As the holiday season arrives, there are a lot of fun activities to do at home or excited plans to travel. Just like family and friends, our pets are an important part of the holiday season. While you’re busy entertaining, welcoming extra foot traffic, or planning your trip. it’s important not to forget about your furry friends. Here are some tips to take care of your lovely pets if you are planning to host a party or travel with your pet for this season.
Staying at home for the holidays

If you like being a host for fun activities and parties at your home, your pet will be present too, so you have to take in mind to keep your pet safe as they like to have fun too.
Hazardous consumption
The American Kennel Association suggests that pet owners watch what decorations they use while entertaining. Puppies love to sink their teeth into anything that resembles food. Avoid using popcorn or cranberries, which can cause intestinal blockages in pets if consumed. When guests bring over flowers, make sure to set them on a high surface. Poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe should be kept out of your dog’s reach, as they can be poisonous to pets. Beware of fallen ornaments! Harmful to both humans and animals, fallen ornaments can cause injury if stepped on or consumed.
What makes this so important during the holiday? A 2012 report from Veterinary Pet Insurance determined that in 2011, policyholders spent more than 22.8 million on medical conditions associated with the holidays. Eating or swallowing harmful substances or objects was the primary cause. It’s important to keep your veterinarian’s emergency number in plain site, along with the national poison hotline.
Outdoor risks
Be cognizant of lit candles. Animals have a tendency to get excited among houseguests and could potentially knock candles over, causing a house fire. Cover your cords. Wires or electrical cords could pose as fun chew toys for your furry friend. Taping down or covering them will help prevent future shocks, burns, or more serious injuries.
If a pet is not equipped for the outdoors, make sure your guests know. The potential for pets to escape through an open door is more likely during the holidays. Whether indoor or outdoor, always make sure your pet is wearing current identification tags.
Weather care
Every season the temperature changes, if in the holidays the weather is too hot make sure your dog doesn’t get heatstroke as it could happen in elevated temperatures. If the temperature in your zip code dips below freezing, dress your pup properly. Dogs love being with us, let’s care for their comfort.
If you are traveling for the holidays with your lovely pet

What a beautiful opportunity to bring your pet with you on your holiday trip, as they all love new destinations and not stay lonely at home. Before you take your pet into your car or an airplane, you should take some tips in mind. Just make sure the place where you are going is pet friendly!
Safety tips
Go to a veterinary to see if everything is fine with your pet, and make sure all its vaccinations are up-to-date. If you are traveling by airplane you need to consider that they require a Health Certificate.
Be prepared for an emergency. Search for an option to call in an emergency, while traveling, or during the trip, and bring a kit with all their basic needs, like food, water, medications, a good quality collar, poop bags, and perhaps a toy if the trip is long.
Investigate the destination, see if the hotel is pet-friendly if your dog would be well received, and the rules and precautions you need to follow in order to have a wonderful vacation.
If your pet is not used to traveling with you, hire a pet transporter, or try giving them the best tools to not get anxious during the trip. If they are traveling by car you could drive short rides. Keep your car well ventilated and talk to your dog during the ride, so they feel comfortable and calm.
If you are planning to travel with your RV what a wonderful opportunity to bring your pet, they will have more space than a car, but if they are not used to it, then you have to give them time to adjust and make short rides at the begging if it’s a long ride and make sure the locations where you arrive are pet friendly.
If you are traveling by plane, make sure that the airline accepts pets and has your certificate ready. most airlines ask you to have your dog in a crate, if they have never been in a crate before they might feel anxious, so try to support them with your empathy and care. Make sure the crate is their size and that is well ventilated.
During your holiday
Help yourself enjoy your holidays by knowing where your pet is all the time, add a microchip to your pet, they are a lot of options on the internet, search for the one that you like and that is within your budget and relax knowing where your pet is.
Don’t leave your pet alone at the hotel, they could destroy things as it is unfamiliar to them, or could bark and other guests could get really annoyed.

You know your pet best. If they seem jittery or uncomfortable with their surroundings, it may be necessary to ask your guests and young children to respect their space or if you are on vacation to listen to them to see what they want. As a member of your family, pets can enjoy the excitement surrounding the holiday season too! Make sure you review pet tips to know more about your pet and have a Wooftastic Holiday!