Pets are very special members of the home. As such, they also deserve a home that is free from danger. Keeping pets safe goes beyond feeding and taking them to the vet occasionally. Having a pet at home also means paying attention to creating a safe space for them. With that in mind, it’s essential to know the potential risks and measures to take when having pets in your home and ensure you have a great environment to protect your house and their wellbeing.

What are the most common household dangers for dogs?

Cleaning Products: Dogs often get into and sometimes even eat anything they come across, including toxic substances such as cleaning products, medications, and chemicals. Keep items containing bleach, aerosols, ammonia, formaldehyde, and phenol locked in a storage cabinet or shelf out of their reach. Consider using pet-friendly cleaners that are poison-free

Houseplants: Houseplants provide many benefits in the home for humans. But certain kinds are toxic for animals. Avoid having snake plants, hydrangeas, and tulips in your home or garden, where your dog can easily get to them.

Foods: Certain human foods, such as chocolate, grapes, and onions, can cause serious health issues or be potentially fatal to dogs. You need to know which foods are unsafe for your dog to keep them healthy.

Sharp Objects: Dogs can be injured by sharp objects such as knives, scissors, or broken glass. Even harmless things like small toys, coins, string, staples, and other household objects that fall on the ground can easily be swallowed by pets and could cause serious health problems.

Stairs & Floors: Stairs, particularly uncarpeted, can be hazardous for dogs, especially for older or injured ones who can fall or slip. If needed, use a gate to block off steps in the home and put area rugs with a non-slip feature in high-traffic areas to prevent accidents. Dog ramps and stairs are also useful for getting in and out of a bed or sofa.

Russ at Canine Journal

What are the most common household dangers for cats?   

Household dangers for cats include toxic plants, cleaning products, chew hazards (string, electrical cords, rubber bands, dental floss), flimsy window screens, and open windows where a cat can easily escape outdoors and encounter cars, predators, poisons, diseases, or getting lost. A catio, an outdoor cat enclosure, can reduce vet bills and provide a safe space for cats to enjoy fresh air, exercise, and birdwatching, and provide peace of mind for cat parents.

Cynthia Chomos at Catio Spaces 

What are some of the most common household hazards that pet owners should be aware of?

Dog owners should regularly inspect their homes at dog-level height for potential hazards. Here are seven common household dangers you should guard against.

Prevent physical accidents

Don’t let the zoomies cause an emergency vet visit.

Go through each room and look for hazards like heavy or breakable objects.

Check for electrical cables around computers, televisions, and sound systems to ensure your dog won’t pull them down. Secure tall, heavy furniture like bookcases and display cabinets to the wall.

Choose pet-friendly window blinds to prevent choking. If you have traditional blinds, adjust cord length and fully retract blinds when you leave home to reduce the risk your dog will get its head caught while trying to peek out the window.

Household chemicals

Cleaning products containing chlorine, bleach, and ammonia can harm dogs and cause health issues such as cancer, kidney damage, and anemia.

These chemicals can still be dangerous even when stored away due to the lingering vapors. Chlorine is hazardous, can cause skin and respiratory irritation, and is a common ingredient in many household cleaners.

Toxic plants

Keep all plants out of reach and avoid potentially toxic houseplants like the Angel Plant, Sago Palm, and Dieffenbachia.

Yeast and raw bread dough

Don’t let dogs eat unbaked dough, as the yeast can cause life-threatening complications such as stomach bloating and blockage.


Caffeine in coffee can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, seizures, fever, collapse, and even death for dogs.

Cocktails and wine

Wine is toxic, causing respiratory failure, central nervous system depression, abnormal blood acidity, kidney failure, coma, and death.

Even a tiny amount of alcohol can be dangerous. If your dog consumes wine or alcohol, watch for nausea, vomiting, reduced appetite, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.


Marijuana causes ataxia and intoxication in dogs, both from ingestion and inhaling second-hand smoke.

Symptoms include stumbling, lethargy, rapid breathing or panting, nausea, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, and loss of balance.

While most dogs recover within 15-24 hours after exposure, consult a veterinarian.

Sara B. Hansen, Editor at

What foods can be harmful to pets, and how can pet owners keep them away from these risks?

