Many people have tried to use essential oils and many have come to believe that they can connect the body and soul to harmonize the spirit. In the same way, aromatherapy in your home could help you balance the frequency in which your family and you both live. This can include how you use essential oils in your home and how you adapt them to your life and even your home decor. We have reached out to some of the most amazing experts, and we asked them some questions about how you can use essential oils in your home.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the oil that is extracted from a particular plant that contains different properties in it that are beneficial for our bodies. Each oil will be different from the smell to its benefits as it depends on the plant that the oil was taken from. They can be used in a variety of different ways such as by applying it directly to the body with a carrier oil like coconut, indulging in the calming aroma in a diffuser. When using essential oils, it is always best to read the ingredients to ensure their pureness, and always dilute the oil with a carrier oil as it can be harmful to apply directly to the skin. Make sure to dilute in water as the oil can be harmful.
For more than a century, essential oils have been used to combat mental conditions, skin conditions, physical discomfort, women’s and men’s health issues. From anxiety and depression to allergies, hair growth, dry skin, or menopause, there is an essential oil out there for its purpose. To achieve mental balance and relieve mental fatigue, especially on days when you are swarmed with work and the brain feels fried, combine Clary Sage with Rosemary and Peppermint and add them to a nebulizer to increase cognitive function and improve concentration.
For relief of muscle aches and pains, combine Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass, Chamomile, or Eucalyptus with a carrier oil such as jojoba base oil and massage deeply into the muscle and pressure points. Alternatively, draw a bath and add 10 to 15 drops of these essential oils or create a hot or cold compress with it. The changing hormones of menopause can cause feelings of anxiety and sleeping problems. Known to promote feelings of relaxation and as a mood lifter, Lavender helps to improve sleep and relaxation. Geranium and Chamomile have antidepressant properties that benefit women struggling with mood swings and depression during menopause. Add 10 drops of warm water to the bowl of the burner and light a tea candle and place it in the heart of the burner. If you’re using an electric burner, control the heat by using the dimmer.
Siow Har
Essential oils are very different from your day-to-day fatty oils like coconut, jojoba, and vegetable oils. They are called “essential” because they are the drops of the liquid essence of every plant on our planet. This includes trees, shrubs, and bushes – much like our blood is to us. The plant cannot live without it. As Teri Secrest mentions in her book “Essential Oils: God’s Extravagant Provision For Your Health,” “if a plant is damaged, the oil comes to the rescue, heals the plant, and restores it to health.” (p 40)
These little drops of essence are filled with chemical constituents that are very compatible with our human body. This is why they help restore our body to health as well, on a physical, mental, and even emotional level. Since their energy frequency is higher than raw foods, fresh herbs, and even popular crystals, we can most definitely experience their healing power when we breathe them in or apply them to our bodies. The more consistent we are in using these oils daily, the more benefits we will be able to notice in our daily life.
Mirdza Hayden |
What are the health benefits of using essential oils in the home?
Treating ourselves and giving our bodies some well-needed TLC doesn’t have to be saved for spas, or health clubs. We can introduce little moments of ‘indulgence’ in our very homes and it can start with something as simple as using essential oils. From the well-known Lavender oil to promote restful sleep or how about a little dab of Grapefruit or Lemongrass just behind the ears or on the wrists to give you that little kick (instead of grabbing the coffee?!… guilty!)
The health benefits of using essential oils in the home, in our opinion, are vastly underrated and underestimated. Wanting to avoid the mid-afternoon slump of energy? Perhaps consider using an oil diffuser, that is inexpensive, accessible, and effective. Or if it’s relaxing and you’re finding hard to master, a few drops of Ylang Ylang, on your pillow can not only add a little bit of ritual to your bedtime routine but the scent of Ylang Ylang can really help your body relax and unwind. Over time, we can give our minds & our bodies the opportunity to use a natural remedy to tackle anxiety, and restlessness, act as a natural antibacterial agent & just overall improve our daily mood. We don’t want to say they have superpowers… but they nearly do.
How to use essential oils in your home?
At my home, we use essential oils primarily for the relaxing effects of the various scents you can get. I like to use a few drops in my bath, and also add a drop or two to my diffuser to help promote relaxation. If you’re not a bath person and prefer showers, a couple of drops splashed on the shower wall can really help relax you. I have chronic anxiety so anything that helps with relaxation is welcome in my home.
Additionally, I use essential oils to help with the smell of my house. I like to put a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle diluted with water and spray it around the house. Again my favorite essential oil for this purpose is lavender but if I’m looking for something a bit more uplifting, I’ll go with peppermint instead. I try not to overspray when I’m using it like this as it can quickly become overwhelming, but a light mist on a pillow or across the carpet can work wonders.
