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Turn Your Website Into a Haven for Searching Customers

Home Improvement can be a competitive marketplace, and standing out from the competition can make or break your leads for the month. Many in our field look at their website as a necessary means to gaining leads and potential clients. But a website can be so much more than that. By adding new content and resources to your site, you can foster a spirit of community with clients. In doing so, they will view you as a thought leader in the community and will be more obligated to search you out when they need work done. So what exactly should these resources be? Let’s explore a few.


Build a Lead-Generation Website

Building a lead generation website and driving targeted traffic is the best way to ensure quality leads. If you want more business from your website, make it for your customers, not for yourself. Steps to take:

  • Comprehension of the customer’s self
  • Use this information to increase your website sales.
  • Make sure to include information visitors want to see
  • Copywriting to attract customers
  • Create a layout that converts
  • Don’t forget about customer experience
  • Make it mobile-friendly


Answer Questions

Creating a helpful FAQ section on your site can help avoid phone calls of customers who pepper you with questions. It can also provide the answers clients are looking for as well as create healthy content for your site.

The first step in making an FAQ page is sitting down and thinking of all the questions you are asked on a regular basis. This means it’s time to get the team involved! Ask around the home office for people’s suggestions and answers. Chances are the main phone operator who takes client calls is going to have plenty of input. Format the Q&As into readable sections and as you add it to the website, ensure that it’s easily accessible with an easy to find link or tab.


Online Resources

Downloadable online resources are going to be one of the key factors in improving your site’s content and client engagement. These resources can be anything from PDFs to infographics to video how-to’s. As all of these pieces cannot be crawled by search engines, I highly suggest adding copy describing each piece to the page as this will create search engine value.

As far as content subject goes, keep it incredibly helpful. If you are an HVAC contractor, show clients how to clean their air filters. Exterior Home Improvement contractors could create a downloadable PDF checklist about preparing the home for the winter. Flooring contractors could create a video on properly cleaning a new hardwood floor. Although these ideas are not groundbreaking, when it comes to your business knowledge they certainly will keep clients coming back to your site, and remind them of your expertise.


Keep a Blog

A blog hosted on your site is an excellent way to consistently add new and fresh information to your website in bite-sized pieces. A blog gives a good perspective to your clients about what you stand for and what you find interesting. These can be quick tips for homeowners or updates on the company as a whole.

The comments section of a blog gives you a place to interact with your clients and answer questions they may have about the content. If you find the right ideas to blog about, clients may even share them on social media channels, bringing new visitors to the site. Even search engines love fresh content, which can help with your onsite SEO. So don’t host it on another site such as Blogger or Medium; keep it in-house so you keep all the online juice from your traffic.

Overall, it’s quite easy to add new resources and knowledge to your site. Sharing your expertise does not mean giving away your trade secrets. It means providing useful information for current and future clients. Through the creation of online resources, your business can thrive and create a unique community of customers that will love you for your knowledge online and expertise in the field.


Author bio

Anna Horn provides outreach for Century Home Improvements, a Lancaster, PA-based home contractor. Century has been around since 1976 and provides a variety of services focusing on the exterior of the home for their clients.

Posted by Maisie Leese on 10/26/2015