It’s tempting to give your pet table scraps, especially when they give you the eyes. While

some human foods are safe for pets, be mindful of how much you give them. Moderation is

key to keeping your pet’s digestive health in tip-top shape.

But which foods are okay for pets, and which ones do pet parents need to avoid? In general,

you should avoid giving your pets:

  •  Cherries
  •  Chocolate
  •  Garlic
  •  Grapes
  •  Mushrooms
  •  Nuts
  •  Onion

Some human foods are great sources of protein and healthy fats. But, too much of any

human food is dangerous to your pup. As a rule of thumb, too much salt, sugar, or

uncooked foods can wreak havoc on your dog’s digestive system.

To avoid an emergency from your pet consuming dangerous foods:

  •  Keep a list of safe foods for pets on hand
  •  Store food in cabinets or pantries out of your pet’s reach
  •  Avoid leaving toxic foods on countertops, especially if your pet is left alone

Apart from tending to your pet’s nutritional needs, establish a well-rounded health routine

with PetFriendly’s vet-quality products for dogs and cats. From flea and tick prevention to

hip and joint support, PetFriendly makes pet care simple.


How can pet owners ensure that their homes are safe for their pets?

Responsible pet owners can ensure the safety of their pets indoors by doing the following.

– Identification and elimination of potential hazards that may pose risks to pets. Such hazards include but are not limited to toxic substances, medications, toxic plants, and possible choking hazards. Remember, anything edible or inedible could be a choking hazard for pets.

  • Installation of pet-friendly furniture and household items. Non-pet-friendly household items could be potential dangers for pets.
  • Preparing a dedicated room/space for your pets where they can rest and feel safe.
  • Ensuring regular indoor cleaning and vacuuming to remove dust, dirt, and pet dander. It helps in minimizing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.
  • Supervision of your pets during different activities, be it having a regular meal or playing indoors.
  • Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature as per the current weather. Extremely cold or warm weather could be deadly for them.

By taking these precautions and implementing these safety measures, a responsible pet owner can create a safe and sound environment for their pets that helps them live a healthy and happy life.

How can pet insurance help ensure the safety of your furry friend in case of unexpected accidents or illnesses?

Sadly, many pet parents do not have an emergency fund they can tap into should their fur baby become seriously ill or injured. Should they get hit with a significant vet bill, many of these pet parents will have to make a heartbreaking decision and say goodbye to their precious family member, all because they can’t afford lifesaving care. A pet insurance plan helps pet parents cover the cost of unexpected injuries and illnesses. A good insurance policy will reimburse you for between 70% and 100% of the vet bill. This can be a huge relief to those pet parents whose fur babies require expensive surgery and hospitalization, and they are now facing a bill of $7,000 or more. Pet insurance ensures pets can receive lifesaving care while also giving pet parents peace of mind.

Jenna Bruce at Pet Insurance Review

What are the factors to consider before choosing pet insurance? 

There are a number of factors to consider before choosing pet insurance. First and foremost is your budget. Pet insurance rates can range widely, so go in knowing what you’re able to pay and shop for a policy that works with your budget. The next thing you want to do is read the fine print. What’s included, and what’s specifically excluded? Most policies exclude pre-existing conditions, so if you know your pet has a condition, you need to be prepared to have that coverage denied. Also, be sure you understand what percentage of care is covered, and watch for fine print that states they cover a percentage of the approved amount for that particular service. That means if your pet has a $500 service that’s covered at 80% of the approved amount – and the approved amount is $400 – you’re only covered for $320. It’s important to know exactly how the coverage works before you buy. Consider whether you want coverage for regular vet care, which can be added to some policies, or just for unexpected injuries and illnesses. Finally, although most pet insurance policies work on a reimbursement system, if you’re looking at a policy that pays the vet directly, make sure there are clinics near you that will accept the insurance.

Leslie Kasperowicz at

What are the most common mistakes when buying pet insurance?

One of the most common mistakes I made when I started buying pet insurance is that I didn’t do proper research to know what my pet insurance policy covers. This not only made me pay higher but also made me get an extra layer of coverage so as to fully care for my pet. My advice is that you should ask for recommendations from friends and families on the best pet insurance company before purchasing a policy. You need to know how the provider handles pre-existing conditions in pet insurance.