We also use essential oils in the room where our cat litter boxes are. Anyone with a cat knows how bad the odor can be around a litter box, so essential oils in that room in a diffuser are absolutely necessary.
April Howsing
What are some of the most popular types of essential oils that you can adapt for home?
Wyndmere essential oils can be a natural and effective way to set any ambiance in your home, whether relaxing, energizing, cleaning, or inspiring. Use calming Lavender in a linen spray to create a relaxing environment for sleep, or add Frankincense to your diffuser to create a meditative mood. Citrus essential oils are effective natural cleansers and mood boosters, and Peppermint is energizing when added to an air mist. One of our favorite seasonal tips is adding a few drops of Pine Needle to decorative pine cones to bring the holiday spirit indoors!
Essential oils can also be used in your home to enhance your family’s health and wellness. Adding immune-boosting essential oils such as Lemon, Clove, and Thyme to a diffuser can help cleanse the air in your home and prevent illnesses. They can also relieve minor ailments such as headaches, muscle pains, and congestion. Rose essential oil is excellent for maintaining healthy skin, and oils such as Cedarwood and Tea Tree are effective for healthy hair and scalp.
There are so many benefits to using essential oils in your home. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Wyndmere has been a nationwide trusted source of aromatherapy products and education for over 25 years – learn more at
How to use essential oil diffusers at home?
The safest, most effective, and most popular way to use essential oils is in an aroma diffuser. A diffuser will fill your home with the aroma of essential oils, including the air you breathe. A diffuser gives you the same feeling as standing by a waterfall because of the mist it emits while adding essential oils to the air you breathe. Enjoy the 100% natural benefits of essential oils in the easiest way possible.
If you are considering getting a diffuser, you need an efficient, high-quality diffuser. There is a big difference in the quality of diffusers, and it’s important that you pick one that will best disperse the essential oils, and that controls how much oil is dispersed and where it goes. Many also put a lot of thought into the look and design of a diffuser so it fits well with their home decor.
To use a diffuser, you simply add some drops of high-quality essential oils into the diffuser, mix it with water and turn it on. Then the diffuser will break the essential oils into tiny particles, mix them with water, and spread it around in your home.
Daniel Hoftun | Marketing Manager Volant
It’s essential to follow the diffuser manufacturer’s instructions when using a diffuser. Diffusers efficiently emit the aroma molecules so that the essential oils are released in a regulated manner and the air doesn’t become overloaded with scent. Don’t have a diffuser? You can still benefit from aromatherapy! Simply place 1-3 drops of essential oil or blend on a tissue. Inhale the aroma through your nose. Pause and inhale again.
The key with aromatherapy, whether you use a diffuser or not, is to find the right scent for you. When you inhale an essential oil, you are more likely to take a deeper breath. By choosing a scent you love as you inhale, you’re adding to the relaxing benefits of diaphragmatic breathing. So take some time to explore different scents, and find the essential oil that elicits that “Ahhhhh” response. You’ll know it when you feel it. Your whole body will respond!
Caryn Gehlmann, Clinical Aromatherapist & CEO of Essential 3
Tips on how diffusers could contribute to home decor?
As a decor item, diffusers could be used in many ways. They can be placed on surfaces like tables and desks for various effects and to create a lovely ambiance in the home. There are so many companies out there making beautiful designs that can complement any aesthetic. Our first suggestion is to find a design that blends seamlessly in the area it will be placed; choosing a color and design that aligns with the look and feel of the room. We also suggest you look for ceramic or glass designs instead of plastic for your health and the environment.
After you have chosen your diffuser and decided where it will be placed, it’s time to choose the essential oils. There are so many wonderful essential oil blends to choose from! Make sure to choose a blend that complements your space as well. Do you want the space to be relaxing, uplifting, or energizing? Or maybe invoke some nostalgia during seasonal celebrations? You can find an essential oil blend that will meet any need! Once you have your diffuser and your essential oils, simply turn on the diffuser, allow it to run for a few minutes and you’ll soon be enjoying all the health benefits of essential oils in your home.Sarah Ware | CEO Root & Revel Collective Corp
Do candles scented with essential oils help with the harmony of the house?
Essential oils are a beautiful way to add harmony and relaxation to your home. Many essential oils have mood-boosting properties which enhance your feelings of well-being. Essential oils can be used in many forms throughout your home. Due to their flashpoints, we don’t recommend using many essential oils in candle wax. Citrus oils flash off too quickly since they have lower flashpoints. We recommend using only high flashpoint essential oils if you want to use them in a candle. It would help if you always poured them into the wax at a lower temperature. Always check the flashpoint of your essential oils.
