With Daylight Savings Time beginning on the 8th and the official first day of spring on the 20th, March is the perfect month to transition from the bitter winter cold into sunny spring. Some regions may still be under a blanket of snow or ice, and keeping an eye out for signs of potential flooding or water damage is important. The Southern States can expect the start of tornado season (March – May) and these homeowners will want to make sure their emergency kits are ready and their home inventory up to date with their insurance company. Roofs and gutters are the first defense for keeping the home dry and free from mold, so be sure to regularly remove snow and make sure the gutters and downspouts are clear for the spring thaw. If spring storms or flooding is expected in your area, prepare your home for potential floods and consider putting together an emergency kit.

Other regions may be in full spring-like weather, with longer days and above-freezing nighttime temperatures. This is the perfect time to plan out your landscaping projects and start edibles in the garden. Check your soil and see if you need to amend it with any fertilizers or compost materials. If you are concerned about pollination or looking for a natural way to help your plants, consider adding Mason bees to your yard (read our post here about how to get started). When the temperature warms up, it’s a great time to spruce up outdoor containers and plant spring annuals to brighten the yard or deck.

Inside the home, March is a great month to start your spring cleaning routine. Clearing clutter inside the home is a great first step in organizing and cleaning. Think about getting into the garage or attic and rounding up items to donate or recycle. During the winter, our homes are usually sealed against the cold and subsequently, our indoor air quality often suffers. If weather permits, open up windows and doors and air out your home. It’s a great idea to have some windows open when vacuuming or dusting as well. You might also notice that winter has taken a toll on your windows; read our tips for easy window washing. ‎

March 16 – 22 is Fix A Leak Week, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA encourages all homeowners to take a look around their home and look for obvious leaks in toilets, showers, faucets or sprinkler systems. It’s estimated that 10% of homes in the U.S. have leaks that waste as much as 90 gallons or more each day. Fortunately, many of these leaks are easy to fix. Read our printer-friendly tips for the most common water-wasting areas within the home and how to save water and money. If you’ve been meaning to replace your toilets or faucets, look for the WaterSense label (like this selection from Lowe’s).

To make the most of your weekend or chore time, here are some checklists to maintain your home this March:





Clear blue sky


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