How Much Does It Cost To Install An Aluminum Soffit?

Typical range: $661-$1,336

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install an aluminum soffit starts at $6.61-$13.36 per linear foot. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

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Linear Feet

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:$6.61$13.36
Range for this type of project:$661$1,336
Estimate: $998
Aluminum Soffit Installation Cost
linear feet
Complete cost for 0.019"-thick aluminum vented soffit panel in 16" x 12' sections. With 15 pre-finished color options, it will seamlessly blend into your home's exterior. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and future repairs. Top-notch quality is fully guaranteed with a 50-year warranty.
Basic Labor for Aluminum Soffit Installation
Labor costs for standard, thorough installation. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the layout, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, installation and cleanup. They will fabricate and secure aluminum soffit, using appropriate channel moulding at seams and vent openings.
Job Supplies for Aluminum Soffit Installation
linear feet
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as corrosion-resistant fasteners, flashing, exterior-grade caulking, weather stripping, and sealants.
Equipment Allowance for Aluminum Soffit Installation
An additional fee that covers our overhead costs for the maintenance of heavy equipment, such as the pneumatic finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use equipment will incur separate charges.
Standard services
Aluminum Soffit Installation Cost
$210 -$318
linear feet
Complete cost for 0.019"-thick aluminum vented soffit panel in 16" x 12' sections. With 15 pre-finished color options, it will seamlessly blend into your home's exterior. Rate is inclusive of local delivery, as well as standard excess for perfect installation and future repairs. Top-notch quality is fully guaranteed with a 50-year warranty.
Basic Labor for Aluminum Soffit Installation
$378 -$919
Labor costs for standard, thorough installation. This will start with a full assessment of the space. Your team will plan the layout, acquire appropriate equipment, transport materials, and execute preparation, installation and cleanup. They will fabricate and secure aluminum soffit, using appropriate channel moulding at seams and vent openings.
Job Supplies for Aluminum Soffit Installation
$20 -$23
linear feet
Standard supplies and materials used in the installation process, such as corrosion-resistant fasteners, flashing, exterior-grade caulking, weather stripping, and sealants.
Equipment Allowance for Aluminum Soffit Installation
$52 -$76
An additional fee that covers our overhead costs for the maintenance of heavy equipment, such as the pneumatic finish nailer, 10" miter saw, electric jigsaw, 3" belt sander, and 3-1/4" electric planer. This is assessed as a daily rental fee, while single-use equipment will incur separate charges.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per linear foot:
$7 - $13
Range for this type of project:
$661 - $1,336
Cost Comparison

$686 -$1,387

Install an aluminum soffit: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install an aluminum soffit is $2.58 per linear foot, with a range between $2.06 to $3.11. The total price for labor and materials per linear foot is $10.36, coming in between $6.86 to $13.87. A typical 100 linear foot project costs $1,036.38, with a range of $685.90 to $1,386.85. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install an aluminum soffit
National Avg. Materials Cost per linear foot$2.58
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 100 linear foot$1,036.38
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 100 linear foot$685.90 - $1,386.85
Last updated
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