Emenike Emmanuel at Top Insurance Blogs

How can you prevent your dog from accessing dangerous foods or substances in the kitchen?

Management and spatial control is the main component and about 1/3 of all behavior modification protocols since management = the environment/antecedent arrangement. If you allow your dog free reign of the house, you will have behavior issues. It’s important to note that dogs are time-intensive and not space-intensive. If you spend lots of time with your dog training and working on behavior modification protocols, you will have fewer issues with problematic behaviors, and if you don’t have time to do so, you will likely have more issues. Either way, managing the environment is part of the dog training solution.

This means taking away all of the opportunities for self-reinforcement/rewarding behaviors (food on the countertops). If you leave food on the countertops, you are enticing your dog to learn how to counter surf. Besides the obvious but mostly neglected, not allowing a dog in the kitchen and putting away all food out of reach of a dog (just like we would babyproof a home for a child), teaching your dog a solid “Leave It” and“Drop”.

However, if your dog doesn’t have access to these dangerous areas, they won’t learn poor habits, such as counter surfing, begging at the table, standing at the refrigerator, or being under your feet when you’re cooking.

 Fun Paw Care

Safety tips for full-time RVing with pets

1. If your pets are new to RVing, introduce them to your RV slowly. The RV will be your pets’ home on the road, so you want them to be comfortable in the space. Before you start traveling, spend some time each day letting your pets explore the RV. Remember, it’s a brand new thing for them, and it’s your job to teach them it’s going to be fun!

2. Pack the right gear. Before your trip, start a list of all the things you use to care for your pets. When you’re ready to pack the RV, grab the list and gather all those items. Don’t forget your pets’ vaccination certificate and veterinary records.

3. Plan a pet-friendly itinerary. Planning your trip is part of the fun! And finding pet-friendly places to go and things to do is easy when you begin your search at With more than 300 pet-friendly destination guides for inspiration, you’re sure to find a place you and your pets will enjoy. Once you’ve decided on a location, use the site to find pet-friendly RV parks and campgrounds, restaurants, hotels, and attractions in the area. 

4. Always buckle up. Pets should always ride in the same vehicle as you – not in a camper you’re towing – and be buckled up in a crash-tested seat belt harness or secured carrier. This protects them in case of an accident and keeps them from distracting you while you’re driving.

5. Prevent unplanned departures. Having your pets get lost while you’re traveling is one of the biggest safety concerns of RVing together. A good way to avoid that is to place a pet gate between the living space and the door of your RV. This keeps your pets from scooting out the open door when you’re coming and going.

6. Update your pet’s ID. In case you and your pets do get separated, cats and dogs need up-to-date ID tags on their collars. As an additional precaution, check to be sure that the service where your pet’s microchip is registered has your current contact information.

7. Watch the weather. RVs are more susceptible to weather extremes, so it’s important to be aware of the forecast. When you arrive at RV parks and campgrounds, make time to locate the storm shelters. And always take your pets with you in emergency situations. If you’re traveling where heat could be an issue and need to leave your pets unattended, consider a remote temperature monitoring device. These devices send alerts to your phone if the temperature in your RV gets too hot or cold for your pet. 

8. Give your pets their space. Square footage is always at a premium in an RV, but pets need a place where they can be comfortable and out of the way. Beneath the dinette or on a sofa is a good spot for your pet to be close to you without being underfoot.

Go Pet Friendly

What are the safety considerations to make your backyard wildlife-friendly?

  • Don’t leave pet food out, it can attract unwanted guests.
  • If you live in an area with coyotes and your dogs are unattended in your backyard for any period of time, you may want to consider fence rollers.
  • Do not feed wildlife (raccoons, skunks, etc.)
  • If you want to support wildlife, you can make or put up wildlife-friendly yard features such as bat houses, hummingbird feeders, plants, and flowers that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.


How can animal welfare trips help you to become more educated about animal preservation?

