Garden tools can be expensive, and they are essential for doing great gardening work. That is why we think it is vital to take care of them. We created a simple and friendly guide to show you how to clean, sharpen and store your garden tools.
Whenever you are finished using your garden tools for the day, or for the week, it’s a smart idea to give them a good cleaning. Dirt, debris, and moisture can slowly tarnish your tools or cause them to oxidize and rust. The screws may damage and cause difficult movement. The tools that require to be sharp may become dull and dull tools are more dangerous than sharp tools. All this will make them difficult to use. Cleaning your tools also gives you the opportunity to assess their overall condition and see if any need maintenance or replacement. created a handy recipe guide for cleaning, sharpening, and storing your garden tools. If done regularly, you can extend the life of your hand tools and make your time spent in the garden more efficient.
We hope this quick article motivated you to clean your tools more often. Trust us it’s worth the time invested. It can save you money in the long run and it will definitely keep you safer! Click on the graphic below and print your guide to get started.

For those garden lovers, there are many ways to schedule and do your gardening activities. Sometimes work and life can take up most of your hours in a day. Here is a great article you can use to set up a gardening calendar for the entire year! I am sure this will be helpful to you!