you exceptionally good at? (Permission to brag)
I think I’d have to say I’m good at finding great deals and decorating on a budget.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve collected?
I once dug up real moss and made moss wreaths out of it. I stored them for a couple of years, but they started smelling really bad, so I threw them out.

Funniest comment you’ve received on your blog?
Probably something about my dad. My readers love my dad and have a great time with posts about him.

Favorite words to live by?
My favorite scripture in Proverbs is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” That verse is definitely one to live by.

DIY playbook, blogger, home blog, home, diy

Want to see more from Southern Hospitality? Check out her blog, and be sure to follow her on twitter @SouthernRhoda!

Have any bloggers you’d love to see featured? Drop us a line in the comments section below, or email Taylor at taylorh@porch.com.