Animal welfare trips that are grounded in consent-based tourism and local community leadership help us become more educated in animal conservation because, truly we learn by doing. Seeing conservation and animal welfare programs that are guided and supported by the local community helps us understand how diverse these programs are around the world and how they can succeed when local solutions tackle local problems. When we take part in these programs, we understand better, in part, all the steps, all the people, and all the work that goes into animal conservation. It’s not just veterinarians, nurses, and educators who are important in the conservation of animals. It’s maintenance workers, cooks, fundraisers, administrators, cleaners, and more! When we volunteer, we see this, and we see how far and impactful our volunteering can be. When led by the local community with evidence-based practices, we don’t just get our hands dirty and help, we learn by doing, and these lessons can be translated into so many different spaces in our lives. Not every program will work in every community but learning about compassion, empathy, and service will always help non-human and human animals alike.

Animal Experience International

What are the most important commands to teach your dog for safety purposes?

As a fear-free certified trainer, I focus my training on building a positive relationship between humans and canines. Positive reinforcement builds trust and a connection with your dog, which makes training easier and more effective!When it comes to important skills for safety reasons, we suggest a few key cues that you should teach your dog:The first one I recommend is recall. When we work on recall with dogs (and their owners), we play a series of games that get the dog focused on running to us and avoiding other distractions.  Dogs are drawn to movement, so if you want your pup to come towards you, don’t run after him/her, as that actually pushes them further away. In addition, if you only call your pup to you when the fun ends or to take something away from them, you have taught your pup that coming to you isn’t a great idea.
As with all training, we want to make sure we are motivating our dogs well to do what we ask. This is especially important with recall, as we want them to know that we are always more valuable than the thing they are doing. Using high value treats when working on the recall games is what I teach my students.
“Leave it” is also a critical cue for safety, which can be used in the home to ask the dog to leave toxic things alone, such as harmful human food or medicine. It can also be used outdoors to prevent the dog from consuming dangerous items. Just like with recall, we start practicing the leave it cue in a non-distracting environment. We teach the dog that there’s more value in leaving the item alone than there is in taking it. We never want to chase our dogs to grab an item out of their mouths. Not only does this turn into a game, but forcibly removing something from his/her mouth can negatively impact trust and bonding and create a challenge with future body handling, such as the groomer. 
We also recommend teaching the “drop it” cue. Drop it is used when the dog already has the item in their mouths, and we want them to release it. When we start working on drop it we engage the dog in trading the item in their mouth for something of higher value. This encourages the dog to drop items when you ask because he knows something good is coming. The more consistent you are with your rewards, the more consistent the dog will be at following the cue. Then, if at any time you don’t have treats to offer, the dog is so habituated to the skill that he’ll continue to drop it. 
Our online course contains games to teach your dog leash skills, stay, come, drop it, leave it, crate confidence, independence, greeting guests nicely, and more!
30 Days to Puppy Perfection:
You’ll also love our popular YouTube channel with hundreds of videos on important puppy training topics!
How to Train a Dream Dog YouTube Channel:

Michele Lennon, Owner, and Head Trainer at How to Train a Dream Dog

What are the safety benefits of training my pet?

Safety should be our number one priority as pet parents, but did you know that a good training program that includes mastery of certain training commands could save your pet’s life?
As we embark on a course of training, it’s easy to teach your dog to “sit pretty, roll over, and play dead.”
Who doesn’t enjoy these cute tricks that dogs can learn?  Unfortunately, these types of tricks will not save your dog’s life.  There are a few commands that will save them in situations where their lives are at stake.  Consider the commands “come,” “wait,” and “stay.”  But why these three simple commands, you might be asking?

A reliable recall is another way of saying, “come.”  Consider this scenario: Your dog gets away from you and is running at top speed toward the busy street.  If he knows the word “come,” he will come back to you rather than running into the street, which could lead to disastrous consequences.
The commands “wait and stay” may sound similar, but they are not the same from the perspective of a trainer.  The word “stay” means that your dog will remain in the position you’ve placed him in until you release him.  It could be a sit-stay or a down-stay.  “Wait,” on the other hand, is used to encourage your dog to stop and wait at the door until you say it’s OK to go through the doorway.

Dogs that have little training may bolt out of your front door every time you open your door.  This can be exceedingly dangerous when you open your door to a delivery person.  Consider some of the fastest dog breeds.  A greyhound can run more than 45 mph whereas poodles, Jack Russell Terriers, and Huskies can move at upwards of 30 mph.  Humans simply cannot run that fast, so the best thing for any pet parent to do is to train their dog.  There are numerous safety benefits to training.  Don’t let your dog be the next statistic.

