How Much Does It Cost To Mount A Cabinet?

Typical range: $169-$259

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to mount a cabinet starts at $168.99-$258.98 per cabinet. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Cabinets in the bathroom, kitchen or garage are essential when plenty of storage is required. Mounting cabinets is a crucial part of any remodel or new construction project, since they can free up counter space and improve the functionality of the room.

Cost Calculator
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Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per cabinet:$168.99$258.98
Range for this type of project:$169$259
Estimate: $214
Basic Labor for Cabinet Mounting
Standard labor cost to mount cabinets. After a full assessment of your space, your team will fabricate any necessary plumbing cutouts in back panels. They will level and secure vanity to wall, and either scribe exposed panel edge to wall surface or apply molding at edge. Finally, they will assemble and install all drawers and hardware. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Cabinet Mounting
Supplies used to mount the cabinets. Fasteners, connectors, and materials used to prepare and finish surfaces are included in this fee.
Equipment Allowance for Cabinet Mounting
Daily rental of specialty equipment that maximizes the quality and efficiency of the work. These include a pneumatic finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Removal of Cabinet Mounting Waste
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Cabinets (Optional)
Safe and expeditious removal of old cabinets, including unneeded hardware and parts. Materials will be broken down, removed from home, and disposed of safely.
Standard services
Basic Labor for Cabinet Mounting
$105 -$170
Standard labor cost to mount cabinets. After a full assessment of your space, your team will fabricate any necessary plumbing cutouts in back panels. They will level and secure vanity to wall, and either scribe exposed panel edge to wall surface or apply molding at edge. Finally, they will assemble and install all drawers and hardware. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Cabinet Mounting
$12 -$14
Supplies used to mount the cabinets. Fasteners, connectors, and materials used to prepare and finish surfaces are included in this fee.
Equipment Allowance for Cabinet Mounting
$52 -$76
Daily rental of specialty equipment that maximizes the quality and efficiency of the work. These include a pneumatic finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. Consumable equipment elements not included.
Removal of Cabinet Mounting Waste
$0 -$0
Appropriate disposal of all related project debris, including old materials, installation waste, and any other refuse.
Optional Services
Removal of Cabinets (Optional)
$13 -$84
Safe and expeditious removal of old cabinets, including unneeded hardware and parts. Materials will be broken down, removed from home, and disposed of safely.
What you can expect
Range per cabinet:
$169 - $259
Range for this type of project:
$169 - $259
Cost Comparison

$175 -$269

Mount a cabinet: national average cost

The national average materials cost to mount a cabinet is $13.32 per cabinet, with a range between $12.46 to $14.17. The total price for labor and materials per cabinet is $222.13, coming in between $175.42 to $268.83. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to mount a cabinet
National Avg. Materials Cost per cabinet$13.32
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 cabinet$222.13
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 cabinet$175.42 - $268.83

Types of Cabinets

One advantage to solid wood cabinets is that you don't have to be attached to the color of the wood, as many of them can be modified with paint or stain to match your kitchen or bathroom's color scheme. Plus, solid wood cabinets are more durable. However, they must be mounted more firmly, which takes longer.

Cost Factors for Mounting a Cabinet

The cost of mounting a cabinet can vary considerably based on individual circumstances, such as the number of cabinets to be installed and where they're being installed. Consider the cost of basic labor and job supplies, including fasteners, connectors and materials used to prepare and finish the cabinet surface. Equipment allowance is also a cost factor, as the professional you hire may need to rent specialty equipment such as a belt sander or miter saw to make sure the work is well done and completed efficiently.

How a Professional Can Help Mount a Cabinet

Proper measurements are essential when mounting a cabinet, and pros are trained to measure twice and cut once. Cutting mistakes can't be fixed easily, and incorrect measurements will result in gaps between seams and uneven cabinet surfaces. Cabinets also need to be mounted level and plumb. The contents won't sit evenly unless the cabinet is installed correctly. Cabinets also need to be secured and mounted to the drywall and studs in your kitchen, bathroom or wherever they're installed. Hiring a qualified professional will result in the best outcome.

Last updated
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