How Much Does It Cost To Install A Bathroom Medicine Cabinet?

Typical range: $1,152-$2,871

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For your project in zip code 43215 with these options, the cost to install a bathroom medicine cabinet starts at $191.96-$478.55 per cabinet. Your actual price will depend on job size, conditions, finish options you choose.

Installing a new medicine cabinet is a simple way to update a bathroom. Studies suggest that minor remodeling projects, such as replacing fixtures and painting, yield a higher return on investment when compared to more costly improvements. A new medicine cabinet may also increase the storage space keeping the clutter off of countertops.

Cost Calculator
Calculations are dependent on where you live

Standard ServicesQuantityLowHigh
What you can expect
Range per cabinet:$191.96$478.55
Range for this type of project:$1,152$2,871
Estimate: $2,012
Medicine Cabinet Installation Cost
Cost of rectangular medicine cabinet for recessed mounting; aluminum construction with mirrored door and cabinet wall.
Basic Labor for Medicine Cabinet Installation
Standard labor cost to install bathroom medicine cabinet. After a full assessment of your space, your team will lay out, mark and drill mounting holes in wall framing studs. They will then secure the unit and install trim hardware. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Medicine Cabinet Installation
Supplies used to install the cabinet. Fasteners, connectors, and materials used to prepare and finish surfaces are included in this fee.
Standard services
Medicine Cabinet Installation Cost
$959 -$2,285
Cost of rectangular medicine cabinet for recessed mounting; aluminum construction with mirrored door and cabinet wall.
Basic Labor for Medicine Cabinet Installation
$173 -$564
Standard labor cost to install bathroom medicine cabinet. After a full assessment of your space, your team will lay out, mark and drill mounting holes in wall framing studs. They will then secure the unit and install trim hardware. Planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup are included.
Job Supplies for Medicine Cabinet Installation
$20 -$23
Supplies used to install the cabinet. Fasteners, connectors, and materials used to prepare and finish surfaces are included in this fee.
Optional Services
What you can expect
Range per cabinet:
$192 - $479
Range for this type of project:
$1,152 - $2,871
Cost Comparison

$1,196 -$2,981

Install a bathroom medicine cabinet: national average cost

The national average materials cost to install a bathroom medicine cabinet is $280.57 per cabinet, with a range between $165.89 to $395.25. The total price for labor and materials per cabinet is $348.01, coming in between $199.26 to $496.76. A typical 6 cabinet project costs $2,088.08, with a range of $1,195.58 to $2,980.57. Your actual price will depend on your location, job size, conditions and finish options you choose.
cost to install a bathroom medicine cabinet
National Avg. Materials Cost per cabinet$280.57
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 6 cabinet$2,088.08
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 6 cabinet$1,195.58 - $2,980.57

Options for Installing a Bathroom Medicine Cabinet

Medicine cabinets are available with decorative picture frames, classic wood trim or minimalist beveled glass to suit a variety of styles. High-quality medicine cabinets will also have adjustable glass or metal shelving and may include a secure locking mechanism.

These products are classified according to their installation method. Surface-mounted units are anchored to the drywall while recessed cabinets are set between the studs so that the back of the door is flush with the wall. Recessed medicine cabinets save space, but the installation process is more involved, and their width is limited to approximately 15 inches.

Cost Factors

The cost of installing or replacing a bathroom medicine cabinet depends on which product the homeowner selects. In most cases, the average cost is lower for surface-mounted medicine cabinets and installations where no structural changes are required. The project may cost more if the professional has to cut through the drywall and move pipes or electrical wires. Models that feature integrated light fixtures may cost more to install if assistance from an electrician is required.

Benefits of Hiring a Pro

In most situations, a moderate level of construction knowledge is required to successfully replace or install a medicine cabinet, especially if the project requires structural changes. Professionals can also secure the medicine cabinet to the underlying framework, connect electrical lines for integrated lighting and touch up the paint or patch the drywall following the installation.

Last updated
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