Small Dog Place

What are the advantages of integrative veterinary care for my pet?

Integrative veterinary care for your pets is a perfect alternative to traditional pet care, and it uses conventional medical diagnostics and therapeutic options with complementary and alternative therapies. This type of veterinary practice is increasingly becoming more popular in the Western world as pet owners look for alternatives to traditional medicine that offer more holistic and natural choices. Holistic veterinary treatments include acupuncture, herbs, nutritional therapy, and more. The best way to ensure your pet receives the best holistic care is to talk with your veterinarian about how the different therapies work together. This can be especially important if your pet has a chronic or complex illness.

Atomic Mommy

How to introduce your pet to a new exercise routine

Routine exercise is just as essential for pets as it is for humans. Dogs can benefit from walks, fetch, agility training, or swimming.

Cats might enjoy laser pointers, feather toys, or climbing structures. Either way, just like humans, pets need time to adjust to new physical activities, and the right exercise depends on your pet’s age and physical condition, so begin with short, gentle exercises such as walking and gradually increase the duration and intensity while watching out for signs of fatigue or discomfort. Panting, slowing down, or limping are clear indicators that it’s time for a break. Never push your pet beyond their limits. You are also going to want to make sure your pet is hydrated, so bring a water bottle with you and a collapsible water dish during and after exercise, especially during hot weather.

Lastly, be mindful of temperatures and surfaces. Avoid exercising your pet during the hottest parts of the day or in extreme cold. Early morning or late evening is often the best time. Hot asphalt or rough terrains can hurt your pet’s paws, so consider protective footwear for dogs if you’re planning to walk on rough or extremely hot/cold surfaces. And don’t forget positive reinforcement. Praise your pet and offer them treats or toys after a successful workout. This will help them associate exercise with positive experiences.

Michael Hamilton at Peeva

How do I pick the safest toy for my pet?

To pick the safest type of toys for your pup, you first have to know how your dog interacts with a toy. You would not want to pick a soft toy for a super chewer and expect the toy to last a long time. Some interactive toys are not designed for chewers. When unsure, supervision is highly recommended, and make sure you pick a toy that is made out of non-toxic materials. Absolutely no toy is indestructible. Always monitor and supervise your dog during playtime. Finally, cherish every moment and pick a toy that you will also enjoy playing with the dog.

Up Dog Toys

How can pet owners ensure their pets receive proper exercise and mental stimulation while they are away?

Despite most pet owners wanting to spend as much time with their furry family members as possible, there will be times that pets are left alone, for example, when you leave to do grocery shopping.

Each pet will differ in how they react when left alone, and similarly, each pet will be able to withstand different periods of time to be left, too. Separation anxiety is more common in dogs than cats, so it’s important for owners to meet their individual needs to reduce stress, which can sometimes lead to destructive behavior or even serious health concerns.

Dogs with bags of energy

If you’re used to roaming around the outdoors for hours at a time, how would you feel about being left indoors for a long period of time? I’d assume that you’d probably get frustrated, so the same goes for your dog. Preparation is key, so if you know that you will be absent for a longer period of time, make the effort to give your dog their exercise beforehand.

Mind games

Depending on your dog’s individual needs, a quick snooze might be all they need to recharge their batteries before being at full energy capacity again! If this is the case, there are a number of remote-controlled devices that can keep your pooch occupied before you get home. There are lots to choose from, ranging in sophistication and price, so there’ll be something that your dog enjoys!

It’s important to ensure that anything you leave with your pet is safe, as some do require monitoring in case of accidental choking. If you are unsure of what’s best, check with your vet, outlining your dog’s individual needs.

Cats on the prowl

Largely speaking, cats can be relatively self-sufficient if you need to leave them in the house for a few hours. This does vary if you have an indoor or outdoor cat, though, so be sure to make sure their individual needs are met for their time alone.

If you have an outdoor cat, you may want to install a catflap to allow them to come and go as they please. There are some clever designs on the market now, with some even only allowing entry to specific cats’ microchips, reducing your chances of any unexpected visitors whilst you are away. You can also look to stitch a GPS tracker to your cat’s collar to see how far they get on their solo travels!

