If you’ve ever wanted to grow your own veggies, a simple planter box is a great way to get started without installing a full-fledged garden. All it takes is some lumber, dirt, and a sunny spot in your yard to be growing a beautiful bounty in no time.

Use these DIY instructions to build your own planter box in less than an hour:

Materials and Tools:

  • 8′ 4×4 post
  • 4 – 8′ 2″x6″ boards (teak, cedar, or redwood is best for outdoor use)
  • 4 – 4′ 2″x6″ boards (one 8″ board cut in half)
  • box of 3 1/2″ galvanized or stainless steel screws
  • landscaping fabric (32 square feet needed)
  • drill
  • level
  • staple gun
  • shovel
  • 30-32 cubic feet of soil
  • starters or seeds


  1. Cut 4 16″ posts for the corners.
  2. Find a flat spot to build out the planter box.
  3. Line up a corner post with each end of the 4′ boards, flush at the top and side.
  4. Pre-drill holes before attaching posts to boards.
  5. Repeat for the other 4′ end piece.
  6. Square up and attach 8′ boards to the sides, keeping flush with the end pieces.
  7. Move the planter box to its new home (make sure it gets a minimum of 6 hours of sun daily).
  8. Dig 5-6″ holes where posts will sit, then replace planter box. 
  9. Make sure the box is level and fill in the post-holes with dirt.
  10. Lay landscaping fabric and staple to sides of the planter box.
  11. Fill with soil/compost mixture and plant!

For more how-tos and quick tips, check out our other videos, here!