Dynamic Electrical Solutions

Electrician - Carrboro, NC

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Hillsborough Fuse Box Upgrade

Aug 2014

There are several reasons to upgrade from fuses to circuit breakers. This job was a good example of a few. There was no room for expansion in the original fuse box and because of this, over time new circuits had been jerry rigged into the box without any fuse protection. The other problem common to fuse boxes, nearly every circuit had an oversized fuse, leaving its circuits under protected. In order to resolve this we changed out the fuse box for a circuit breaker panel allowing us to properly feed the modern electrical needs of this home.


Hillsborough, NC

School Green House

Jan 2014

For this new construction project all the systems of the greenhouse had to work together based on the heat and humidity within it. From automatically opening windows to fans to heating for the winter to condensation control. All wiring was piped in water tight metal conduit for durability and protection.


Durham, NC

Southern Village Remodel

Jan 2014

Our portion of this project was to bring the kitchen and bathroom lighting and power in this 1990's built to the finest modern standard. LED lighting was retrofitted throughout the home, receptacles were changed to the new tamper resistant style for child safety, the kitchen wiring was upgraded to accommodate new more powerful appliances and thermostatically controlled bathroom floor heating was installed.


Chapel Hill, NC

Durham Backup Generator

Jan 2014

In order to keep themselves and their business running. The home owners contracted us to install a backup natural gas generator for their essential circuits. To keep HVAC, their kitchen and their office running after a loss of utility power. Project cost does not include generator or automatic transfer switch


Durham, NC

Farming Irrigation

Jan 2014

In order to expand their farm-able acreage this farm outside of Carrboro needed a way to irrigate their new crop area. With the nearest source of power over 500 feet away voltage drop had to be taken into account in order to properly size our wiring for their new pump system. The listed project cost does not include the pump system itself.


Chapel Hill, NC

Gas Line Grounding

Jan 2014

A simple service project. Bonding a gas line to a buildings electrical system prevents damage by lightning or contact with the electrical systems current carrying conductors.

Durham, NC

Chapel Hill Side Porch

Aug 2014

This new on slab 20'x10' screened porch needed some lights for the evenings and fans for the hot days. We had to be creative with our wiring to hide it from view as much as possible.


Chapel Hill, NC

Raleigh Closet Lighting

May 2014

For this project we installed fluorescent closet lights in one clothes and one hallway storage closet. To avoid sheetrock patching, all wiring was fished inside the walls from above.


Raleigh, NC

Chapel Hill Washer Dryer Hookup

Feb 2014

Adding a stackable washer and dryer into a condo kitchen closet.


Chapel Hill, NC