Indoor cats can get the same feeling of adventure in the safety of their own home, too. Cat trees and scratching posts provide mental and physical enrichment to our feline friends. It is important to make sure your indoor cats stay indoors, though keep windows and doors closed to avoid any escape artistry!

A comfy place to rest

Whether you have a dog, cat, or ‘blended’ furry family, comfort is key. Each household is different, but it’s important to make sure that your pet has somewhere to relax when you’re away. For some, this is a comfy bed, for others, it’s a window seat or armchair – just remember to keep anything harmful out of the way whilst you are gone to reduce any illnesses or accidents.

If you know that you’ll be away for a longer period of time than what your pets are comfortable with, why not try housesitting? Pet lovers across the world would be thrilled to keep your pet entertained whilst you are away, with you getting the peace of mind that they are safe in their own home. TrustedHousesitters match pet parents and sitters with an array of different requirements, so you can relax knowing that your home and everyone in it are safe and well.

Angela Laws, Head of Community at

How can pet owners reduce their pet’s anxiety when moving into a new home?

Remember, there will be some anxiety. As pet owners, it’s important to understand that anxiety is entirely normal whenever your pet moves into a new home. Remember, they’re used to a particular place and smells, so a sudden change like this can be overwhelming. Pets are often no different than humans in this regard, and if the disruption can be difficult for humans, it can be just as challenging for pets. Be calm and reassuring to your pet, and don’t get angry if they have a few accidents for the first week or two. Do your best to spend as much time with your pet as possible so they can start to feel confident and comfortable in their new home. Using the same beds, toys, and blankets from your old home will give them comfort whenever you’re not home and at night when it’s time for bed.

Galen Kauffman at

How can people help their pets adjust to being alone for extended periods of time?

To help pets adjust to being alone for extended periods, it’s essential to address separation anxiety with patience and understanding. The following tips can be beneficial:
Creating a Comforting Environment

  • Establish a Routine: Maintaining a consistent schedule for feeding, playtime, and bathroom breaks can provide a sense of security for the pet.
  • Safe Space: Create a designated area with their favorite toys, blankets, and bedding to help them feel secure.

Positive Reinforcement

  • Desensitization: Gradually accustom the pet to being alone by starting with short absences and gradually increasing the time away.
  • Reward Good Behavior: Use treats and positive reinforcement to associate being alone with positive experiences.

Additional Support

  • Doggy Daycare: Consider enrolling the pet in a daycare program to provide social interaction and mental stimulation.
  • Companion: Introducing another pet can offer companionship and reduce feelings of isolation.

It’s important to remember that each pet is unique, so finding the right combination of strategies may take time. By approaching the situation with empathy and consistency, pet owners can help their furry friends adapt to being alone for extended periods.

Fox Creek Farm Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles

How can pet owners create a safe environment for their dogs when they are away from home?

Doggy Dan, a seasoned dog trainer, shares insights for crafting a secure home environment for your furry friend. Here’s a condensed guide:

1. Prioritize Safety: Ensure your dog’s safety and return home to a happy, uninjured pet. Address separation anxiety to prevent property damage.

2. Minimize Damage: Tackle separation anxiety early to avoid a wrecked home. Most dogs are content with relaxation, so prioritize calm environments.

3. Consider Age and Breed: Tailor safety measures based on your dog’s age and breed. Different risks apply to puppies versus adult dogs and small breeds versus large breeds.

4. Understand Canine Behavior: Recognize your dog’s natural instincts to protect and show them they don’t have to be in charge all day. Use methods like the Dog Calming Code.

5. Ensure Basic Needs: Provide secure access to water and shelter, considering temperature changes. Designate a toilet area and consider crates or pens for puppies.

6. Proactive Measures: Establish a meal and exercise routine to prevent boredom-induced mischief. Offer safe toys and create a comfortable environment with blankets and cushioning.

7. Safety-Proof the Property: Build secure fences and remove potential hazards like wires or leashes. Encourage mental and physical fatigue to reduce mischief.

In conclusion, implementing these guidelines creates a secure and relaxed atmosphere for your dog. For more tips, visit Wishing you and your furry friend a fantastic day!

