We asked Jaime from That’s My Letter 16 quirky questions! This New York-based blogger dishes on everything from the strangest decoration in her house, to the worst home trend. Head on over to Jaime’s blog for building tips, DIY ideas, and to read the rest of this interview!

What are 3 words to describe your blog? Build, paint, sew – I even have it in my header!

That's my letter Porch.com

How did you become interested in blogging? A kitchen remodel in 2010 at our previous home started me blogging as a way to share the process with my friends and family.  It snowballed into a diy project blog that it is today.


Kitchen Remodel via That’s My Letter

Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!) Nothing specific comes to mind, but I can usually tell early on if it’s a fail and then I don’t waste my time.

Strangest decoration in your house? Wood spikes in the ceiling beams.  I tore down the dining room ceiling last year to reveal the beams and found two original wood spikes still in place where the old posts would have intersected the beam.  Looks scary but totally functional for 1740.

that's my letter

How to Expose Wood Beams

Hardest part about blogging? Remembering to take process photos.

Best part about blogging? Being a part of a community of bloggers, and getting to work with different companies.

haven, haven 2015, that's my letter

That’s me teaching a building class with Jen Woodhouse from The House of Wood at Haven Conference 

If your life were a song, what would it be? I’m terrible with song titles and lyrics but I love fabric and lumber.

If your walls could only be painted one color for the rest of your life, what would they be and why? White. It’s a blank slate for everything and lets all the architectural detail and decor stand out.  Send me to the nut house!

before and after, that's my lDIY Hallway Makeover

What are you exceptionally good at? (Permission to brag) Doing it myself. I do call the plumber and electrician on occasion but I’m very capable and if I want it done I will figure it out.

On the front porch blogger interview that's my letter jaime porch.com

Want to see more from That’s My Letter? Check out her blog, and be sure to follow her on twitter @thatsmyletter!

Have any bloggers you’d love to see featured? Drop us a line in the comments section below, or email Taylor at taylorh@porch.com.