We asked Rebecca from The Crafted Sparrow 16 quirky questions! This craft-astic blogger dishes on everything from her biggest DIY fail, to the worst home trend. Head on over to Rebecca’s blog for crafts & DIY projects, home decor, party planning, jewelry making, and the occasional recipe!
What’s your DIY weapon of choice? Paint! You can transform and restyle anything with paint! Whether it’s spray paint, chalk paint, or acrylics you can make something new and fresh again.
What are 3 words to describe your blog? Relatable, Fun, Easy
Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!) Re-finishing my craft room furniture. I purchased several used furniture pieces thinking I could use our compressor and a paint sprayer to quickly transform them. I definitely transformed them quickly to all black pieces, but didn’t realize that even though I was using a high gloss latex paint the paint sprayer was spitting it on to my furniture creating this horrible rough textured matte finish. Lesson learned, use a quality paint sprayer or go with my new favorite product BB Frösch Chalk Paint Powder to transform it!
Gumball Machine Succulent Planter
Words of wisdom for someone remodeling on a budget? Research! Do your homework, if there is a particular product or item you want don’t just buy the first one you see. Check home improvement stores for sales, online manufacturers for deals or clearance, second hand stores, and even re-source stores like the ones Habitat for Humanity have. You can find amazing things sometimes for less than you planned on spending. Also, research tips and tricks before beginning to be sure you know how to successfully complete your project.
How did you become interested in blogging? I have always been creative and loved sharing my projects and ideas with those around me, almost 3 years ago I decided to start blogging to document it all. My goal was to just inspire others to create fun things without spending a ton of money. I had no idea how fast it would grow and how big my audience would get. It’s been such a blessing, I’ve loved every second.
Strangest decoration in your house? A small brass mouse. I took it from my moms house when I moved out at the age of 20. I didn’t necessarily love it at the time so I’m not sure why I took it from her, but over the years I’ve grown super fond of it…every time I see him I think of home and I smile. He is featured in lots of project photos and moves to new spots in our home frequently.
Hardest part about blogging? Comparison and time. Have you heard the quote from Theodore Roosevelt … “Comparison is the Thief of Joy”? Well it’s true. In blogging there are so many amazing people with incredible talents similar to yours, some better…and some way better! It’s super hard sometimes to see friends and other bloggers getting these incredible opportunities that you would absolutely LOVE to get, then you wonder why you haven’t gotten them. Comparing myself to them can turn into self-doubt pretty quickly and lead me to think whether or not I’m doing the right thing. I have had to take a step back a couple times and do a little reality check, remind myself why I blog, and remember that amazing things come my way everyday. They may not always be over the top opportunities, but each and every single one of them is a blessing in it’s own way.
Best part about blogging? Oh gosh, there is so much! The relationships I’ve formed because of it. I’ve been lucky to meet some amazing women who inspire me daily. I also love when people share how much they love my projects and ideas, it’s an immediate boost in my spirit that some days I really need and it encourages me to keep creating fun things. Blogging has also opened doors for me in ways I wouldn’t have imaged 10 years ago when I became a stay at home mom, the companies and opportunities I’ve been blessed to work with always amaze me.

Want to see more from The Crafted Sparrow? Check out her blog, and be sure to follow her on twitter @craftedsparrow!
Have any bloggers you’d love to see featured? Drop us a line in the comments section below, or email Taylor at taylorh@porch.com.