Doggy Dan at The Online Dog Trainer

Tips for the environment at home to ease the separation anxiety in pets

To help ease separation anxiety in pets, it’s crucial to create a calming and comfortable environment at home. Start by ensuring your pet’s space is well-ventilated and providing a cozy bed and a safe space for them to retreat, such as a crate. A crate provides a den-like atmosphere for dogs, giving them a sense of security and familiarity, similar to their ancestral homes. To set the mood, play some soothing music or white noise. Before you leave, ensure your pet has access to fresh water and plenty of distractions, such as toys, chews, and puzzle toys. Establishing a routine with regular meals, potty breaks, and training sessions can also help reduce anxiety. Adding enrichment activities throughout the day will boost their mental and physical health. While a relaxed and inviting home environment is an important factor, there are other elements to consider for easing separation anxiety in pets. Remember to always consult with a professional for the best guidance and support in helping your pet overcome their anxiety.

Dog Furiendly

How can I safely transport my dog long-distance?

When done correctly, transporting a dog long distance is quite safe. Whether you choose air or ground transportation, meticulous planning is essential. Airlines often have breed, size, and weather restrictions, making ground transport a viable alternative for many. CitizenShipper and similar pet transport marketplaces provide professional services to ensure a smooth journey.

Key tips for a safe trip include:

  • Use a comfortable, well-ventilated carrier.
  • Schedule regular breaks for food, water, and exercise.
  • Keep familiar items like toys and blankets in the carrier.
  • Ensure all vaccinations and documentation are up-to-date.
  • Research and comply with local pet regulations.

For a cost-effective and reliable service, using a pet transport marketplace is highly recommended. Always prioritize your pet’s comfort and safety to ensure a stress-free experience for both you and your furry friend.

Lazar Jovanovic at CitizenShipper 

Tips for creating a stress-free environment for your pet

Creating a stress-free environment for your pet can greatly improve their overall wellbeing and quality of life. Here are ten tips to help you create a stress-free environment for your furry friend:

  1. Provide a comfortable and secure sleeping area: make sure your pet’s sleeping area is quiet, free from any distractions, and close to you! Make sure bedding is soft, clean, and ideally against a wall or corner.
  2. Stick to a routine: Establishing a routine with your pet, like feeding, exercise, and playtime, can help reduce their anxiety.
  3. Provide lots of exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce your pet’s anxiety and stress and help them burn off some energy! Give them lots of opportunities to play, run and explore.
  4. <Provide mental stimulation: Boredom can be a major source of stress for pets. Providing things like toys and treat puzzles are a great way to keep them engaged and entertained while you’re away.
  5. A healthy diet: A healthy diet can help keep your pet’s body and mind in top condition.
  6. Minimize loud noises: Fireworks or thunder can be extremely stressful to pets. Minimize noise by closing windows, turning on fans, or playing soothing music.
  7. Use natural remedies: Natural remedies like aromatherapy can help reduce stress in pets and you too! Lavender, chamomile, and valerian root are all known for their calming effects.
  8. Provide a safe and comfortable environment: Avoid sudden changes or disruptions that can cause anxiety.
  9. Stay calm: Pets are sensitive to your emotions – if you’re stressed, your pet is likely to feel stressed too.
  10. Seek professional help: if your pet is experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety, consider seeking professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

Smart Cookie Barkery

How do I protect my pet from poisonous substances in my home?

Your home is your haven and that of your precious pet. Still, it can also be a dangerous place filled with poisonous substances that can be dangerous, even deadly, to our pets. How do we protect our pets so they don’t accidentally ingest something they should not?

Knowing what can harm pets is the first step towards protecting them; some might surprise you. From toxic houseplants to some food and human medicines, poisons can lurk in every room of your home. Think about all the chemicals you use daily and how you can store them away from your pet.
Once you know what can be a pet poison, the next step is to create a plan for locking up these toxins in each room of your home. Poisons can also lurk outdoors, such as fertilizers and insecticides and deicers. Create a list of poisonous substances you have to hand. Next, ensure that all household chemicals and human medicines are locked up. Learn what foods are toxic and resist the temptation to offer them to your pet. Place all poisonous houseplants in locations inaccessible to pets.

An excellent resource for creating such a poison list can be found on the ASPCA Website. This site is also your go-to resource if you suspect your pet has eaten something it should not have.

Miracle Shih Tzu

How do I pet-proof cables at home?

