Summer officially starts in just over two weeks. At home that means barbecues, gardening, enjoying time on your deck, and pools.

Of course, in some parts of the country pools are a more popular home feature than others, and where there are more pools, there are more pool service companies.

We analyzed the data on the million-plus professionals on Porch to find out which states have the most pool service companies per capita. Here are the top states:

Top 10 Pool-Loving States

Rank State 1 Pool Co. per X People
1 Arizona 8,628
2 Florida 10,367
3 Nevada 10,814
4 Connecticut 22,198
5 New Hampshire 24,063
6 Texas 27,723
7 California 28,000
8 Montana 28,199
9 New Jersey 28,894
10 Wyoming 29,133

Most of the top states are the ones we would expect—Arizona, Florida, California… but a few are somewhat surprising. Montana and Wyoming particularly stand out. Pools are not particularly common in either of those states, but they both have more pool companies than their relatively small populations would suggest they might have.

Here you can find an inground pool cost calculator, if you are interested in build one in your home.

Here are the ten states with the fewest pool companies per capita:

Bottom 10 Pool-Loving States

Rank State 1 Pool Co. per X People
50 Minnesota 102,271
49 Iowa 93,649
48 Mississippi 90,643
47 Illinois 87,041
46 Michigan 77,918
45 Utah 67,462
44 Kentucky 61,906
43 Pennsylvania 61,413
42 Alaska 61,261
41 North Dakota 60,283

Want to see the full rankings? Here’s a heat map of the continental US. Click the image for an interactive map with details.


If you’re looking to get your pool ready for summer, find a pool specialist on Porch.

Top image credit: Witt Construction