How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Kitchen Soffit?

Typical range: $120-$275

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to remove a kitchen soffit starts at $4.80-$11.00 per linear foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Soffits play an important role in any kitchen by hiding unsightly wiring, pipes and vents, but they can be an eyesore themselves. They waste space, and can make a small kitchen feel even smaller. Before a homeowner decides to remove them, they should carefully consider what's hidden inside.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Linear Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:$4.80$11.00
Range for this type of project:$120$275
Estimate: $198
Kitchen Soffit Labor, Basic
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Soffit will be detached from mounting surfaces, broken into portable segments, and removed from premises. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project except asbestos handling, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Kitchen Soffit Debris Disposal
linear feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Standard services
Kitchen Soffit Labor, Basic
$114 -$269
Labor cost, under typical conditions, for complete project. Soffit will be detached from mounting surfaces, broken into portable segments, and removed from premises. Fee is inclusive of all aspects of the project except asbestos handling, such as thorough planning, acquisition of equipment and material, preparation and protection of project site, and meticulous cleanup.
Kitchen Soffit Debris Disposal
$6 -$6
linear feet
Responsible disposal of all project debris, including the cost to load and haul old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:
$5 - $11
Range for this type of project:
$120 - $275
Cost Comparison

$125 -$285

Remove a Kitchen Soffit: national average cost

The national average materials cost to remove a kitchen soffit is $0.25 per linear foot, with a range between $0.24 to $0.27. The total price for labor and materials per linear foot is $8.20, coming in between $4.99 to $11.42. A typical 25 linear foot project costs $205.04, with a range of $124.64 to $285.44. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to remove a kitchen soffit
National Avg. Materials Cost per linear foot$0.25
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 25 linear foot$205.04
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 25 linear foot$124.64 - $285.44

Remove and Disguise

Once a homeowners decides to remove soffits, they must decide what they'll do with what's behind them. They often hide ducts that extract air from a cooktop, wiring for all of the electronics and possibly water or gas pipes. Depending on what's behind them, it may be possible to remove them and disguise the underlying parts in a more streamlined way.

Cost Factors

If there are too many pipes, wires and ducts behind the soffits, it will often be difficult to hide them without putting up new ones. It's possible to reroute these parts, but that can add many hours to the job, which increases the cost. Replacing the existing ones can take a long time because all adjacent cabinets and crown molding must be removed first. For homeowners who aren't replacing the soffits, the amount of finish work required to integrate the open space with rest of the kitchen can also significantly impact the project cost.

Professional Help is Recommended

It is possible to remove kitchen soffits yourself, given the appropriate tools, time and knowledge. However, it's a long and arduous job that involves a lot of disassembly and reassembly, as well as cutting through drywall and timber supports. Hiring a contractor who has experience with this type of job is highly recommended.

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