Pet-proofing cables at home is very important, and when our Dog Dexter was a puppy, we had to make sure that our place was safe for him. We started off by covering cables with protective sleeves, which can be found at any store, and most cable sleeves are available that are designed to protect your electrical cords from being chewed on. Our next step was to hide cables behind furniture, and we rearranged our house so that cables were hidden from Dexter and less accessible! We also did a lot of training with Dexter to teach him not to chew on cords by using positive reinforcement and redirecting him to chew on his toys or bones. It’s super important to supervise your pets and keep a close eye on them to prevent accidents.


What are the benefits of eco-friendly pet products?

Often product industries use the words sustainable and eco-friendly interchangeably. This can range from recycled plastics to natural organic fibers. But when it comes to products applied to or ingested by our human and pet family, it’s also important to make sure the eco-friendly products are made of non-toxic materials.

Nontoxic, eco-friendly products are beneficial to pets and people because:
They support health and wellness: There are fewer health issues due to allergic reactions or long-term exposure to chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer in people and animals.
They are better quality: Certified nontoxic products are made of quality materials. They are tested strenuously for contaminants that are suspected of causing health issues and are certified by a regulated agency for safety.

They create less waste: Non-toxic, compostable, and biodegradable materials can be recycled into nutrient-rich compost reducing waste deposited in landfills which takes decades to break down.
They do not harm the environment: More nontoxic products are being made from alternative, sustainable, plant-based fibers that support a healthy environment.
They are innovative, fun, and affordable: Nontoxic, eco-friendly products are not boring or expensive: More pet products are coming onto the pet market that use beautiful nontoxic colors, minimal components that reduce cost, and fun modern designs that can be appreciated by pets and their humans.

Choosing products that are nontoxic as well as eco-friendly is a win for the entire family, 2-legged and 4-legged family members alike.

House Dogge

Can dog waste be used as fertilizer?

Dog poop doesn’t make a good fertilizer. It will discolor your yard, and it will burn your grass. And also, dog poop is the number one carrier for tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. And then, once a dog poops in your yard, the worm eggs in the poop can hatch and stay inside the soil for years. When your kids go outside, and they play in the yard, or they’re walking barefoot they can pick up the eggs. Those worm eggs get transferred to their body. And so also your animals can re pick up those roundworms, tapeworms, and ringworms and then bring those in. Especially if they’re up outside and they’re licking up like rainwater.

Ask a House Cleaner

What should pet owners look for when choosing a fertilizer?

Here’s what you should look for when choosing a fertilizer that won’t put animals at risk.

  1. Look For Pet-Friendly Labels There are so many fertilizing products out there, but few dog-safe ones. So looking for a pet-friendly label saves you a lot of time during your search. Don’t assume that because there is an image of a child and a dog on the product, it is automatically child and dog-friendly.
  2. Ingredients To Avoid – Any fertilizer that uses insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides should not be used with pets. Fertilizers that contain baits for snails and slugs should also be avoided. These fertilizers usually contain compounds designed to lure them (which also attract dogs). The active ingredient is usually metaldehyde, which is highly poisonous.
    Two other chemicals to avoid are ammonia, which causes paw, skin, and lung irritation, and disulfoton, which is responsible for seizures and pancreatitis, one of the most harmful chemicals found in fertilizers.
  3. Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Safe Just because a product is 100% natural or organically EPA-certified doesn’t automatically mean it is safe to use in your pet’s yard. Some of these products contain natural chemicals that might harm your pooch. And they can still cause digestive issues if consumed in large quantities.
  4. Remember always to read the label carefully and follow the instructions to ensure that you’re using the fertilizer safely and effectively. And whatever product you use, be sure to monitor what Fido is up to after you’ve treated your lawn.

Love Your Dog

Making sure your pets are safe and secure at home involves various considerations, and home insurance can play a significant role in their well-being. This practical advice serves as a helpful guide to keep your furry companions protected. From understanding the ins and outs of pet insurance to recognizing common household hazards for dogs and cats, responsible pet ownership means staying informed and ready. Additionally, pet-proofing isn’t limited to indoors. It extends to creating wildlife-friendly yet hazard-free backyards. Our pets bring boundless joy to our lives, and ensuring a safe, happy environment is a meaningful way to reciprocate that love.