How Much Does It Cost To Install A Garbage Disposal?

Typical range: $363-$425

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a garbage disposal starts at $363.43-$425.46 per disposal. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Garbage disposal installation costs vary based on your choice of brand, size, and type. Additionally, you could pay more for installation if you hire a plumber or a handyperson. Expect to pay $130 to $600 overall, but actual prices will likely be closer to $185 to $379

On average, the cost to install a garbage disposal will be about $161, and the labor to install it will be $105. This is the national average for garbage disposal replacement cost, but you can expect variations based on location. Always get at least three quotes from local contractors before you agree to hire an installer.

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Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per disposal:$363.43$425.46
Range for this type of project:$363$425
Estimate: $394
Garbage Disposal Installation Cost
Cost of 3/4 HP, continuous-feed garbage disposal. 120V electrical connection required at installation site. Four-year limited warranty guarantees reliability of unit.
Basic Labor for Garbage Disposal Installation
Standard labor cost to install garbage disposal. Disposal will be connected to existing sink drain assembly, drain rough-in, and electrical supply. The unit will be leveled and secured, and thorough testing will ensure against leaks and verify reliable operation. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Garbage Disposal Installation
Requisite supplies for the job, including connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Removal of Garbage Disposal Installation Waste
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Garbage Disposal (Optional)
Existing garbage disposal will be safely and thoroughly detached from adjacent components, removed, and disposed of appropriately.
Standard services
Garbage Disposal Installation Cost
$151 -$169
Cost of 3/4 HP, continuous-feed garbage disposal. 120V electrical connection required at installation site. Four-year limited warranty guarantees reliability of unit.
Basic Labor for Garbage Disposal Installation
$188 -$228
Standard labor cost to install garbage disposal. Disposal will be connected to existing sink drain assembly, drain rough-in, and electrical supply. The unit will be leveled and secured, and thorough testing will ensure against leaks and verify reliable operation. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Garbage Disposal Installation
$24 -$28
Requisite supplies for the job, including connectors, fittings, and mounting hardware.
Removal of Garbage Disposal Installation Waste
$2 -$3
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Garbage Disposal (Optional)
$16 -$101
Existing garbage disposal will be safely and thoroughly detached from adjacent components, removed, and disposed of appropriately.
What you can expect
Range per disposal:
$363 - $425
Range for this type of project:
$363 - $425
Cost Comparison

$377 -$442

Install a garbage disposal: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a garbage disposal is $166.09 per disposal, with a range between $156.38 to $175.80. The total price for labor and materials per disposal is $409.46, coming in between $377.26 to $441.66. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a garbage disposal
National Avg. Materials Cost per disposal$166.09
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 disposal$409.46
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 disposal$377.26 - $441.66

Garbage disposal installation cost

Most garbage disposal installation costs range between $185 to $379. That price may or may not include the warranty and any replacement parts needed for your garbage disposal if it malfunctions within the warranty period. If your unit comes with a limited warranty, it will likely be active for two to five years. Make sure to check, so there are no surprises.

Garbage disposal replacement cost

The cost to replace garbage disposal units is nearly identical to the cost of installing a new unit. There may be a small additional charge to remove the old unit, anywhere from $26 to $37. Expect to pay $85 to $200 for a new disposal plus another $80 to $200 for installation. 

Don’t be too quick to assume your garbage disposal needs to replacing if it stops working – all is not lost! A few common troubleshooting methods, like unplugging the unit or removing any clogs, could save you from replacing the entire unit. That said, if the blades are dull and not processing waste properly, it’s likely time for a new disposal. Sharpening the blades isn’t worth the cost of removing and replacing them — it’s more cost-effective to replace the motor and the rest of the parts at the same time by installing a new unit. 

When you replace your old garbage disposal, you may need to add a new electrical outlet or rewire a plug. If that’s the case, budget an extra $145 to $175.

Garbage disposal installation cost factors

If you hire a handyman to install your new garbage disposal, labor costs range between $35 and $80 per hour. Plumbers charge more for labor, with costs ranging between $45 and $100 per hour. On average, labor costs to install a garbage disposal range between $80 and $200, depending on your location, if there are any other issues (such as wiring/electrical), and who you hire.

