Family Tree and Landscaping

Tree Service - Cando, ND

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based on 8 online reviews

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based on 8 online reviews
based on 8 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Residential Tree Removal

Oct 2015

This project involved the removal of two trees located in the customer's yard, behind the house, on hilly ground. We climbed the two trees and dismantled them in sections, from the top down. Actual time for the project was 10 hours for two workers.


Bismarck, ND

Siberian Elm Tree Removal Bismarck North Dakota

Aug 2015

This Siberian Elm had been damaged due to wind many years ago. A recent wind storm caused the tree to become a danger to the homeowners and their property. It was time to have it removed. All tree work was performed with ropes and climbers. This yard was entirely enclosed by fencing, making vehicle access impossible. This is my specialty. I remove trees without any need for heavy equipment. This project was billed as a fixed bid. The customer suffered no cost over-runs, or any other additional expenses. In this particular case, the homeowner agreed to absorb the cost of the tree waste removal, so the bid did not include any clean-up fees. I do not know what the removal fees amounted to, as that was something the homeowner worked out with a different contractor


Bismarck, ND

Elm Tree Removal

Mar 2015

This diseased and dying Elm tree was posing a threat to life and property. It had to be removed in order to preserve the nearby buildings, as well as prevent injury or death to anyone who might be near it. Total time for this project was just under 6 hours. The homeowner decided to keep the tree for firewood. The tree was too large to drop it in one piece, so it was dismantled limb by limb, to make the tree narrow enough to fit between the fences. The remainder of the tree was then dropped into the homeowner's back yard. We cut the tree up into firewood lengths, saving it for the homeowner and her relatives.

Minot, ND

Tree Trimming Services

Mar 2015

Tree row needing some serious attention. Actual time for this project was 16 hours. A total of eight trees were removed from between the buildings. Nearly a mile of wild grape vines were removed. Several hundred small saplings were cut out from between the trees. The entire tree row was then raked out to remove the trash that had blown in and accumulated over the years. Everything was cut and hauled out to present a beautiful finished result for my customer.

Cando, ND