How Much Does It Cost To Paint A Two Story House?

Typical range: $3,251-$6,855

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to paint a two story house starts at $1.30-$2.74 per sq ft finished. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live
Sq Ft Finished

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per sq ft finished:$1.30$2.74
Range for this type of project:$3,251$6,855
Estimate: $5,053
Two Story House Painting Cost
square feet
Cost of enamel paint for exterior surfaces including wood, vinyl, masonry, stucco, and brick. This latex-based coating is both paint and primer in one. Finish options include eggshell, flat, and semi-gloss, and all are mildew-resistant. Rate includes local delivery, and standard excess for perfect coverage and ongoing touch-ups. 15-Year Warranty guarantees exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Two Story House Painting
Labor costs for the complete project, given favorable site conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the sequence, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, painting and cleanup. Prep work may take up to 1 hour per 100 square feet, and will include removing loose paint, spot-priming, and caulking edges and gaps. Two complete coats of paint will ensure a perfect finish. Trim painting not included in basic labor assessment.
Job Supplies for Two Story House Painting
square feet
All of the supplies and materials necessary for the flawless execution of the painting job, such as masking tape and paper, materials to repair the painting surface, solvents, and cleaning supplies.
Equipment Allowance for Two Story House Painting
Equipment allowance for specialty tools such as power washing unit, random orbit sander, airless paint sprayer, as well as protective tarps and support devices including ladders and scaffolding. This is assessed as a daily rental fee; single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Optional Services
Power Wash Surface Labor (Optional)
Ensure perfect preparation with power-washing in advance of painting. Surface will be cleared of solid debris, cleaner applied with light scrubbing, and the surface will be thoroughly power-washed and rinsed.
Standard services
Two Story House Painting Cost
$670 -$928
square feet
Cost of enamel paint for exterior surfaces including wood, vinyl, masonry, stucco, and brick. This latex-based coating is both paint and primer in one. Finish options include eggshell, flat, and semi-gloss, and all are mildew-resistant. Rate includes local delivery, and standard excess for perfect coverage and ongoing touch-ups. 15-Year Warranty guarantees exceptional quality.
Basic Labor for Two Story House Painting
$2,296 -$5,591
Labor costs for the complete project, given favorable site conditions. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the sequence, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, painting and cleanup. Prep work may take up to 1 hour per 100 square feet, and will include removing loose paint, spot-priming, and caulking edges and gaps. Two complete coats of paint will ensure a perfect finish. Trim painting not included in basic labor assessment.
Job Supplies for Two Story House Painting
$180 -$206
square feet
All of the supplies and materials necessary for the flawless execution of the painting job, such as masking tape and paper, materials to repair the painting surface, solvents, and cleaning supplies.
Equipment Allowance for Two Story House Painting
$105 -$130
Equipment allowance for specialty tools such as power washing unit, random orbit sander, airless paint sprayer, as well as protective tarps and support devices including ladders and scaffolding. This is assessed as a daily rental fee; single-use elements will incur separate charges.
Optional Services
Power Wash Surface Labor (Optional)
$761 -$1,854
Ensure perfect preparation with power-washing in advance of painting. Surface will be cleared of solid debris, cleaner applied with light scrubbing, and the surface will be thoroughly power-washed and rinsed.
What you can expect
Range per sq ft finished:
$1 - $3
Range for this type of project:
$3,251 - $6,855
Cost Comparison

$3,375 -$7,116

Paint a two story house: national average cost

The national average materials cost to paint a two story house is $0.31 per sq ft finished, with a range between $0.26 to $0.36. The total price for labor and materials per sq ft finished is $2.10, coming in between $1.35 to $2.85. A typical 2500 sq ft finished project costs $5,245.22, with a range of $3,374.89 to $7,115.54. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to paint a two story house
National Avg. Materials Cost per sq ft finished$0.31
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 2500 sq ft finished$5,245.22
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 2500 sq ft finished$3,374.89 - $7,115.54
Last updated
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