We really recommend using them in a diffuser or room spray. This enables the true beautiful properties of your essential oils to diffuse throughout your home. You can combine essential oils with similar aromatherapeutic properties for a specific room. If you want an uplifting and well-balanced scent for your living room and kitchen, you can use all the fresh and uplifting oils in the citrus family. You may want a more relaxing scent for your bedroom. Essential oils always create a feeling of being in a natural environment. They enhance well-being, and your home is a reflection of that.
Esther Morera Makesy
How to set up or decorate your meditation rooms so you can use essential oils properly?
“A meditation room is your sacred space to dive inwards, ideally, without distractions when you are just beginning your meditation journey. As you progress in your journey, the location, decor, and distractions will not matter. But until that point is reached, the decor and surroundings of your meditation room will aid in your practice.
Using essential oils during your practice can enhance your journey. However, I would avoid the usual ways of dispensing essential oils, such as using diffusers or sprays. I would apply a drop of essential oil of choice to the skin (wrist or neck) and gently rub it into the skin before beginning meditation. Doing so will offer the benefits of essential oils without distractions from powerful scents. Additionally, you could occasionally use a light spray of essential oil on your meditation blanket or cushion. Decorate the meditation room with what inspires you. As you progress in your journey you might experience your higher self, your spirit guides, or just recurring images. Incorporate such inspiration into your decoration using images, statues, and photos as centerpieces. You could then place essential oils around the centerpieces for easy access. Add a meditation bell to make the space complete.”What essential oils can be used for Cleaning and why?
Essential oils add many benefits to natural homemade cleaners. Due to their chemical composition, some essential oils have antimicrobial qualities, which means they can kill various microorganisms and stop their growth. However, they should not be used on their own to kill germs and other bacteria, as they are not nearly as effective as CDC-approved cleaners and disinfectants. When creating a DIY cleaner with essential oil, it’s critical to understand the plant and the properties that the oil is derived from. It’s recommended to store oils in glass since essential oils can degrade plastic. The most common essential oils used in cleaners are:
- Lemon or Tea Tree or Thyme – antiviral, antibacterial, and natural deodorizer
- Lime or Wild Orange – enzymes eliminate bacteria and prevent them from growing back
- Peppermint – antibacterial, antifungal, and natural rodent and pest repellant
- Lavender – antibacterial and anti-odor
- Eucalyptus – antiseptic and antimicrobial
- Rosemary or Cinnamon – antibacterial, antiseptic, and a natural deodorizer
You can create all-purpose cleaners, toilet scrubs, shower sprays, carpet refreshers, stain removers, and air fresheners with essential oils with these scents. For more ideas on how to incorporate essential oils into your cleaning supplies, visit Six Amazing Alternatives to Chemical Cleaners
Karen Rzepecki | Founder of Mason Jars Company
Could you share some recipes to use for your home?
I love using essential oils around the home. They smell so great and many of them have powerful antibacterial properties so they are a natural fit for recipes to keep your home clean. You can make a fabulous homemade window cleaner with just three ingredients: Citrus Essential Oil, Distilled Water, and White Vinegar. You can see my full window cleaner recipe and process photos on Family Focus Blog.
I also love to use essential oils to clean my stainless-steel appliances. I use 10 drops of lemon essential oil to 8 ounces of olive oil to make a mixture which I then use to rub clean any debris and polish away any fingerprints. Citrus essential oils make such a great choice for home cleaning. They have uplifting scents with aromatherapy that tends to energize. Additionally, their inviting scent serves the extra purpose of air freshener for the home. Citrus oils are also great when diluted to help remove any sticky residue. Finally, the antimicrobial activities of citrus oils such as lemon will always make them a perfect household cleaner.
Scarlet Paolicchi Family Focus Blog
How can we arrange our bedrooms to use essential oils for better sleeping and relaxation?
When you smell an essential oil, a message is sent to the limbic system in your brain, which is the seat of emotions and memories. The brain then releases chemistry throughout your body based on the chemical code from the essential oil. This is how essential oils can successfully change a person’s physical or emotional feelings. Some oils promote feelings of relaxation and calmness in the mind whereas others work with the body to reduce aches and pains. If you’re looking for an essential oil to aid with sleep, stress relief, or relaxation, we suggest starting with Lavender.
Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils. While it is most commonly known for its ability to reduce stress, it is also great for aiding against migraines, colds, and the flu. Try misting your pillow with a Lavender essential oil blend before you go to bed to help with sleep. Or make sure to place a nightstand or table near your bed and use an oil diffuser throughout the night (it’s best to put it on a timer!). You can also make your own DIY lavender sugar scrub and unwind in the bathtub!
