Edward Bush LLC

Remodeling Contractor - Rome, GA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Kitchen remodel project

Apr 2012

Originally separated by a wall, demolished wall and created open space. refinished hardwood floors, new cabinetry and granite counters. Updated light fixtures.

Rome, GA

Kitchen remodel project

Feb 2012

New hardwood floors and stainless steel appliances and fixtures. Custom cabinetry and granite counters. Added vaulted ceiling.

Rome, GA

Kids bedroom project

Mar 2010

created a jungle for a children's room. Painted murals, added trees and vines.

Rome, GA

Master suite & kitchen remodel project

Apr 2014

finishing up a 200k remodel adding a master suite and complete kitchen remodel high end cabinet, hard wood floors, 10 foot ceilings, granite, historic downtown rome, GA (between the rivers)

Rome, GA

Bathroom remodel project

Feb 2014

Bathroom remodel: replaced linoleum with tile.

Rome, GA

Kitchen remodel project

Dec 2013

kitchen remodel 4k high ceilings, high end cabin same thing

Rome, GA