Garbage disposal prices

The cost to replace a garbage disposal is likely to be between $85 and $200. Costs vary based on the material your garbage disposal is made of, the feed type, and, most importantly, the size of the motor. 

In this case, bigger isn’t necessarily better. Large motors cost more and tend to burn out faster, so make sure you use the correct size. A household of six people will likely need a medium motor with ½ to ¾ horsepower. Large motors, from ¾ to 1 horsepower, are best for large families or restaurants. Below is a list of price ranges based on the size of motor you choose:

  • 1/3 HP motors: $53 to $89
  • 1/2 HP motors: $85 to $119
  • 3/4 HP motors: $96 to 219
  • 1 HP motors: $132 to $332

Types of garbage disposal cost

There are two main styles of garbage disposals: continuous feed and batch feed. Continuous feed disposals cost $216 on average, and batch feed units cost approximately $335 on average.

Continuous feed garbage disposal cost

Continuous feed garbage disposals are likely the type you’re most used to seeing. You flip the switch on the wall, and the disposal roars into action and stays on until you flip the switch off. They’re great for residential and commercial use and cost between $80 and $332, based on the size and brand. 

Batch feed garbage disposal cost

Batch feed garbage disposals are safer because you put waste into the disposal while it’s off, put a cover over the entry hole, then turn the disposal on. On average, this type is also more expensive than continuous feed, coming in between $166 and $259.

Garbage disposal cost by material

The Cost to install garbage disposals will vary based on the material your disposal is made of. Stainless steel garbage disposals can cost as little as $100 but will go up based on the brand and motor size you choose. Below are the particulars of each type of material to help you choose the best one for you.

Aluminum garbage disposal

Aluminum garbage disposals are less expensive than their stainless steel counterparts, averaging $60 to $150, however, they will rust over time and aren’t as durable overall as stainless steel. Things like chicken bones shouldn’t go down aluminum garbage disposals because they can damage the blades.

Stainless steel garbage disposal

Stainless steel is the best option for durability and longevity if you plan to use your garbage disposal regularly. For a small price increase, you’ll get a rust- and corrosion-resistant unit that lasts longer even with frequent use.

Cost to install kitchen sink and garbage disposal

The average garbage disposal cost, including installation, is $1,080. The actual price for your installation could be lower, around $600, or on the higher end, at $1,550, depending on the model and size you choose. Installing a kitchen is generally between $65 and $85 for labor. Below is an example of what your cost breakdown will look like for installing a garbage disposal and kitchen sink:

  • Materials: $411 to $687
  • Labor: $64 to $73
  • Disposal: $54 to $499
  • Disposal Labor: $75 to $300
  • Total: $601 to $1,559

Garbage disposal upgrades and considerations

In addition to the cost of the unit itself and labor charges, there are other upgrades and extra parts that may add to your total cost. These extras could be required, or they may be a matter of personal preference. Keep these costs in mind when you get estimates, and be sure to mention that you'd like them added when you have the new garbage disposal installed:

  • Basket and strainer: $28 to $30
  • Dishwasher connector kit: $10 to $14
  • Sink flange: $22 to $52
  • Countertop switch or button: $17 to $142

Many homeowners considering a new garbage disposal are worried about unpleasant odors. Bad smells can happen if you don’t properly clean your disposal with a specialized product. These are easy to pick up at home improvement stores or online for approximately $10 per bottle and will help prolong the life of your garbage disposal while keeping it odor-free. You can take an extra step to prevent odors by purchasing a sink flange for about $30 that covers the top of the disposal.

DIY vs hire a pro

When it comes to saving money on garbage disposal replacement costs, taking this on as a DIY project is a great way to go. Replacing an old unit is easier than installing a disposal on a sink that doesn’t have one, as you’ll be able to see how the old unit was connected and follow suit. This can save you money on labor, but it does require some tools and DIY know-how. 

If you aren’t comfortable with your plumbing or electrical skills, it’s best to leave this job to the pros. Likewise, if you’re planning on installing a new garbage disposal instead of replacing an old one, you’ll need an electrician to wire the switch. A handyperson can tackle some parts of the installation but won’t be able to do the same electrical work that an electrician is licensed to do. 

Consult a plumber before purchasing a new garbage disposal, especially if you’re on septic. Septic systems have specific requirements, like a garbage disposal that can grind food very finely so it doesn’t clog the system or flow to the wrong places.

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