Some other essential oils to try that may aid with sleeping and relaxation are Chamomile, Jasmine, Valerian, and Bergamot oil. If you or your partner has trouble sleeping due to allergies, a stuffy nose, or mild sleep apnea, you may also want to consider Peppermint or Eucalyptus oil. Both contain anti-inflammatory properties, so they’ll help clear your sinuses and decrease snoring as well as symptoms of mild sleep apnea.
Kim Dow | Owner at Sass Magazine
How to use essential oils when taking a bath?
It’s very common to read about the benefits of essential oils but with all that buzz it can be confusing to know which oils are best for what, and how exactly to use them. From room diffusers to homemade balms there are many DIY applications for essential oils and one of the most common of those is in the bathtub. But before you pour your favorite essential oils into the tub, we have some pointers to help you enjoy the benefits of these aromas effectively and safely.
- First, know your brand and look for certified organic essential oils to ensure you are using oils that are the purest, least processed, and closest to the source.
- Second, do not use essential oils directly on your skin because they are the concentrated distilled essence of the plant and need to be distributed in a carrier oil for the safest application. This is even true in the tub! Choose a neutral oil like safflower or sunflower oil as a “carrier” if you want your essential oil to be the star of the experience, or olive oil or coconut oil if you like the combined aromas. Add between 5 and 10 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil depending on how strong of a scent you would like to create.
- Third, add your oils after your tub is full of water because adding the oils while the tub is filling will disperse the aroma into the room before you have a chance to relax and receive its benefits. Fourth, some essential oils like clove or cinnamon can irritate your skin. We love lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus for the bath. Just be sure to research which essential oil is most beneficial for you. Last, enjoy!
Kristine Sperling | Owner at
What are some precautions you must take when using essential oils in a bathtub?
Essential oils are great to use in everyday life. When mixed in your bath water, they can soften your skin, help with ailments, and even relax and calm you. When using oils, there are always precautions to look out for. Here are some to pay attention to. When it is your first time with new essential oils, apply a patch test on a small area of your skin first. This is to make sure you won’t have a reaction when your whole body is submerged in the water. There are certain oils that can be very sensitive to the skin, like cinnamon, clove, and oregano. Second, dilute your essential oils with a soluble material, like carrier oil. Essential oils cannot be diluted in water. Third, make sure to check and see if the essential oil can be used with children. For example, peppermint oil should not be used on children under 30 months. Lastly, enjoy all the benefits essential oils have to offer, they are well worth the research.
What essential oils to take in mind for First Aid at home?
What are some safety tips when using essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated and extracted from the different parts of the plants. They could be very beneficial for your skin, hair, and whatnot. They are often used in aromatherapy by smelling or rubbing gently on the skin for instant calmness. It has other benefits like relief, boosting mood swings, and comforting your pain. But when used incorrectly, essential oils can be dangerous. Hence, they must be used minimally and with proper safety tips.
Never Use Them Without Proper Consultancy
Essential oils should be used only when they have been prescribed by a qualified medical or aromatherapy practitioner. Plus, don’t forget to dilute them before using them.
Know Why You Need an Essential Oil
You must be sure of the benefits of the particular essential oil you use because not every oil has the same comfort. In addition, some of them could be allergic to your skin, so you have to be aware of your allergies, and the ingredients the essential oil has in order to use it.
Don’t Overuse Them
You must be aware of artificial makeup products that could harm your skin if overused. For example, cosmetic companies use essential oils to add fragrance to creams and beauty products, but they can be hazardous if not used carefully.
Avoid Usage If Causes Discomfort
Essential oils should never be dropped or rubbed inside the eyes, ear, mucous of your nose, or on a fresh injury. You should immediately stop using it if you feel any type of itching or irritation.
Keep it Away from Heat and Sunlight
Too much heat or sunlight can impact the oil’s chemical composition and make it ineffective as they are phototoxic and sensitive to the sun. Enormous heat can degrade the quality of the oil.
Keep it Away from the Reach of Children
Keep all essential oils away from small kids as they could be toxic if eaten or gulped down. In addition, these products are not for intaking as they can lead to severe health issues like vomiting, fever, or even death.
*If you are pregnant, you should be very careful and ask your doctor.
Samar Pahwa

Bottom Line
The material and information contained in this article about essential oils are for general purposes only. You should not rely upon this material as factual regarding making any health benefit decisions. If you have questions, please consult your doctor or other qualified clinicians.