We asked McKenzie from Girl Loves Glam 16 quirky questions! This Idaho-based DIY, beauty, and lifestyle blogger shares her biggest blog fail, and her favorite tool to tackle just about any DIY project. Head on over to Girl Loves Glam to check out her newest creations, and to read the rest of this interview!
What’s your DIY weapon of choice? I can’t live without my Silhouette cutter. Whether it is a quick holiday shirt for my daughter, a complete transformation with vinyl on my wall, or an easy birthday gift, I seem to be whipping it out all of the time!
DIY Gold Geometric Wall Decals
What are 3 words to describe your blog? I would have to say quirky (that is just a nice way of saying that I am a little weird), relatable, and obtainable. A lot of my content is beauty related and I just can’t seem to take myself too seriously, so I am constantly making weird faces in my “beauty” posts, I try to stay very real so that my readers know that I am NO different than them, and I like my content to be full of projects that real people can actually do!
Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!) All. Of. The. TIME! The last one would have to be when I was trying to develop a recipe for some creamy orange frozen pops and they turned out tasting like an orange peel. Nothing creamy about them. They made your lips pucker and your eyes close! Maybe that’s why I don’t post about recipes very often!
Words of wisdom for someone remodeling on a budget? Our old house was about 100 years old and we lived there while I stayed home raising our daughter and my husband was making a teacher’s salary. We had NO budget to remodel. My biggest advice would be to not get overwhelmed. Take it one space at a time, maybe even one wall at a time. I like to start with paint because it is pretty affordable and can make a major impact on a room. Slowly bring in more parts of your makeover as you get the money to do it. It doesn’t all need to happen at once. Also, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box a little. We couldn’t afford to rip out our tile and install an entire new floor, so I painted and stenciled the existing tile and I loved it more than I would have with new tile!
How did you become interested in blogging? My husband and I moved away from where I knew to be “home” for a summer so that he could do his student teaching. I was working at a bookstore and just didn’t feel like I was using my creative juices at all. I used my blog as an outlet to show my friends and family what kinds of projects I was coming up with and the random items I found online that I wanted to buy.
IKEA Wooden Boxes 3 Different Ways
Strangest decoration in your house? It actually isn’t that strange, but a little ironic… When my father in law passed away, we got a small table with a chess board on the top of it. The table has a wooden frame with a really intricate leather top to it with stamped in flowers around the chessboard. When we first got it, I HATED it! I knew that it was a sentimental piece, but I thought it was pretty hideous. It is the table that our printer sits on and it has totally grown on me over time. I kind of love it now!
Hardest part about blogging? I feel like a lot of times, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to blogging. I put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with great content, post often, engage with my readers, etc. It becomes exhausting!
Best part about blogging? Definitely the friendships I have been able to create through blogging. Never in a million years did I think that I would be able to create friendships through blogging. I loved the idea of staying behind the computer screen for a while, but soon realized that there is an entire sea of crazy people who think just like I do and can relate to the weird stuff bloggers seem to be faced with! My very best friends have been made through blogging.
Want to see more from Girl Loves Glam? Check out her blog, and be sure to follow her Twitter @girllovesglam!

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